weight loss support

[Success Tip] Are you a half a woman or a woman and a half?

quote___acknowledgementI worked in management with Mary Kay Cosmetics for almost 20 years building a sales force and training them how to create successful entrepreneurial businesses. During that time, my mentor was Mary Kay Ash herself, and I received valuable personal training from her directly. Mary Kay always taught us that a woman trying to succeed without her husband’s support is only half a woman, whereas a woman with her husband’s support can accomplish as much as a woman and a half. (Single women were not included in this because they didn’t have to be concerned about a man affecting their business.)

[Success Tip] Your relationship with a spouse or significant other will either propel you to or deter you from your success.

A spouse or significant other is instrumental in how well your business goes, both in a practical sense and in an emotional one. If your Sweetheart is not supportive, it takes time and physical energy to make everything work with other responsibilities in addition to your career. It drains you emotionally and energetically, sometimes at an unconscious level. It affects your confidence and self-worth. You may even argue, which really sucks the energy out of you.

A supportive spouse can help you feel safe and secure, providing the wing beneath your wings. Even if she/he doesn’t participate in your business, you get more accomplished more quickly when someone helps out around the house or gives you encouragement/acknowledgement.

So what if you and your spouse are not on the same page? I suggest you have a Discovery Session with me to consider coaching as a solution. In addition to the “Awakened Love: Creating Love, Light, and Laughter in Relationships” workshops that I have done with my husband, I coach and train couples to succeed in their weight, money, and relationship endeavors. Email me at Janis@JanisPullen.com for additional information or to schedule your Discovery Session.

Warm wishes for your success,

Success Story

Thank you Janis for providing such a profound platform to guide people into being who they truly are.

— Jeaninne, Albuquerque, NM
O.W.W.L. Coach Certification & Training Graduate

[My Current Weight Loss Journey] Avoiding the Sabotage of Sacrifice/Entitlement

entitlementquoteIn my free teleclass last week, “Become the Ultimate Coach: 3 Secrets to extraordinary profits and results in your weight loss practice,” I discussed one of the 9 ontological weight loss sabotage patterns that overweight people run into. It’s called Sacrifice/Entitlement, and I chose this one to talk about because this time of year (holidays and New Years), this one is right in our faces. (For the recording of this class, please visit www.JanisPullen.com/ultimatecoach/.)

The mindset of Sacrifice/Entitlement, also known as Deprivation/Indulgence shows up like this: During the holidays, people feel entitled and indulge themselves with food and inactivity. They give themselves permission to indulge and feel entitled to eat whatever they want. This period of “entitlement/indulgence” is followed by the “sacrifice/deprivation” in January of starting a rigid diet and exercise program. They cut back severely with the illusion that they will drop the weight that they gained in December.

Unfortunately, statistics show that this is fallacy. When people have been on the program for a while, unless something changes, the mindset is deprivation. You know the statistics; the determination doesn’t last long. Before long, entitlement sets in, and they fall off the program. Now they’re back into indulgence/entitlement.

On a daily basis, we see this sabotage pattern when people skip breakfast and lunch (sacrifice/deprivation), then start eating at dinner throughout the evening (entitlement/indulgence).

In the area of movement/exercise, this sabotage shows up when we over exert ourselves one day (sacrifice) and use that as an excuse to do nothing the next day (entitlement).

The sacrifice/entitlement sabotage doesn’t have to be triggered by food or exercise. If someone has worked hard and been stressed out during the day (sacrifice), she might believe she “deserves” to have a few glasses of wine in the evening to compensate (entitlement). Any time people eat or drink because they deserve it, you can bet there is sacrifice/entitlement sabotage at work.

The mindset for the sacrifice/entitlement sabotage pattern is an all-or-nothing, either-or context. The mindset is “I deserve this because I did that.” Or the reverse – “because I did that, I now can’t have that.” The problem, as with all the sabotage patterns, is that they destroy any chance of long-term, sustained weight loss and maintenance. To discover how to deal with this sabotage, be sure to listen to the “Become the Ultimate Coach” audio at www.JanisPullen.com/ultimatecoach/.

