
[O.W.W.L. Success Tip] One-Second Cure for Resentment, Guilt, and Anxiety

self_love_lIf you have been reading my Current Journey blogs on Thursday’s at, you know that my life has been challenging and grief-stricken since my November discovery of family trauma. I am supporting my daughter and teenage granddaughters in working through fears and solutions. My husband commented recently that if people knew what I was doing to help, they would line up in droves to hire me as their coach! As always, I share with you my success tips which come from my life and my expertise. Today’s tip comes from an episode that occurred this week.

[O.W.W.L. Success Tip] Dwelling on the past produces resentment and guilt. Fear of the future produces anxiety. You can easily shift these in seconds. (Click to Tweet)

Of course, if you learn something productive from events and feelings in the past, it’s helpful in not making the same mistakes again. But if you are reliving what someone did to you or what you did wrong, then dwelling on the past cripples you. If you look to the future to plan and prepare with excitement and anticipation, that provides direction and structure. But if you focus on your fear of the future, anxiety can be paralyzing. My girls all have resentments, guilt, and anxiety in many forms, as do most of us, so when the most recent breakdown episode occurred, I implemented two techniques:

  1. When my granddaughter was stuck in her past/present context which had her filled with rage and simultaneously paralyzed with fear of the future, I brought her back to the here and now. In other words, I had her touch her skin and report the temperature. I had her tell me what the floor felt like under her feet. I asked her to talk about the clothes she was wearing and what her hair felt like. Getting grounded in physicality helps us to come back to the present moment. What do you feel, what do you see, etc.? There is no past or future in the now. Bringing focus to what is here and now regains your personal power.

(How would this practice help you when you are stuck in the past or the future fears?)

  1. To change emotional state we must change physical state. So I had my granddaughter stand up and follow me, running around the house as I ran ahead of her. The increase activity, heart rate, and breathing as a change of physical state (not to mention to audacity of me running with slippers and a robe asking her to catch me) brought her back to the present and to her power.

How would changing your physical state help you to get back into your personal power?

Each of these activities takes only seconds of your time and focus. I would love to hear how you implement this for yourself!

Teaching people to empower themselves,

P. S. I need your help…I have 5 private platinum slots available in 2015 for executive or high-level entrepreneurial clients. If you know of someone in that category who would like to shift their life and/or business world from OK to exceptional, please send us an email introduction. My email is

  • P. S. We have updated our O.W.W.L. Facebook page and provide many free resources for you. Please friend me on Facebook, like the page, and ask your friends to do the same.
  • P. P. S. Several exciting programs are in store for 2015. We will share these soon!

Success Story:

Janis is one of the most amazing and powerful executive coaches I have had the pleasure of working with. She literally helped me to break through barriers that had been keeping me stuck for years. She is nurturing and caring, yet strong and effective. Her primary goal is to move you forward and hold you as powerful at all times.

~ Becky Benes, speaker and organizational retreat facilitator, San Angelo, TX

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