celebrate your weight loss

[Video] Compassionate Coaching Training

Janis Pullen is a woman of compassion and connection. The right person to help you gain the skills for Compassionate Coaching Training.

My free live teleclass was awesome last week! It covered the three areas that make my heart sing: weight loss sabotages, building businesses, and making money. Listen to the recording here.

My new book debuted Friday, May 15, at www.LoseWeightforLife.com. The advance endorsements were extraordinary! You can help the book be a best-seller by purchasing either the paperback or the e-book. Thank you in advance.

You can learn more about my 2015 O. W. L. Coach Certification and Training Program here.

[Guest Blogger] Remember to Make Time for Fun

playtimeAt the end of the year, I usually reflect back on what I accomplished, whether I’m happy, and where I want to be next year. For me, 2014 was a very busy year filled with travel commitments, publishing deadlines, and starting a new business. It felt like I was working seven days a week – weekends, evenings, mornings, and afternoons. I enjoy my work very much and really wanted to reach my goals by year end, but at what cost? If we end the year feeling burned out then what good are we?

When you’re self-employed, you don’t have the same structure in your day as someone who works a conventional 9 to 5 job. Carving out time for fun requires discipline. It begins by establishing Time Rules. This is about the quality of your choices and your commitment to them. Plan ‘work’ days, ‘buffer’ days, and ‘free’ days into your schedule. Work days are for focusing all of your energy into what you do best – your main job. Buffer days are for loose ends like dealing with tech bugs, social media updating, paying bills, making appointments, and returning emails. Free days are for experiencing pure fun like holidays, vacations, party celebrations, sleeping in, nesting at home, trying new recipes, and shopping without a list. On free days, you simply unplug and have fun. That means no technology. When you make a commitment in your calendar to have free days you allow yourself to be free to experience what is.

Here’s a list of fun things to try in 2015:

  • Learn to play a musical instrument like the piano, the guitar or maybe even the trombone.
  • Read an old classic such as Little Women, Gone with the Wind, or The Grapes of Wrath.
  • Go mountain climbing, hiking or take a long forest walk.
  • Attend an open mic night at the local comedy club and meet new people.
  • Put on crazy hats, big glasses and feather masks. Then crowd your family into one of those mall photo booths for a fun picture you’ll always treasure.
  • Gather a few friends together and play soccer, basketball, bocce ball, or miniature golf.
  • Learn a new language. Then plan a trip to practice your new skill in a foreign country.
  • Instead of walking the neighborhood, try skipping and galloping. You may get some funny looks, but you can chuckle too while burning major calories!
  • Go roller skating and bring back this wonderful childhood memory!
  • Try a new look ~ cut your hair, color your hair, or get hair extensions. Donate your old clothes and then treat yourself to some colorful, hip, modern clothes that will make you feel young again.
  • Take a train ride to a town that you’ve never visited. When you arrive, explore the village and see what you can find that’s fun and new.
  • Try a new sport like kayaking, surfing, sailing, skiing, paragliding or even raising honey-bees.
  • Go camping! Take a portable stove, sleeping bag, and a small tent and leave technology behind.

Whatever you decide to do in 2015, be sure to carve out time in your schedule to have fun, to laugh a hearty laugh, or just to be silly every once in a while.

Happy New Year!

About Gale

GaleOBrienGale O’Brien is a cancer survivor, motivational speaker and the award-winning author of Transformation: Creating an Exceptional Life in the Face of Cancer. Transform your life each month with timely tips on food, health, fitness, relationships, travel, and art. Subscribe to the Transformation monthly newsletter or order the book by visiting: www.galeobrien.com.

[O.W.W.L. Success Tip] You’re not finished with 2014 yet!

23096002_sHappy New Year!  But wait.  You are not finished with 2014 until you have let go of any bad vibes or energy concerning what you did or did not do.  Completion is a powerful ontological tool. The energy of being complete frees us up to step powerfully into what’s next. For this reason, we MUST be complete with 2014, what we did do or what we didn’t do, so that we don’t hold ourselves back in 2015 due to incompletion hanging over us from the prior year.

Below I have included same questions I offer my clients so that you can really acknowledge what you have done this year, create your celebrations, and design what is next for you in 2015.  Powerful stuff to spring forward into 2015!

Janis’ Year-End Completion Exercise:

  1. List all the categories for which you want to do completion.  (E.g. work, family, money, health, career, each coaching project, etc.)
  2. For each category, list all your accomplishments & progress, big and small.
  3. If you have a “yes, but…” regarding Incompleteness as you write your accomplishment list, start a separate list for those and get back to them later. (E.g. I lost 10 pounds, but I didn’t lose 20.)
  4. Read back your accomplishment list and “be with” it.  Take it in; savor it; relish!
  5. Choose some rewards and/or celebrations for all you have done and been in 2014.   Enjoy planning, scheduling, and creating the celebrations.
  6. Look at the incomplete list and make declarations about them.  (E.g. “I will put this in a new project design for 2015” or “I am satisfied with my progress on this and declare it to be complete.”
  7. Create/design new intentions and projects for 2015.

Happy Prosperous New Year!

P.S. If you are ready to begin the New Year with a new career, enhancing a current career, or getting your finances in order once and for all, you will want to check out these programs to help expand your income streams. All are open for registration now:

[Current OWWL Journey] Why Don’t We Keep Our New Year’s Resolutions?