If you are curious about the Ontological Weight Loss Sabotage Patterns, you might be interested in learning about our O.W.L. Certification and Training Program for coaches and health professionals. The new program starts next month and only has 10 slots available. Early bird registration ends tomorrow, so hurry! Contact me at Janis@JanisPullen.com to discover if this is a fit for you in your business this year.

Here are some resources to check out:

  • If you are a coach or a health practitioner who would like a booming business and would like to help people keep their weight off forever, please check out the new O.W.L. Weight Loss Certification and Training Program which begins in February. This program combines leadership skills, powerful coaching techniques, business building training, as well as teaching the 9 sabotage patterns block permanent weight loss and how to shift them. Contact me at Janis@JanisPullen.com or visit www.owlweightloss.com/programs/certificationtrainingprogram/ for more information. This program can be your pathway to expanding your income stream and improving your finances in the coming year.
  • Special FREE teleclass so important this time of year: “The Ultimate Coach: Three secrets to extraordinary profits and results in your weight loss practice. To receive the recording of this class held last week, please visit www.JanisPullen.com/ultimatecoach/.
  • Special Weight of Money Breakthrough 90-day Group Coaching Program. Visit www.JanisPullen.com and click the “Wealth” tab, then click on “Weight of Money Breakthrough Programs.” Then contact me for specific details.

With gratitude,

Success Story

Janis’ approach to public speaking and workshops is straightforward, truthful, interesting, compassionate, humorous, prepared, and educated. She is a natural-born leader as well as speaker and conveyor of truth, inspiration, and information. One-on-one Janis exemplifies compassion, honesty, and confidentiality. The value I have received as a recipient of her coaching, as a workshop participant or audience member is invaluable, important, and life-altering. Janis is a woman who walks her talk. I recommend Janis as a leader, speaker, or coach, and I am grateful for the opportunity to sing her praises. Please feel free to contact me for further information.

~Rita Stafford

[My Current Weight Loss Journey] The flu! I missed two days of eating…a miracle?

holiday fluI am recovering from the flu over the holidays. I never knew that you could actually miss two days of eating unless you were in love or on a fast! Yet, my appetite totally disappeared. What do they say…”Feed a cold; starve a fever”? Well the fever wanted to be starved, because I couldn’t imagine eating anything last week and am still having trouble looking forward to anything but soup. It wasn’t stomach flu either.

Although I felt irritated at first about being ill, including the inconvenience and suffering involved, I feel grateful in some respects, because my body is now cleaned out and rested. It’s as though my body was signaling me to rest and to also give my digestion a rest so that I could have a jump start of energy and focus in January.

What is your relationship to illness? Do you get annoyed? Do you view it as a time to lay low and heal? Do you allow people to serve and support you? I’m interested to hear your reflections.

By the way, please note our special announcements and news:

  • Early bird deadline for the O.W.L. Certification & Training Program is next Friday! Contact Janis@JanisPullen.com for details, or listen to the two audios below.
  • Special FREE teleclass so important this time of year: “The Ultimate Coach: Three secrets to extraordinary profits and results in your weight loss practice. To receive the recording of this FREE class we held on Tuesday, please visit www.janispullen.com/ultimatecoach/.
  • If you are a coach or a health practitioner who would like a booming business and would like to help people keep their weight off forever, please check out the new O.W.L. Weight Loss Certification and Training Program which begins in February. This program combines leadership skills, powerful coaching techniques, business building training, as well as teaching the 9 sabotage patterns block permanent weight loss and how to shift them. Contact me at Janis@JanisPullen.com or visit www.owlweightloss.com/programs/certificationtrainingprogram/ for more information. This program can be your pathway to expanding your income stream and improving your finances in the coming year.
  • Special Weight of Money Breakthrough 90-day Group Coaching Program. Visit www.JanisPullen.com and click the “Wealth” tab, then click on “Weight of Money Breakthrough Programs.” Then contact me for specific details.

Have a healthy and happy week,

Success Story

The most “WOW” part of Janis for me, is the ownership that she takes in working with you! She approaches the relationship as a “Partnership”, which means that she takes a “Personal stake” in your results. This approach inspires you to follow her guidance and do the work because you know that she cares as much as you do about your progress!

~Lisa K. Hood, Financial Representative

[Current Weight Loss Journey] Celebration of Life – Yours and Mine!

Do you know that one of the things which holds us back from reaching our goals with speed and power is the lack of celebration. If we are always stressed out about not doing enough, accomplishing enough, or having enough, then we haven’t been celebrating enough either! My birthday is this Saturday, and I’m looking for ways to celebrate. What are your suggestions? How do you celebrate your birthday?

I didn’t always celebrate myself. I always saw what hadn’t been done or what mistakes I made. When I became an ontological coach, specializing in transformation from the inside out for permanent, positive results, I learned that celebration increases the velocity of obtaining results.

So my birthday is Saturday, and I still haven’t decided how to celebrate. I would love your feedback on ways to celebrate.

Woo hoo to me and to you!

P. S. Don’t miss this special free teleclass so important this time of year: “Become the Ultimate Coach: Three secrets to extraordinary profits and results in your weight loss practice.” Watch your inbox next Tuesday December 17th for the link to register for this free class. If you can’t make it live, don’t worry. It will be recorded for your listening convenience.

P. P. S. If you are a coach or a health practitioner who would like a booming business and would like to help people keep their weight off forever, please schedule a time to talk with me about the O.W.L. Weight Loss Certification and Training Program which begins in February. This program combines leadership skills, powerful coaching techniques, business building training, as well as teaching the 9 sabotage patterns block permanent weight loss and how to shift them. Contact me at Janis@JanisPullen.com or visit http://www.owlweightloss.com/programs/certificationtrainingprogram/ for more information. This program can be your pathway to expanding your income stream and improving your finances in the coming year.

[O.W.W.L. Success Tip] Shedding the Weight of Shame

Many people experience shame as children and then carry it with them in their adult lives. Shame sabotages our forward momentum. Shame sabotages our ability to achieve results. Shame sabotages with our quality of life. And often we don’t even realize we are hanging on to shame; it’s unconscious.

Shame could arise when people don’t return your phone calls or when you don’t get hired. Shame could arise when someone takes her name off your email list. Shame could arise when you didn’t meet your financial goals this year. Shame could arise when you did not lose the weight you promised to lose.


Whatever form our shame might take, it usually emerges because we think we did something wrong. It is the cover up for the “I’m not good enough” story. A red flag pointing to emerging shame is when you are unreasonably embarrassed for something, such as making mistakes or miscommunication. Another flag is when you doubt your own expertise or capabilities, even though you might be well-educated or have vast experience and wisdom. Shame is not logical if it stems from our past or present, unless we have done something intentionally that is out of integrity with ourselves.

You are probably not committed to running your life from shame or being committed to having mediocre results as a consequence. So every time you notice yourself feeling shame, please ask yourself if this is a story from your past of not being good enough. If so, then notice and “be with” the pain of that. Resolve to let it go. If you are out of integrity with something in the present, take action to get back in integrity, forgive yourself, and let go of the shame.

As you continue this practice, you will shed the old weight of shame. And your body, mind, heart, and spirit will become lighter.

Happy December,

P. S. If you are a coach or a health practitioner who would like a booming business and would like to help people keep their weight off forever, please check out the new O.W.L. Weight Loss Certification and Training Program which begins in February. This program combines leadership skills, powerful coaching techniques, business building training, as well as teaching the 9 sabotage patterns block permanent weight loss and how to shift them. Contact me at Janis@JanisPullen.com or visit www.owlweightloss.com/programs/certificationtrainingprogram/ for more information. This program can be your pathway to expanding your income stream and improving your finances in the coming year.

Success Story:

It is with honor and great pleasure that I speak to you about considering Janis Pullen as your coach. She is indeed an incredible partner and being of presence. She is compassionate, transparent, honest and authentic – in fact, she puts into practice what she inspires in her clients. I am excited about the path and journey I have chosen to take through coaching. You would be fortunate to choose Janis as your coach.
~Jeaninne Grayson, CEO Center Now and Ananda Yoga, O.W.L. Weight Loss Certification and Training Program trainee.

Just Released!

Lose Weight for Life:

9 Unconscious reasons you can’t keep the weight off and what to do about it

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