Mary Kay Ash

[Success Tip] Are you a half a woman or a woman and a half?

quote___acknowledgementI worked in management with Mary Kay Cosmetics for almost 20 years building a sales force and training them how to create successful entrepreneurial businesses. During that time, my mentor was Mary Kay Ash herself, and I received valuable personal training from her directly. Mary Kay always taught us that a woman trying to succeed without her husband’s support is only half a woman, whereas a woman with her husband’s support can accomplish as much as a woman and a half. (Single women were not included in this because they didn’t have to be concerned about a man affecting their business.)

[Success Tip] Your relationship with a spouse or significant other will either propel you to or deter you from your success.

A spouse or significant other is instrumental in how well your business goes, both in a practical sense and in an emotional one. If your Sweetheart is not supportive, it takes time and physical energy to make everything work with other responsibilities in addition to your career. It drains you emotionally and energetically, sometimes at an unconscious level. It affects your confidence and self-worth. You may even argue, which really sucks the energy out of you.

A supportive spouse can help you feel safe and secure, providing the wing beneath your wings. Even if she/he doesn’t participate in your business, you get more accomplished more quickly when someone helps out around the house or gives you encouragement/acknowledgement.

So what if you and your spouse are not on the same page? I suggest you have a Discovery Session with me to consider coaching as a solution. In addition to the “Awakened Love: Creating Love, Light, and Laughter in Relationships” workshops that I have done with my husband, I coach and train couples to succeed in their weight, money, and relationship endeavors. Email me at for additional information or to schedule your Discovery Session.

Warm wishes for your success,

Success Story

Thank you Janis for providing such a profound platform to guide people into being who they truly are.

— Jeaninne, Albuquerque, NM
O.W.W.L. Coach Certification & Training Graduate

[OWWL Success Tip] How do you become the most successful coach & business owner possible? (Watch my new video!)

Achieve_SuccessMany of my clients have told me I’m a great life and business coach, plus my business has flourished. Before my successful decade in coaching, I was in the top 3% of the company as a Senior Sales Director in Mary Kay Cosmetics. I am delighted to share with you how I got those distinctions; I want to help you succeed too.

O.W.W.L. Success Tip: You need 4 things to be the best, most successful business owner possible.

In order to be the very best, most successful business owner you can be, you need these 4 things:

  • Knowledge of how to shift the 9 unconscious sabotage patterns that keep us from success, for both you and your clients
  • An authentic way to market and grow your business
  • A healthy relationship with money
  • Coaching support to help you be a courageous and powerful force in your business

If any one of these is missing, your results and your velocity will suffer.

As I promised in last week’s success tip, I have created a series of short videos. Please watch them as a way to inspire yourself, and also please forward this email as a way to help those people I’m supposed to be working with.

This one is called “Become the Best Life Coach You Can Be” and is about 2 minutes long.


P. S. Please help me reach people who would be interested in our 2014 Coach Certification & Training Program which starts next week. In this program we cover all the four essential elements of a successful coaching business in depth.

P.P.S. I offer commissions for referrals. Please sign up for my Reciprocity Program and find out how easy it is!

Success Stories:

I highly recommend Janis Pullen as a weight loss expert who can help you make the lasting changes that can only be made by addressing the root of your problem.

~Dr. Ruben Ramirez, Chiropractor
Ramirez Chiropractic: A Spinal Health and Movement Center

[Current O.W.W.L. Journey] Changing careers in the last third of my life

career_change_insidejobs_largeI remember a few years ago when I was frustrated with my career. I had been a CPA and also a Mary Kay Senior Sales Director. Neither of them were satisfying to me. I felt called to do something more and to discover what my real purpose was. I heard about life coaching, and I investigated it. This was perfect as a new career, because I could make what I wanted, have a flexible schedule, work virtually, and help other people. I became who you know me today, Executive Mastery Coach specializing in Wealth, Weight, and Leadership. And now? I would love, love, love for you to work with me and do what I do. I would also love, love, love to teach you how to do it!

Many of us have a career we love or at least it is comfortable and familiar. But like me, some of us need more. Is this you? Maybe you think you’re too old or stuck. Maybe you’re scared to consider any other options such as part time work or changing careers altogether. Maybe you think you just don’t have the time or energy to consider something else. But if you’re like me and know there is more for you, please consider this.

If you are like me and want to bring in more money, have flexible hours, work live or virtually, have unlimited income, and help others, let’s talk! I will help you. I will train you. Please check out this link, and be sure to read the testimonials from people just like you that I have helped.

The early bird savings ends this week, so please don’t wait. Here is the link for all the details including those testimonials:

I look forward to having a private talk with you to discover if this is for you.


Success Stories

Janis loves you into results. She believes in you and does not let you be less than magnificent. The work is deep, and yet she makes it fun. O.W.L is about weight loss and also a way of being. I have not only lost the weight I wanted to lose, I have also learned to make powerful requests, to take a stand for myself, and to celebrate my life.

