and Leadership

[OWWL Success Tip] Is your team better than you are? …Do you even have a team?

Announcement: Team Janis is growing, and I am excited to announce our newest member!

ColleenFiserWebColleen Fiser, Online Business Manager, has been doing a great job in supporting our Ontological Wealth, Weight, and Leadership Mastery coaching business. With sales and marketing strategy, implementation, project management, and related business expansion areas, she and our Technical Virtual Assistant, Shannon are making magic in areas outside my unique brilliance, and I feel the wind beneath my wings.

Colleen partners with entrepreneurs to provide business and marketing services, including day-to-day task management of projects, operations, team members, and metrics, to help her clients drive traffic, increase engagement with their customers, and grow their business. In her spare time, she enjoys golfing with her husband, Jeff, and spending time in her garden.

I am so pleased to be supported in this way. Welcome, Colleen!

Success Tip: If you try to do it all, you will be a jack-of-all-trades and master of none! (Click to Tweet)

Many of us, especially entrepreneurs, do everything ourselves in order to save money or to maintain control. The problem with doing everything is that we don’t have enough time or energy to excel in any area or to grow our businesses easily.

While it requires an investment, building team saves time, energy, and money in the long run. If you hire people who know more than you do in their area of expertise, they become that wind beneath your wings, as are Shannon and Colleen for me.

Give yourself permission today to delegate one task or ask help from one more person to add fuel to your success.


P. S. If you are ready for the next level of your excellence and support in the areas of Wealth, Weight, or Leadership, please apply for a private breakthrough session with me!

Success Story:

Janis is like a mystical spiritual guide, a loving mother, and a tough-as-nails track coach rolled into one. With her wisdom and intuition combined with a practical ability to get results on the ground, she is a highly effective coach. In one month, I accomplished goals that were incredibly important to me, and all the while I felt understood and supported. If ever I have things I’d like to accomplish and don’t see how, I’ll definitely call on Janis.

~ Megan Feldman, Denver, CO

[O.W.W.L. Success Tip] One-Second Cure for Resentment, Guilt, and Anxiety

self_love_lIf you have been reading my Current Journey blogs on Thursday’s at, you know that my life has been challenging and grief-stricken since my November discovery of family trauma. I am supporting my daughter and teenage granddaughters in working through fears and solutions. My husband commented recently that if people knew what I was doing to help, they would line up in droves to hire me as their coach! As always, I share with you my success tips which come from my life and my expertise. Today’s tip comes from an episode that occurred this week.

[O.W.W.L. Success Tip] Dwelling on the past produces resentment and guilt. Fear of the future produces anxiety. You can easily shift these in seconds. (Click to Tweet)

Of course, if you learn something productive from events and feelings in the past, it’s helpful in not making the same mistakes again. But if you are reliving what someone did to you or what you did wrong, then dwelling on the past cripples you. If you look to the future to plan and prepare with excitement and anticipation, that provides direction and structure. But if you focus on your fear of the future, anxiety can be paralyzing. My girls all have resentments, guilt, and anxiety in many forms, as do most of us, so when the most recent breakdown episode occurred, I implemented two techniques:

  1. When my granddaughter was stuck in her past/present context which had her filled with rage and simultaneously paralyzed with fear of the future, I brought her back to the here and now. In other words, I had her touch her skin and report the temperature. I had her tell me what the floor felt like under her feet. I asked her to talk about the clothes she was wearing and what her hair felt like. Getting grounded in physicality helps us to come back to the present moment. What do you feel, what do you see, etc.? There is no past or future in the now. Bringing focus to what is here and now regains your personal power.

(How would this practice help you when you are stuck in the past or the future fears?)

  1. To change emotional state we must change physical state. So I had my granddaughter stand up and follow me, running around the house as I ran ahead of her. The increase activity, heart rate, and breathing as a change of physical state (not to mention to audacity of me running with slippers and a robe asking her to catch me) brought her back to the present and to her power.

How would changing your physical state help you to get back into your personal power?

Each of these activities takes only seconds of your time and focus. I would love to hear how you implement this for yourself!

Teaching people to empower themselves,

P. S. I need your help…I have 5 private platinum slots available in 2015 for executive or high-level entrepreneurial clients. If you know of someone in that category who would like to shift their life and/or business world from OK to exceptional, please send us an email introduction. My email is

  • P. S. We have updated our O.W.W.L. Facebook page and provide many free resources for you. Please friend me on Facebook, like the page, and ask your friends to do the same.
  • P. P. S. Several exciting programs are in store for 2015. We will share these soon!

Success Story:

Janis is one of the most amazing and powerful executive coaches I have had the pleasure of working with. She literally helped me to break through barriers that had been keeping me stuck for years. She is nurturing and caring, yet strong and effective. Her primary goal is to move you forward and hold you as powerful at all times.