New Year's ResolutionsHappy New Year! Are you shooting at a paper target or writing in stone? This time of year, so many of us have made New Year’s resolutions, and many of us have already broken them…or know we will. Whether we will keep or break a resolution can depend on the underlying context, or perspective, from which it was created and also on the level of integrity we practice with ourselves.

CONTEXT: If you make resolutions that involve “I should,” “I have to,” or “I need to,” you have already set yourself up to break your resolution, since you are not creating from an empowered foundation. The same is true if you are trying to control, judge, look good, or keep from looking bad. Example: “I have to lose 30 pounds before my high school reunion.” You may or may not indeed take off the 30 pounds, and chances are good that you will gain them back after the reunion is over.

In contrast, empowered perspectives, or contexts, include purpose, vision, commitment, promise, choice, self-value, and self care. Example: “Since I see myself as healthy, energetic, and fit, I resolve to take exquisite care of my body and to release the 30 extra pounds that I no longer choose to carry with me.” Here you have empowered yourself and your choice to take the weight off and to more likely keep it off.

INTEGRITY: Which of these words describes your New Year’s resolutions?

  • Resolution: The thing determined upon; decision as to future action showing a fixed, firm purpose
  • Goal: An object or end that one strives to attain; aim
  • Commitment: Binding, as by a promise or pledge to do something
  • Promise: An oral or written agreement to do or not to do something; vow; basis for expectation
  • Pledge: Security for the performance of a contract, guarantee, promise, agreement
  • Vow: Dedicating oneself to an act, service, or way of life; solemn affirmation or assertion or declaration

What is your relationship to these concepts? In other words, if you make a promise to yourself, what is the likelihood that you will break it? If you set a goal, what is predictable…will you attain your goal or will you quit before you cross the finish line? Do you practice high levels of integrity with commitments you make to others but commitments to yourself dissolve at the first obstacle?

As we move forward into the new decade, consider making resolutions from an empowered, purposeful, vision and practicing high-level integrity to and for yourself. I then predict your experience of life will expand in power, joy, and fulfillment.

Joyful New Year,

P. S. If you are ready to begin the New Year with a new career, enhancing a current career, or getting your finances in order once and for all, you will want to schedule a complimentary consultation with me at https://www.timetrade.com/book/ZKTNN.

P. P. S. Also check out these programs to help expand your income streams. All are open for registration now:

Success Story:

As a coach trainee in the Ontological Weight Loss (O.W.L.) Coach Certification and Training Program, I recently received coaching from two of my buddy coaches who are already certified in this program. They were both skilled and powerful coaches, which reflects the high quality of this program. I am glad to be a part of it.
Margie Campbell, Albuquerque, NM

[Current OWWL Journey] My Joy and Sorrow of this Season

owlydaysJoyous day and many blessings to you and your loved ones! Thank you for being on this earth. You are a gift to those in your life, some that you may not even know, including me. You are a gift to be in my life, whether it be close or distant.

For many of us the joy part of this season may be natural and easy; for others of us we feel sorrow this time of year and can’t wait for the season to end. This happened to me.

For many reasons, including some I’ve written here, I have been feeling down lately. December is a hard month for me historically, since my mother committed suicide on December 8, six days before my seventh birthday. Christmas, of course, was right after that, so viscerally the memories of loss, worthlessness, and sorrow came up year after year. I either went crazy with decorating, shopping, and parties to mask the grief, or else I was lost down a black hole. This weekend I started to descend into that black hole again. I found myself worrying about many things.

To change the mood, I put on some music and began to dance. Dancing brought up memories, including joyful times as well as sad ones. When Roger Whittaker sang “All that I Want for Christmas,” a waltz I had performed for a Christmas show many years ago, I burst into tears and sobbed for several minutes. I didn’t know what the emotion was, but I knew something deep inside was touched, and I gave myself permission to feel it and let it out. My joy returned.

I think connecting with our emotions and allowing them to be OK helps us to be authentic and to not be stuck. I wasn’t always so skilled, as I mentioned above. Here is the story about how I changed my context from sorrow to joy in December.

In 2003, my new husband helped me to change my context for this season. Jay gifted me with the “Twelve Days of Birthday,” starting on December 8. (He did not realize the significance of this date.) His creativity, planning, and generosity of spirit showed me a whole new perspective of this sorrowful time.

“Twelve Days of Birthday” was a twist on the song, “Twelve Days of Christmas.” He woke me daily with the next part of the song and a gift. On the first day of birthday he sang, “On the first day of birthday my true love gave to me a partridge in a pear tree,” and he gave me a partridge ornament. The next day he sang, “On the second day of birthday my true love gave to me two purple gloves (rhyming with two turtle doves). Of course, the gift was the pair of purple gloves. The third gift was three French pens, rhyming with three French hens, as in the Christmas song. Each day the gift rhymed with the words in the Christmas song. The final day Jay warned me that the gift was coming in the evening, not the morning. At 6:00 pm on day 12 the doorbell rang and exactly 12 friends came bringing the dinner items Jay had requested of them. Instead of 12 drummers drumming, we had 12 tummies yumming! And Jay sang the whole song for the group.

I will always be grateful to Jay for showing me how much I was loved and cared for with this delightful gift. If you are feeling sorrow today, please remember you are a precious gift. Do something wonderful for yourself today, big or small.

With love to you,

P.S. Many people have commented on my authentic and transparent sharing with you in my blogs. If you are inspired or touched, please let me know. And please let me know if you would like a complimentary consultation with me. Schedule your appointment now at to learn how this will benefit you.

Just Released!

Lose Weight for Life:

9 Unconscious reasons you can’t keep the weight off and what to do about it

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