Kendall Summerhawk

[Current O.W.W.L. Journey] Why does writing a book have to mean “Open Kimono”?

You may have heard that I am writing a book entitled ‘Lose Weight for Life: 9 Reasons You Can’t Keep Your Weight Off and What to do About It’. It discusses the nine Ontological Weight Loss (O.W.L.) sabotage patterns and how to shift them for permanent weight loss.

I completed my first draft before Labor Day and sent it to my Project Manager Bethany for initial review, thinking that we would just need a few tweaks and then it would be ready for the publication process. I was wrong!

Bethany gave me wise, helpful feedback, including her perspective that my book read more like a workbook. She felt the best, most compelling part of the book was my own journey from anorexia and obesity along with the stories of my clients’ breakdowns and successes…in other words, the human interest elements.

Wow! I agreed with her. The nine ontological shifts are just concepts until we put them into stories showing how they fit into our lives. But I never thought that my own “I” story was so compelling until I saw it through Bethany’s eyes. She remarked that I could have the whole book be about my journey and how each sabotage pattern fit in. Several others I have spoken with since agreed with Bethany.

The only problem is that I have to “open my kimono” and share with you more deeply, more authentically. What will you think of me? Will you judge me? Or will you relate to me? This will take a mindset of courage, vulnerability, and transparency.

I accept the challenge! So I am dedicating time in the next few weeks to revamp the book. I know you are going to love it when it’s finished. In the meantime, please send me support and encouragement!


P. S. Excellent short videos as a resource for you: Watch Brenee Brown’s two talks on YouTube:

“The Power of Vulnerability”

“Listening to Shame.”

[Current Wealth Journey] How “Sacred Money Archetypes” saved me money

SMA-Cards-Fan350Last year I became certified as a “Sacred Money Archetypes” coach. I hadn’t intended to become certified in this program; I enrolled for my own financial process. (A good coach always studies, improves, and grows in her own life.) In the process of learning about my own money archetypes, I saw how valuable this content would be for my clients, so I now include the SMA content in my “Weight of Money” wealth programs.

I learned about myself in this program that my top three money archetypes are Celebrity, Nurturer, and Ruler. That’s why I want to help people celebrate their victories big and small. That’s why I want to help, serve, and support people. That’s why I want to build a group of other coaches worldwide and teach them how to have successful businesses. However, those same archetypes are why I often overspend, over-deliver in my coaching, and become hard on myself when I mess up.

Weight of Money Breakthrough Program by Janis PullenWhy did understanding my archetypes save me money? I discovered my money gifts and how to utilize them fully. I discovered my money challenges and how to overcome them. I discovered my sacred money contract. And last year I increased my coaching business to over 6 figures!

I’m curious to know where you are in your wealth journey, what you’re proud of and what your challenges are.

Oh, and by the way here are some resources to support you in creating a new relationship to wealth and money and an expanded stream of income:

  • Special Weight of Money Breakthrough 90-day Group Coaching Program. Visit Then contact me for specific details at
  • If you are a coach or a health practitioner who would like a booming business and would like to help people keep their weight off forever, please check out the new O.W.L. Weight Loss Certification and Training Program which begins in February. This program combines leadership skills, powerful coaching techniques, business building training, as well as teaching the 9 sabotage patterns block permanent weight loss and how to shift them. Visit for more information. This program can be your pathway to expanding your income stream and improving your finances in the coming year.
  • Sincerely,

    Success Story

    It is with honor and great pleasure that I speak to you about considering Janis Pullen as your coach. She is indeed an incredible partner and being of presence. She is compassionate, transparent, honest and authentic – in fact, she puts into practice what she inspires in her clients. I am excited about the path and journey I have chosen to take through coaching. You would be fortunate to choose Janis as your coach.

    ~Jeaninne Grayson, CEO Center Now and Ananda Yoga, Corrales, NM

Just Released!

Lose Weight for Life:

9 Unconscious reasons you can’t keep the weight off and what to do about it

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