visibility in business

[Current O.W.W.L. Journey] Thank you to my supporters

bearsThe past two weeks have been instrumental in getting revitalized after some stressful months. I have been blessed and honored to have many people in my fan club, including my husband, my 2015 Mastery Coach sisters, my Girls’ Night Out ladies, my local and out-of-state friends and colleagues, my mentor coaches, my Facebook friends, my sister, and countless others.

One of the O.W.W.L. Sabotage patterns that will be included in my forthcoming book (sent to the editor last night) is “Separate, Alone, Hard.” I find in my life that “Connection, Partnering, and Support” really make a big difference in having an empowering life.

To whom do you turn for support and help? I’d love to hear from you here.

With support and care,

[O.W.W.L. Success Tip] How to get back in balance when you’re not

balanceIs your life out of balance? Are you aware that there are areas in which you spend more time and energy while ignoring or skimping on other areas?

[O.W.W.L. Success Tip] Balance yourself physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually (Click to Tweet)

Being out of balance means that something is not being taken care of or addressed while you give something else priority. You can operate this way for a time, but at some point breakdowns will occur. For instance, if you have neglected your physical well being such as sleep, exercise, nutrition, etc., you may get sick. If you have concentrated exclusively on work, you may get burned out. If you have not expressed your emotional needs, you may go into a depression. If you have not strengthened your spiritual well being, you may become resigned or hopeless. If you have focused on pleasing others, you may have neglected your own dreams and possibilities, which eventually causes resentment, guilt, and/or remorse.

Review your life’s areas. Notice areas in which you expend too much energy and time. Notice areas in which you expend too little energy and time. Is this what you want? You get to choose. Tweak.

To your balanced and peaceful year,

P.S. I have only five slots open this year for new private clients. If you want to change your world exponentially this year and would like to be considered for my Mastery Coaching Program, please apply here.

Success Story:

Janis is one of the most amazing and powerful executive coaches I have had the pleasure of working with. She literally helped me to break through barriers that had been keeping me stuck for years. She is nurturing and caring; yet, strong and effective. Her primary goal is to move you forward and hold you as powerful at all times. This is truly a gift to be on this call with her as she shares her wisdom.
~for Texas Business Women Association presentation 01/22/15

[My OWWL Journey] Sharing a deep sorrow

13846369_sI want to share a deep sorrow from my personal life that I don’t know how to handle. I feel that it is important for you to know that as coaches, we have “life happens” all the time. Some of it is big like a divorce or death or child custody battles, and some of it is smaller like a new home or fear of filling a program, but either way, life happens. You all know this from your personal lives.

What we must do as coaches is to get the support we need and work through our emotions and breakdowns and keep going toward our commitment to ourselves. That is what I am doing now.

I set a very big goal for this month, and something has happened to derail me from that and from my commitment. I just learned last week that my granddaughter is in crisis and has been cutting herself on purpose. She has been living in another city with her father and stepmother, so I was not aware of all this. She came to visit my daughter last week and ended up in an ambulance and in a psychiatric ward. I learned that she has other dissociative behavior patterns too. I am sick with grief, both for her and for my daughter and my other granddaughter who found her on the floor in a pool of blood. As a coach and mom and grandma, I want to help. As the daughter of a mother who committed suicide, I am triggered. I have reached out to my client, who is a therapist, to help me understand all of this. I have also reached out to my husband and two of my dear friends to get the emotional support I need. I am crying on and off and being with the emotions as they come up. And I am still committed to my business and to my goals while I learn how to deal with this crisis.

So the reason I’m sharing (or oversharing maybe) is that I want you to know we don’t always have to have our lives perfect to be coaches. We don’t always have to know what to do to help people. All we have to do is to show up and be loving and compassionate and be committed to being the best we can be. As I write this to you, I am reminding myself to do that very thing: show up, be loving, be compassionate, and be committed to being the best I can be.

Please hold me and my family in your hearts with love.


[O.W.W.L Success Tip] Shedding the Weight of Excuses

Sometimes our weather here is the mountains is cold with snow storms and wind. When winter is here, I do not want to walk at 7:00 am. So I make up excuses. Sometimes I don’t want to make marketing calls for my business because I would rather have people just call me. So I make up excuses.

no-excuses-300x225The problem with excuses is that they weigh us down, just as regrets, finances, incompletion, or anything else weighs us down. Good news: We can shed the weight of excuses easily and quickly.

I’m going to keep this short and sweet.

Excuses can be traded in immediately for Choices! (click to tweet)

If you don’t want to walk, don’t walk. If you want to get fat and flabby, get fat and flabby. If you want to stay fit, stay fit. You don’t need to give anyone any excuse for what you choose. If you want to build your business, make the calls. If you want to put more in savings, choose to stop spending. All you need to do is choose.

As they say, this is not nuclear science. Just remember that whenever you choose, you empower yourself. And remember, too, that when you don’t choose, you are really choosing. You’re just not conscious that a non-choice is a choice.

Happy ending: I choose not to walk in freezing weather. I choose to be fit. I choose the recumbent bicycle, jazzercise, zumba, and the weights. I choose to walk when the weather gets back up above 40.

More happy ending: I choose to tell people about my services so I can support them in their lives, and I choose to build my business by working with people I like to talk to…so I make the calls.

What do you choose, and what is your happy ending?

Happy choosing,

P. S. If you are ready to shed the weight of excuses, give yourself the gift of empowerment, and start the New Year off with success, you will want to learn more about our year-end special, the VIP Plus Coaching Program. This is a beautiful, wildly-popular, affordable coaching program and will be customized just for you. Schedule your appointment now at to learn how this will benefit you.

[Current O.W.W.L. Journey] Why does writing a book have to mean “Open Kimono”?

You may have heard that I am writing a book entitled ‘Lose Weight for Life: 9 Reasons You Can’t Keep Your Weight Off and What to do About It’. It discusses the nine Ontological Weight Loss (O.W.L.) sabotage patterns and how to shift them for permanent weight loss.

I completed my first draft before Labor Day and sent it to my Project Manager Bethany for initial review, thinking that we would just need a few tweaks and then it would be ready for the publication process. I was wrong!

Bethany gave me wise, helpful feedback, including her perspective that my book read more like a workbook. She felt the best, most compelling part of the book was my own journey from anorexia and obesity along with the stories of my clients’ breakdowns and successes…in other words, the human interest elements.

Wow! I agreed with her. The nine ontological shifts are just concepts until we put them into stories showing how they fit into our lives. But I never thought that my own “I” story was so compelling until I saw it through Bethany’s eyes. She remarked that I could have the whole book be about my journey and how each sabotage pattern fit in. Several others I have spoken with since agreed with Bethany.

The only problem is that I have to “open my kimono” and share with you more deeply, more authentically. What will you think of me? Will you judge me? Or will you relate to me? This will take a mindset of courage, vulnerability, and transparency.

I accept the challenge! So I am dedicating time in the next few weeks to revamp the book. I know you are going to love it when it’s finished. In the meantime, please send me support and encouragement!


P. S. Excellent short videos as a resource for you: Watch Brenee Brown’s two talks on YouTube:

“The Power of Vulnerability”

“Listening to Shame.”

Just Released!

Lose Weight for Life:

9 Unconscious reasons you can’t keep the weight off and what to do about it

Join The Club!!

Have you lost weight and want to keep it off? Do you want to be a part of a community of others who shares this goal? Then The Keep It Off Club is right for you!

To learn more about
The Keep It Off Club membership, please visit: