rapid weight loss methods

[O.W.W.L. Journey] Guest blog post substantiates my “preaching”

I have written many times about the importance of self-care as one of the two pillars of success. My client and colleague, Gale O’Brien, knows this first-hand, as she is a cancer survivor and health advocate. To your health! Janis

Why the Care of Yourself Matters Most

by Gale O’Brien

SelfCare.HydrationMy cancer journey taught me the importance of self care. I realized more than ever that I needed to take care of myself so that I could have the energy to get through my cancer treatments. Taking a new attitude toward my diet increased my awareness of how good health affected me, and that choice built upon itself daily. I researched what else I could do to develop better health, and began to properly care for myself. In turn, I felt happier and hopeful about my future. As an added bonus, I lost 25 pounds and became physically fit for the first time in my life.

Self care begins with you! Here are seven practical steps to make self care your #1 priority:

  1. Focus on health and feeling well.

    Stop obsessing over external appearances and obtaining an ideal body, and instead focus on the way being healthy makes you feel and what it gives you. You’ll find a deeper sense of gratification and more motivation to stay on track. You’ll also begin to lose tolerance for the way unhealthy choices make you feel.

  2. Feed your body exceptional food.

    Food is a major vehicle for toxic substances to find their way into our bodies. Feed your body nourishing food so that you always feel your best, and remove the worries of disease and poor health. This includes taking daily nutritional supplements that raise and sustain your energy level, manage inflammation and provide a healthy balance of vitamins and minerals. I recommend the Lifelong Vitality Pack from doTERRA. You’ll want to nourish your body because you are grateful for it, so healthy choices will come with ease.

  3. SelfCare.ExerciseExercise daily. Yes, DAILY!

    Reframe the way you look at diet and exercise as something wonderful you do for yourself, rather than a way to punish your unhealthy choices. Prioritize your daily schedule to allow for 30 to 60 minutes of physical activity EVERY day. Start by taking classes at your local gym or community center three times a week. Then add thirty minutes of fast walking, twice a week, to your schedule. Finally, use the two remaining days of the week for exercising socially (hiking with your partner, dancing with friends, bicycling through your neighborhood, running in local races or participating in charitable walkathons).

  4. Make time to meditate.

    Meditate to get in touch with your emotions, to connect with the bigger picture, and to feel at peace. Meditation purifies and strenthens your heart. It steadies your nerves and helps us embrace our fear and our anger, and that is very healing.

    Deepak Chopra says…
    “Meditation makes the entire nervous system go into a field of coherence.”

  5. Treat yourself the way you’d treat someone you love.

    Our subconscious mind hears our self-talk and responds to it in a similar way, so make sure your self-talk is loving, supportive, nurturing, and forgiving. Look in the mirror everyday and repeat the phrase “I am deserving and worthy of all good things, and I accept myself unconditionally.”

  6. Stay positive and show gratitude.

    Learn to catch and release negative thoughts about your body and to focus on the good that it brings you every single day. Show gratitude by focusing on what you have accomplished. Listing your achievements instead puts your focus on what is going right, which in turn motivates you to do more.

  7. Love yourself first and the rest will follow.

    Learn to love yourself by reciting daily affirmations. Once you begin to treat yourself with the respect and care that you deserve, the habits needed for physical transformation develop naturally.

Ask yourself, “What will the quality of my life be if I put my self care last?” I implore you to take action now by making your self care your #1 priority instead of waiting until you are diagnosed with a life-threatening illness.

GaleOBrienGale O’Brien is a cancer survivor, motivational speaker and the award-winning author of Transformation: Creating an Exceptional Life in the Face of Cancer now available in both English and Spanish. Transform your life each month with timely tips on food, health, fitness, relationships, and work. Subscribe to the Transformation monthly newsletter or order her book by visiting: www.GaleOBrien.com.

[Current O.W.W.L. Journey] Thank you for helping me step into a larger market

audianceIn case you missed it, last week I posted my decision to expand the direction of our O.W.L. business into a “larger audience” of organizations, including internal coaches/trainers, and independent coaches/trainers who want to assist employees and/or clients in improving their fitness levels. Already I have received emails regarding possibilities and contacts. Thank you!

My vision is to help people worldwide who struggle and suffer with weight to drop the weight permanently with grace and ease, to experience peace, and to love themselves unconditionally. My vision is also to support successful, prosperous businesses.

As I mentioned last week, research shows that obesity in the workforce costs companies directly and indirectly in terms of higher insurance premiums, lower productivity, and higher absenteeism, not to mention biases and prejudice in hiring, retention, and employee relations. I want to make a difference in helping companies cut costs and improve productivity, as well as taking my work global.

If you know of an executive, executive or organizational coach (internal or external), or corporate wellness company owner, please share those contacts with me. None of the organizational fitness programs that I know of offer the ontological work that I do, and this fits with every weight loss/fitness program.

Thank you in again for sharing any contacts you may know who would value having a conversation with me. Please respond via this blog or email your suggestions to Janis@JanisPullen.com.

Thank you again,

Success Story

Lisa before & afterI had four surgeries in 2010, and in 2011 I decided to join a weight loss challenge at my gym. If it didn’t work I was ready to second mortgage my house to pay for lap band or gastric by-pass surgery. I KNOW what to eat, I KNOW how to work out, but I don’t know WHY I’m eating.

I really believe that Janis Pullen saved my life! I feel as if a doorway to another time line has opened and I stepped in and am now living the life I was meant to.

Janis and the O.W.L. program have affected every aspect of my life! My marriage is better, and it was great to begin with, I’m developing and achieving goals in other parts of my life, and I’m making a difference for others. I am also now a graduate of the O.W.L. Coach Certification and Training Program because I believe so much in this work.

P. S. I have released over ninety-one pounds to date and continue to work with Janis to release the rest.

Thank you Janis!

Lisa, PhD

[Current O.W.W.L. Journey] My recent breakdown

I want to post a breakthrough that occurred in Dallas last week. I attended a conference at The Omni Mandalay Hotel in Las Colinas last week. This was my old stomping ground when I was married to my previous husband. I put him through chiropractic school nearby, and we lived there for 3 years, just up the street from that hotel. We used to walk down to the hotel, the lake, the shops on the canals, and watch the fireworks on Saturday night right behind the hotel. We took our out-of-town guests there.

The huge bronze statues of the Wild Mustangs of Las Colinas, which were a favorite of mine, were visible from my hotel room last week. I was in a 3-day workshop with Deepak Chopra (and my then husband) in the very ballroom where the conference was located, and we also participated in a ballroom dance competition there in which I received awards. This was about 20 years ago.

Wild Mustangs of Las Colinas by Jeffrey K. Clarke

Wild Mustangs of Las Colinas by Jeffrey K. Clarke

That husband and I made plans to open a ballroom dance studio after he graduated, so that I would be able to quit working if I chose. However, after he graduated and we moved to New Mexico, he divorced me, and my dreams were burst. Last week at the conference, I was filled with wonderful memories upon arriving, and I was delighted at how much I remembered…the little boutique where I shopped, the restaurant on the canal, etc.

My breakdown occurred the first morning, before the event commenced. My grief came out in torrents. My dear friend and roommate, who had known me before my marriage to him, wisely distinguished it as grieving, and I gave myself permission to feel it all. I didn’t know that depth of emotion lurked inside my heart and gut. I felt validated and cleansed with the catharsis.

I share this because I know the value of letting go of what pulls us down and holds us back, even if buried deep below the surface. This has held me down for 20 years, and I attribute my breakthroughs and insights in the last two weeks to being able to create the space for them by being willing to let go of this grief.

What is holding you back from your highest and best good…even if it’s deep down?

With vulnerability and transparency,

P. S. If you have not yet registered for my free training class, “Become the Ultimate Coach: Three secrets to extraordinary profits and results in your weight loss practice,” please register today while the link is still active. People are frustrated and disappointed when their diet or exercise regimen, and even weight loss surgery, does not provide the desired results or when the weight just comes back on afterward. Wouldn’t it be great if YOU had the answer to how they could keep it off forever? Visit to download your free audio training.

P. P. S. If you like my work and my sharing, please consider becoming an affiliate and referring me to others and getting paid a referral fee. . There is no charge to you.

Success Story

I want to acknowledge Janis Pullen today for being a freaking AWESOME coach! She helped me see that I was playing a game I couldn’t possibly win (in the empowered sense of the word). Together we designed a new game complete with rules I love and prizes that feed my spirit. Specifically, she was an impeccably insightful listener, patient yet interruptive when necessary, lavished me with acknowledgement, and was so creative I wanted to play along. Thank you, Janis!
~ Dinah Snow, Certified Money, Marketing, and Soul Coach,
President-elect, International Coach Federation – Colorado

[My Current O.W.W.L. Journey] The dance of life

danceI wrote last Thursday about a slump I had been in and what I distinguished to get out. As I write today, I realize this pattern of feeling great and feeling down is all part of life. There is no “bad” or “good” involved. It’s just a dance of life. Sometimes the dance is slow and deliberate. Sometimes the dance is fast and frenzied. Sometimes the dance is hard, and other times we could do it in our sleep.

I declare that the dance of life doesn’t need judgment. Actually, judgment makes it appear harder. The dance of life just needs to be recognized, appreciated, and danced.

I wish you all a dance of life to the fullest. Please share here what your dance is like.


P. S. If you want to dance your way into our world, consider some great programs offered at various investment levels:

  • (anytime) The Keep It Off Club – training, support, and coaching for a minimum monthly investment
  • (anytime) Become the Ultimate Coach – 9-week training intensive
  • (June) O.W.L. Coach Certification & Training Program – includes business building and powerful coaching strategies
  • (September) Advanced Coach Wealth & Leadership Program – build your coaching business to 6 figures with ease, grace, and support
  • (2015) Ultimate Coach Mastermind Program

[O.W.W.L. Success Tip & Resource] Is a rocky marriage affecting your business?

My mentor, Mary Kay Ash, taught us that a women with the support of her man is a woman and a half. But a woman without his support is only half a woman. I know you may not be married, but the philosophy is true with whoever is important in your life.

If you are married, I want to pass on a resource for you, especially if your marriage on the rocks, if you are worried about it lasting, or if you have been thinking about ending the relationship. If so, my heart goes out to you. Relationships are often times our greatest source of happiness and can be our greatest source of despair.

Please meet my friend Ana Loiselle, marriage coach specialist. I respect her for her powerful, and effective marriage strategies.
Here is your resource: For a limited time Ana has decided to offer a special one-on-one “Marriage Rescue Coaching Session”.

During this session you’ll work together to…

  • A new awareness of what’s causing many of the challenges in your marriage right now.
  • Step-by-step details to the most effective marriage strategies that work.
  • A next-step action plan for moving your relationship into happiness, connection and love.

To claim your Complimentary 45 Minute “Marriage Rescue Coaching Session” simply click the link and answer the following questions:

  1. On a scale of zero to 10 how important is it for you to save your marriage?
  2. What are the biggest challenges you are facing in your marriage?
  3. On a scale of zero to 10 how committed are you to doing what it takes to save your marriage?

Be sure to include your name, email address and phone number when you request your session so Ana can send you your Marriage Rescue Prep Package.

To your being a woman and a half!

PS: Act now! Ana is only giving 10 of these complimentary sessions away this month.

PPS: Don’t worry Ana can work with you wherever you are, via phone or Skype, anywhere in the world.

Success Story

Janis is an amazing support person. She is heartfelt and cares about her clients. In just a few sessions with Janis I was digging deep down inside myself and pulling out my inner strength, I always knew I had, but never knew how to get to. My career and life have become more enjoyable, fun and easy to manage. I would recommend Janis to anyone who wants to elevate to the next level, but is unsure of the steps to take.
~Diane Berry, Sales Consultant

Just Released!

Lose Weight for Life:

9 Unconscious reasons you can’t keep the weight off and what to do about it

Join The Club!!

Have you lost weight and want to keep it off? Do you want to be a part of a community of others who shares this goal? Then The Keep It Off Club is right for you!

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