~ Becky Benes, speaker and organizational retreat facilitator, San Angelo, TX

[OWWL Success Tip] Have you taken your mental shower today?

tut_oathI subscribe to Notes from the Universe,, written by Mike Dooley. Each day there is a little note to remind me of my possibilities. What a great way to start the day, from inspiration. My colleague, also starts her day with inspirational reading. Her book of choice now is a coffee table book our mentor Kendall SummerHawk gave us called Fight On. My client Jeaninne and my buddy Becky start their day with inspired journaling.

In all of these practices and/or meditating, prayer, etc. we clean out the negative (dirt) from our minds and emotions, replacing it with a clean, enlightened space.

O.W.W.L. Success Tip: Start your day with a mental shower to clean out the dirt, just as you shower your body daily to clean off the dirt.

Here is what my note from the Universe told me last week:

  • I am an unlimited being of life
  • I am not alone
  • Seek understanding and live deliberately
  • Decide who I want to be and live as if I already am that
  • Take four minutes of silence daily and visualize happiness
  • Contemplate how else I can view something that has happened
  • Where I am is not who I am
  • Always start again on a new train and imagine the best
  • Positive thoughts are 10,000 times more powerful than negative ones

Wouldn’t those kinds of words support all of us? Please let me know here what you do to inspire and uplift yourself every day – that is, take your mental/emotional shower.


Success Story

The growth and empowerment I achieved in one year of coaching was unexpected and priceless. Janis is a blessing to all she encounters. Janis is fun and full of life. Her spirit of enthusiasm fills the room because she truly is passionate about what she does. I love working with her because of her dependability and her follow through. Please call me for references.

– Becky Benes, Empowerment Coach, Spiritual Director, and Speaker

[Current O.W.W.L. Journey] Getting back up off the floor

nevergiveupLast month was a tough month for me. I shut myself down. I was afraid. I had the experience of being tired of striving, struggling, and suffering. I fell down on the floor and couldn’t get up. I needed help.

Wanting to quit, drive, or suffer is a common theme of my clients who are confronted with too much possibility, especially when they stretch beyond their comfort zones. The quitter theme was rampant for me last month. I even told my coach, “I want to quit!”.

But like most things, “Quit, Drive, Suffer” is a choice.

So I went to my training conference in Tucson last week. It was for training, yes, but more so it was for escaping misery. However, not wanting to stay in this mud, I gave myself a three-fold intention:

  • Find my motivation
  • Find my direction
  • Find the people to help me

Good news! I found all three! Here are the factors that helped me, and I write them not only to share with you for your success, but also to reinforce them for me.

  1. Set the intention to shift my state
  2. Take some time off
  3. Surround myself with positive people who care about me and want me to win
  4. Ask for support (emotional)
  5. Listen to the coaching (action)
  6. Take care of myself

I’m excited to share with you that I am taking my business to the next level. What is the next level for you and your business or life?

Found my mojo!

Success Stories

“You’re relaxed, less driven, more peaceful, goal focused, more engaged in really understanding what’s going on in your world rather then just reacting to stuff, engaged in the inquiry for self, increased awareness for self and increased possibility for self, not reactive, skin/eyes are clearer, taking better care of presentation like using makeup, in more action regarding health like seeing your doctor, cooking more.”

[O.W.W.L. Success Tip] Will you dance with me? It helps you succeed!

danceWhether you can or cannot dance isn’t the question. The question is “Will you dance?”

O.W.W.L. Success Tip: Make your project a dance.

Dance could be a real physical activity, or it could be a metaphor.

Real activity: We know that movement aids us in business due to the changes in our mental and emotional states by changing physical state. What we may not know is that dancing as a movement integrates emotional, mental, and spiritual aspects along with the physical. It is a multilevel experience, and it works whether you “know how” to dance or not! Just a few moments ago, I danced through the house to Yanni’s “Reflections of Passion.” No one here but me to feel the music, glide down the hall, connect with something more than myself, and raise my heart rate. It clears the head, releases tension, and develops intuition and creativity.

Metaphor: Dancing also helps you succeed metaphorically. When you “dance” with an idea or “dance” with your project plan, or “dance” with a prospective client, you give yourself to be flexible, yet in the flow. You give yourself permission to be less rigid and to listen to feedback.

As in partnership dancing, when we move in tandem with another for the most joyful results, we have an attitude of play and synchronicity, at attitude of lightness. When we have setbacks and are viewing our project as a dance, we recover faster and get back on the dance floor sooner.

Will you dance today with your business and your life? When you do, remember me!


Success Story

I want to acknowledge Janis Pullen today for being a freaking AWESOME coach! She helped me see that I was playing a game I couldn’t possibly win (in the empowered sense of the word). Together we designed a new game complete with rules I love and prizes that feed my spirit.

Specifically, she was an impeccably insightful listener, patient yet interruptive when necessary, lavished me with acknowledgement, and was so creative I wanted to play along.

Thank you, Janis!
– Dinah Snow, Certified Money, Marketing, and Soul Coach,
President-elect, International Coach Federation – Colorado

Just Released!

Lose Weight for Life:

9 Unconscious reasons you can’t keep the weight off and what to do about it

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Have you lost weight and want to keep it off? Do you want to be a part of a community of others who shares this goal? Then The Keep It Off Club is right for you!

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