visibility in business

[O.W.W.L. Success Tip] Are you emotionally irresponsible? How do you know?

Many of my clients and O. W. L. Certified Coaches didn’t really understand the role emotions have on their lives, including wealth, weight, and leadership. They either feel emotions deeply, which distracts them from their goals, or they don’t feel them at all. Either way is not a powerful, responsible strategy.

Mother TeresaMother Teresa once said, “Let us always meet each other with a smile, for the smile is the beginning of love.”

This is a perfect example of being emotionally responsible. Mother Teresa knew what science is now proving: our emotions literally change our world and impact those around us either positively and/or negatively.

Leaders’ emotions drive their team and actually impact employee morale, job satisfaction and productivity. In recent studies, it has been proven that our emotions are contagious. Just like the flu, we can catch another persons stress, negativity and/or happiness.

According to studies conducted by Dr. Paul Ekman, universal emotions like surprise, fear, happiness, disgust, contempt and sadness are found in all cultures and nationalities, and are detectable even when a person is attempting to conceal them. They are transferred to others through our facial expressions, body language, postures, and voices.

Emotions not only can be transferred through personal contact, they are also finding them being transferred through social media. In a collaborative Facebook study with Cornell University, UC San Francisco and Facebook, it was found that people exposed to positive or negative posts on FB, would follow suit with a positive or a negative post, depending on what they saw. The effect of the posts would last about a week with them continuing to post positive or negative posts depending on what they had been exposed too.

You have probably experienced this in your family, at work, or being involved with people anywhere. Some people come in and are a beam of light; others come in and suck the air out of the room with their cloud of negativity. The big question is: Who are you? How do you show up? Do people love seeing you show up, or are they secretly dreading your appearance?

These are some difficult questions and often not ones you want to know the answer to. However, awareness is the key to change. Being an authentic leader requires you to know yourself and your impact on others.

We are all called to be kind, civil, and respectful. One way to develop this quality is through Loving-Kindness Meditation. This meditation focuses your attention on actually being the light or being loving and kind in the world.

One practice is to daily sit quietly, take some deep breaths, and offer thoughts of loving/kindness to you, others and to all humanity everywhere. Do this for about 5 minutes daily and see your life and the impact you have on others transform.

Sending you loving kindness,

PS. Becky Benes hosts the A. W. E. (Authentic Women Empowerment) November 4, 2015. Click here for details and registration.

PSS: The 2015 O. W. L. Coach Certification and Training Program has 2 more openings. If you know of anyone who interested in helping the obesity crisis, become a powerful wellness coach, and build a profitably coaching practice, please have them contact us at

[O.W.W.L. Success Tip] Would you rather work hard or work soft?

Do you feel you are really working hard?

What would it look like if you chose to “work soft”…and get everything.

woman in the fieldIn observing and buddying with Ellen for two years, I have noticed that she runs her very lucrative coaching business while raising two boys and a husband. (…not raising the husband, but having one!) She also takes the summer months off every year, runs several programs at once, and has written several books. Ellen doesn’t work; she PLAYS! She giggles when she has a breakthrough. She calls breakdowns “interesting.”

What I have gleaned from Ellen’s philosophy is that “working soft” is a mindset.  It includes having inspired action and joyful implementation.  It shifts “have to and should” to “delighted to and excited to.”  Working soft doesn’t make anything wrong or bad. It makes things a puzzle or a game or an opportunity.

Change your philosophy to “I work soft, not hard” by asking yourself these questions:

  • What sabotaging beliefs do you have that feed the working hard cycle?  E.g. I have to trade time for dollars, everything takes longer to do, I have to do it all myself
  • What new beliefs will you practice instead? E. g. I am fully-supported by excellent people, I can get two hits with one swing, self-care is my first priority

I am a champion for you getting the life you love!

PS. Learn more about working soft through the 2015 O. W. L. Coach Certification and Training Program. Please contact for information regarding this important avenue of fulfillment and income.

Success Story:

You’re like one of those really, really huge trees in the redwoods forest – your roots go so deep, your branches are so expansive – you reach the heavens, and entire colonies grow and flourish in your arms.

Sue Tsigaros, Executive Mastery Coach, Sidney, Australia

[O.W.W.L. Success Tip] Which Pillar of Success is missing from your leadership?