Cathy, California

The O.W.L. program has changed my life forever. I have never felt such deep love from anyone including myself. Janis is the best at making you realize things about yourself that you never knew were there. She will embrace you with her words and love you for who you are and whatever you bring to share. O.W.L. is a program that will last forever. It goes past the diet to the real reason that you are overweight. If I had not started this program I would be 50lbs heavier or more and sleeping every day, eating things that I do not love. I would be on my way to death at an early age. This program teaches you the importance of taking care of all of you, not just your body, but your mind, your being, and your spirit. Janis is one of the most important persons in my life because she has helped me save my life. I am happier loved by others and I love myself and realize my purpose in life. From my every being I thank Janis for the opportunity for change.

Danielle, Nevada

[Current O.W.W.L. Journey & Marriage Resource] My marriage almost destroyed my career

I was at a crossroads in my marriage several years ago and didn’t even know it. The only thing I did know was that my business was suffering because of the rocky relationship I was in. If you read my O.W.W.L. Success Tip with a marriage resource last Tuesday, you know that my mentor, Mary Kay Ash, taught me that a woman with the support of her man is a woman and a half; a woman without that support is half a woman.

analoiselle2Now my relationship is very good, and I feel the support of my husband all the time. As a matter of fact, my business beat its all-time record in 2013! If you are having marriage difficulties, I urge you to check out this resource I gave you last Tuesday. My friend Ana Loiselle, marriage coach specialist is offering a special one-on-one “Marriage Rescue Coaching Session”.

  • A new awareness of what’s causing many of the challenges in your marriage right now.
  • Step-by-step details to the most effective marriage strategies that work.
  • A next-step action plan for moving your relationship into happiness, connection and love.

To claim your Complimentary 45 Minute “Marriage Rescue Coaching Session” simply click the link and answer the following questions:

  1. On a scale of zero to 10 how important is it for you to save your marriage?
  2. What are the biggest challenges you are facing in your marriage?
  3. On a scale of zero to 10 how committed are you to doing what it takes to save your marriage?

Be sure to include your name, email address and phone number when you request your session so Ana can send you your Marriage Rescue Prep Package.


PS: Act now! Ana is only giving 10 of these complimentary sessions away this month.

PPS: Don’t worry Ana can work with you wherever you are, via phone or Skype, anywhere in the world.

Success Story

Thank you for giving me the tools and support to help me recognize, appreciate, and love the person that God has made me. By becoming aware of my essence and survival mechanisms I now have the tools to handle any situation, personal or professional, in a manner that is true to myself. I am a better person and professional thanks to you.
~Lisa Pillar, Chief Financial Officer

[O.W.W.L. Success Tip & Resource] Is a rocky marriage affecting your business?

My mentor, Mary Kay Ash, taught us that a women with the support of her man is a woman and a half. But a woman without his support is only half a woman. I know you may not be married, but the philosophy is true with whoever is important in your life.

If you are married, I want to pass on a resource for you, especially if your marriage on the rocks, if you are worried about it lasting, or if you have been thinking about ending the relationship. If so, my heart goes out to you. Relationships are often times our greatest source of happiness and can be our greatest source of despair.

Please meet my friend Ana Loiselle, marriage coach specialist. I respect her for her powerful, and effective marriage strategies.
Here is your resource: For a limited time Ana has decided to offer a special one-on-one “Marriage Rescue Coaching Session”.

During this session you’ll work together to…

  • A new awareness of what’s causing many of the challenges in your marriage right now.
  • Step-by-step details to the most effective marriage strategies that work.
  • A next-step action plan for moving your relationship into happiness, connection and love.

To claim your Complimentary 45 Minute “Marriage Rescue Coaching Session” simply click the link and answer the following questions:

  1. On a scale of zero to 10 how important is it for you to save your marriage?
  2. What are the biggest challenges you are facing in your marriage?
  3. On a scale of zero to 10 how committed are you to doing what it takes to save your marriage?

Be sure to include your name, email address and phone number when you request your session so Ana can send you your Marriage Rescue Prep Package.

To your being a woman and a half!

PS: Act now! Ana is only giving 10 of these complimentary sessions away this month.

PPS: Don’t worry Ana can work with you wherever you are, via phone or Skype, anywhere in the world.

Success Story

Janis is an amazing support person. She is heartfelt and cares about her clients. In just a few sessions with Janis I was digging deep down inside myself and pulling out my inner strength, I always knew I had, but never knew how to get to. My career and life have become more enjoyable, fun and easy to manage. I would recommend Janis to anyone who wants to elevate to the next level, but is unsure of the steps to take.
~Diane Berry, Sales Consultant

Just Released!

Lose Weight for Life:

9 Unconscious reasons you can’t keep the weight off and what to do about it

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