
[Current OWWL Journey] Taking support to the next level

family_supportSince I wrote in December about my granddaughter’s cutting and bulimia, I have been taking courageous, continual action to get my daughter and granddaughters into therapy and to begin the process of healing, not just these symptoms, but the deep wounds that all three have. Thank you to all who reached out to me with resources and emotional support and who continue to do so.

Because of the personality disorder diagnosed for my granddaughter and the repercussions with all three of them, she is now living with me until more healing can take place with all. My experience in healing my own wounds along with my expertise with coaching, especially ontological coaching, has prepared me my whole life to support people with compassion, creativity, and love.

Last week my husband told me that I am the perfect person to help these young women and that this could be my crowning accomplishment in life. He cried when he said it. My husband doesn’t easily cry OR praise.

So the topic of taking support to the next level is both on a giving level and on a receiving level. I choose to give support by opening my home, my heart, and my wisdom. This takes extraordinary patience, focus, intention, and love. People in pain resist transformation with all the strength they can muster. With the breakdowns that have occurred, I am the rock who holds it all together with serenity and grace. I am a stand for love healing. I am a stand for these young women creating lives that they love instead of suffering and struggling.

The problem is that when I am alone, I weep with despair and the fear that I am not strong enough keep supporting them and to endure the pain – mine and theirs. My business marketing activities suffer as my energy tanks. My timeline on my book is delayed as my creativity declines.

I am reaching out to everyone who knows and loves me for support. Here are the recommendations I have received for how to take my own support to the next level:

  • Coaching and/or therapy
  • Sacred practice every morning
  • Physical well being
  • Setting boundaries, including work hours and emotional boundaries
  • Scheduling fun activities
  • Dancing again
  • Lots of baths
  • Massage
  • Delegating tasks to others

What are some other ways you can recommend for me and others in similar situations to take support to the next level? Thank you in advance for your kind thoughts and prayers.


[Current O.W.W.L. Journey] I need your help in my book strategy

Question-TimeLast week I wrote that I am writing a book entitled Lose Weight for Life: 9 Reasons You Can’t Keep Your Weight Off and What to do About It. It discusses the nine Ontological Weight Loss (O.W.L.) sabotage patterns and how to shift them for permanent weight loss.

I need your help. As I write this book with an emphasis on my own story and how the 9 reasons fit it, here are my questions. Please respond:

  1. Would you be interested in that book?
  2. Should the subtitle be “9 Reasons” or “9 Unconscious Reasons”?
  3. Would you be interested in a DIY workbook to accompany the book?
  4. Would you also be interested in a mini-book to give weekly ontological practice assignments to help keep your weight off?

Thank you so much for your feedback! Please answer here.

With appreciation,

P. S. Have you applied for a complimentary Ultimate Coach Discovery Session with me yet? You will want to email me at to set it up if you are interested in being the best coach you can be…the Ultimate Coach!

Success Story

One of the most important results O.W.L. has produced for me in addition to weight loss has been an incredible confidence when it comes to my professional life. When I first started my business, I felt frumpy; and wanted to hide out where no one could see me because I felt so overweight. I hid behind my desk, behind my baggy clothes and by being quiet, not seeking the clients I knew I needed for my business to succeed.

After entering O.W.L., I began to see how eating and weight gain were part of my hiding out as well. The holistic approach the O.W.L. Program affected not just weight, but my whole essence, and resulted in me feeling strong, confident and owning my strengths and abilities – and that has meant a huge increase in clients and income.

~Debra Gilroy, PhD, Wellfleet, MA

[Current O.W.W.L. Journey] Thank you for helping me step into a larger market

audianceIn case you missed it, last week I posted my decision to expand the direction of our O.W.L. business into a “larger audience” of organizations, including internal coaches/trainers, and independent coaches/trainers who want to assist employees and/or clients in improving their fitness levels. Already I have received emails regarding possibilities and contacts. Thank you!

My vision is to help people worldwide who struggle and suffer with weight to drop the weight permanently with grace and ease, to experience peace, and to love themselves unconditionally. My vision is also to support successful, prosperous businesses.

As I mentioned last week, research shows that obesity in the workforce costs companies directly and indirectly in terms of higher insurance premiums, lower productivity, and higher absenteeism, not to mention biases and prejudice in hiring, retention, and employee relations. I want to make a difference in helping companies cut costs and improve productivity, as well as taking my work global.

If you know of an executive, executive or organizational coach (internal or external), or corporate wellness company owner, please share those contacts with me. None of the organizational fitness programs that I know of offer the ontological work that I do, and this fits with every weight loss/fitness program.