GrowI have written previously about the two pillars of success for any endeavor. I featured one of these in last Thursday’s blog post with an article written by client and colleague Gale O’Brien. She knows this first-hand, as she is a cancer survivor and health advocate.

O.W.W.L. Success Tip: To attain ultimate success in any endeavor, you must have 90% or above in the two Pillars of Success.

The first pillar of success is Well-Being, as Gale’s article discusses. In leadership, we call this Leader Care with a daily practice of doing things that regenerate, renew, and resource you.

The second pillar of success is integrity, which means being whole and complete – no parts broken. High integrity means doing things from commitment, inspiration, and because you said you would. Keeping your promises to yourself and others is a hallmark of a great leader.

Are you at 100% in both of these? If not, what can you do today to move in that direction?


P.S. I am hosting a free live teleclass you will want to attend on May 13. It covers the three areas that warm the cockles of my heart: weight loss sabotages, building businesses, and making money. Watch for more information coming soon on how to register for the free class.

P.P.S. Many people who follow and appreciate my work are earning commissions by referring others. I love to pay commissions! Become an affiliate in my Reciprocity Program.

[OWWL Success Tip] Is your team better than you are? …Do you even have a team?

Announcement: Team Janis is growing, and I am excited to announce our newest member!

ColleenFiserWebColleen Fiser, Online Business Manager, has been doing a great job in supporting our Ontological Wealth, Weight, and Leadership Mastery coaching business. With sales and marketing strategy, implementation, project management, and related business expansion areas, she and our Technical Virtual Assistant, Shannon are making magic in areas outside my unique brilliance, and I feel the wind beneath my wings.

Colleen partners with entrepreneurs to provide business and marketing services, including day-to-day task management of projects, operations, team members, and metrics, to help her clients drive traffic, increase engagement with their customers, and grow their business. In her spare time, she enjoys golfing with her husband, Jeff, and spending time in her garden.

I am so pleased to be supported in this way. Welcome, Colleen!

Success Tip: If you try to do it all, you will be a jack-of-all-trades and master of none! (Click to Tweet)

Many of us, especially entrepreneurs, do everything ourselves in order to save money or to maintain control. The problem with doing everything is that we don’t have enough time or energy to excel in any area or to grow our businesses easily.

While it requires an investment, building team saves time, energy, and money in the long run. If you hire people who know more than you do in their area of expertise, they become that wind beneath your wings, as are Shannon and Colleen for me.

Give yourself permission today to delegate one task or ask help from one more person to add fuel to your success.


P. S. If you are ready for the next level of your excellence and support in the areas of Wealth, Weight, or Leadership, please apply for a private breakthrough session with me!

Success Story:

Janis is like a mystical spiritual guide, a loving mother, and a tough-as-nails track coach rolled into one. With her wisdom and intuition combined with a practical ability to get results on the ground, she is a highly effective coach. In one month, I accomplished goals that were incredibly important to me, and all the while I felt understood and supported. If ever I have things I’d like to accomplish and don’t see how, I’ll definitely call on Janis.

~ Megan Feldman, Denver, CO

[Current O.W.W.L. Journey] I have been feeling trapped

Last weekend we had 14 inches of snow in 2 days. I know this doesn’t compare to the weather back east, but since I live at the bottom of a very steep, long driveway in the mountains, I felt trapped. To make matters worse, the snow plow for the road didn’t arrive until later in the day, even if I could have escaped my driveway. The main problem was that the snow storm came on my only day off when I had fun things to do that had to be rescheduled, including a massage.

Trapped…that’s a word that many of us have used for other circumstances than snow…trapped in a relationship, trapped in a financial situation, trapped in a job, trapped in a body you don’t love, etc. It occurs this way for me when I think I don’t have options or choice. What makes you feel trapped?

I realized that I do have options regarding this snow. I can sell my house and move to town. I can watch the weather report and stay in a motel or with a friend if snow is imminent. I can reschedule my time so that I have a day off during the week when the snow has melted.

So I shifted the experience of feeling trapped to an experience of having the opportunity to be creative and change my context. We surely do need the moisture for our parched forests, after all!

Practicing a perspective of creating freedom,

P. S. If you are feeling trapped and would like freedom instead, you will want to take advantage of a private breakthrough session with me. Please apply here.

Just Released!

Lose Weight for Life:

9 Unconscious reasons you can’t keep the weight off and what to do about it

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