Thank you in again for sharing any contacts you may know who would value having a conversation with me. Please respond via this blog or email your suggestions to

Thank you again,

Success Story

Lisa before & afterI had four surgeries in 2010, and in 2011 I decided to join a weight loss challenge at my gym. If it didn’t work I was ready to second mortgage my house to pay for lap band or gastric by-pass surgery. I KNOW what to eat, I KNOW how to work out, but I don’t know WHY I’m eating.

I really believe that Janis Pullen saved my life! I feel as if a doorway to another time line has opened and I stepped in and am now living the life I was meant to.

Janis and the O.W.L. program have affected every aspect of my life! My marriage is better, and it was great to begin with, I’m developing and achieving goals in other parts of my life, and I’m making a difference for others. I am also now a graduate of the O.W.L. Coach Certification and Training Program because I believe so much in this work.

P. S. I have released over ninety-one pounds to date and continue to work with Janis to release the rest.

Thank you Janis!

Lisa, PhD

[Current O.W.W.L. Journey] Getting back up off the floor

nevergiveupLast month was a tough month for me. I shut myself down. I was afraid. I had the experience of being tired of striving, struggling, and suffering. I fell down on the floor and couldn’t get up. I needed help.

Wanting to quit, drive, or suffer is a common theme of my clients who are confronted with too much possibility, especially when they stretch beyond their comfort zones. The quitter theme was rampant for me last month. I even told my coach, “I want to quit!”.

But like most things, “Quit, Drive, Suffer” is a choice.

So I went to my training conference in Tucson last week. It was for training, yes, but more so it was for escaping misery. However, not wanting to stay in this mud, I gave myself a three-fold intention:

  • Find my motivation
  • Find my direction
  • Find the people to help me

Good news! I found all three! Here are the factors that helped me, and I write them not only to share with you for your success, but also to reinforce them for me.

  1. Set the intention to shift my state
  2. Take some time off
  3. Surround myself with positive people who care about me and want me to win
  4. Ask for support (emotional)
  5. Listen to the coaching (action)
  6. Take care of myself

I’m excited to share with you that I am taking my business to the next level. What is the next level for you and your business or life?

Found my mojo!

Success Stories

“You’re relaxed, less driven, more peaceful, goal focused, more engaged in really understanding what’s going on in your world rather then just reacting to stuff, engaged in the inquiry for self, increased awareness for self and increased possibility for self, not reactive, skin/eyes are clearer, taking better care of presentation like using makeup, in more action regarding health like seeing your doctor, cooking more.”

[O.W.W.L. Success Tip] Will you dance with me? It helps you succeed!

danceWhether you can or cannot dance isn’t the question. The question is “Will you dance?”

O.W.W.L. Success Tip: Make your project a dance.

Dance could be a real physical activity, or it could be a metaphor.

Real activity: We know that movement aids us in business due to the changes in our mental and emotional states by changing physical state. What we may not know is that dancing as a movement integrates emotional, mental, and spiritual aspects along with the physical. It is a multilevel experience, and it works whether you “know how” to dance or not! Just a few moments ago, I danced through the house to Yanni’s “Reflections of Passion.” No one here but me to feel the music, glide down the hall, connect with something more than myself, and raise my heart rate. It clears the head, releases tension, and develops intuition and creativity.

Metaphor: Dancing also helps you succeed metaphorically. When you “dance” with an idea or “dance” with your project plan, or “dance” with a prospective client, you give yourself to be flexible, yet in the flow. You give yourself permission to be less rigid and to listen to feedback.

As in partnership dancing, when we move in tandem with another for the most joyful results, we have an attitude of play and synchronicity, at attitude of lightness. When we have setbacks and are viewing our project as a dance, we recover faster and get back on the dance floor sooner.

Will you dance today with your business and your life? When you do, remember me!


Success Story

I want to acknowledge Janis Pullen today for being a freaking AWESOME coach! She helped me see that I was playing a game I couldn’t possibly win (in the empowered sense of the word). Together we designed a new game complete with rules I love and prizes that feed my spirit.

Specifically, she was an impeccably insightful listener, patient yet interruptive when necessary, lavished me with acknowledgement, and was so creative I wanted to play along.

Thank you, Janis!
– Dinah Snow, Certified Money, Marketing, and Soul Coach,
President-elect, International Coach Federation – Colorado

Just Released!

Lose Weight for Life:

9 Unconscious reasons you can’t keep the weight off and what to do about it

Join The Club!!

Have you lost weight and want to keep it off? Do you want to be a part of a community of others who shares this goal? Then The Keep It Off Club is right for you!

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