weight loss willpower

[My Current Weight Loss Journey] Avoiding the Sabotage of Sacrifice/Entitlement

entitlementquoteIn my free teleclass last week, “Become the Ultimate Coach: 3 Secrets to extraordinary profits and results in your weight loss practice,” I discussed one of the 9 ontological weight loss sabotage patterns that overweight people run into. It’s called Sacrifice/Entitlement, and I chose this one to talk about because this time of year (holidays and New Years), this one is right in our faces. (For the recording of this class, please visit www.JanisPullen.com/ultimatecoach/.)

The mindset of Sacrifice/Entitlement, also known as Deprivation/Indulgence shows up like this: During the holidays, people feel entitled and indulge themselves with food and inactivity. They give themselves permission to indulge and feel entitled to eat whatever they want. This period of “entitlement/indulgence” is followed by the “sacrifice/deprivation” in January of starting a rigid diet and exercise program. They cut back severely with the illusion that they will drop the weight that they gained in December.

Unfortunately, statistics show that this is fallacy. When people have been on the program for a while, unless something changes, the mindset is deprivation. You know the statistics; the determination doesn’t last long. Before long, entitlement sets in, and they fall off the program. Now they’re back into indulgence/entitlement.

On a daily basis, we see this sabotage pattern when people skip breakfast and lunch (sacrifice/deprivation), then start eating at dinner throughout the evening (entitlement/indulgence).

In the area of movement/exercise, this sabotage shows up when we over exert ourselves one day (sacrifice) and use that as an excuse to do nothing the next day (entitlement).

The sacrifice/entitlement sabotage doesn’t have to be triggered by food or exercise. If someone has worked hard and been stressed out during the day (sacrifice), she might believe she “deserves” to have a few glasses of wine in the evening to compensate (entitlement). Any time people eat or drink because they deserve it, you can bet there is sacrifice/entitlement sabotage at work.

The mindset for the sacrifice/entitlement sabotage pattern is an all-or-nothing, either-or context. The mindset is “I deserve this because I did that.” Or the reverse – “because I did that, I now can’t have that.” The problem, as with all the sabotage patterns, is that they destroy any chance of long-term, sustained weight loss and maintenance. To discover how to deal with this sabotage, be sure to listen to the “Become the Ultimate Coach” audio at www.JanisPullen.com/ultimatecoach/.

If you are curious about the Ontological Weight Loss Sabotage Patterns, you might be interested in learning about our O.W.L. Certification and Training Program for coaches and health professionals. The new program starts next month and only has 10 slots available. Early bird registration ends tomorrow, so hurry! Contact me at Janis@JanisPullen.com to discover if this is a fit for you in your business this year.

Here are some resources to check out:

  • If you are a coach or a health practitioner who would like a booming business and would like to help people keep their weight off forever, please check out the new O.W.L. Weight Loss Certification and Training Program which begins in February. This program combines leadership skills, powerful coaching techniques, business building training, as well as teaching the 9 sabotage patterns block permanent weight loss and how to shift them. Contact me at Janis@JanisPullen.com or visit www.owlweightloss.com/programs/certificationtrainingprogram/ for more information. This program can be your pathway to expanding your income stream and improving your finances in the coming year.
  • Special FREE teleclass so important this time of year: “The Ultimate Coach: Three secrets to extraordinary profits and results in your weight loss practice. To receive the recording of this class held last week, please visit www.JanisPullen.com/ultimatecoach/.
  • Special Weight of Money Breakthrough 90-day Group Coaching Program. Visit www.JanisPullen.com and click the “Wealth” tab, then click on “Weight of Money Breakthrough Programs.” Then contact me for specific details.

With gratitude,

Success Story

Janis’ approach to public speaking and workshops is straightforward, truthful, interesting, compassionate, humorous, prepared, and educated. She is a natural-born leader as well as speaker and conveyor of truth, inspiration, and information. One-on-one Janis exemplifies compassion, honesty, and confidentiality. The value I have received as a recipient of her coaching, as a workshop participant or audience member is invaluable, important, and life-altering. Janis is a woman who walks her talk. I recommend Janis as a leader, speaker, or coach, and I am grateful for the opportunity to sing her praises. Please feel free to contact me for further information.

~Rita Stafford

[Current Weight Loss Journey] Sluggish after family reunion

I have Just returned home from my husband’s family reunion in Texas and am having a hard time getting back into the swing of things. I feel sluggish and tired. What I know is this: I must take care of myself physically and emotionally, and that includes rest, good nutrition, and also movement every day, even if it is less than usual. I tell myself, “Just walk to the top of the hill and back.” That gets the blood flowing and my strength starts coming back. So it’s not all or nothing. It’s baby steps back to vitality.

By the way, the new O.W.L. Weight Loss Certification & Training Program begins very soon.  Click here to learn more about it.

Please share this with everyone you know. It’s critical to saving lives!

My Current Weight Loss Journey:Resolutions from inspiration

Happy New Year!

I promised last week to share my intentions for the New Year. If you’ve been reading my Success Tips that come out each Tuesday, you know that in order to keep New Year’s resolutions, we make them from inspired action, not from should’s or have-to’s. And then we put support structures in place to support us when we temporarily lose inspiration. (By the way, I keep forgetting to offer you a really great support structure; it’s my on-line weight loss group called the Keep It Off Club, which offers 24/7 support plus two coaching calls per month for a very modest fee. Please visit http://www.owlweightloss.com/programs/keepitoffclub/ for more information and to subscribe.)

So on this third day of January 2013, here is my commitment to you from a place of inspired action.

This is pretty scary, putting my intentions and promises in print to an unknown quantity of people who I may or may not know me. But as a successful coach, I know that this declaration is imperative to my success. So here I go, throwing my hat over the fence! The inspiration, otherwise known as my big why, is two-fold. I want exquisite health as I enter the last third of my life, and I want to be a good role model for my weight loss clients.

First, I commit to attaining and maintaining a weight of 150 by June 2013. I will track weekly and report my progress to you. My reward will be a trip to the health spa of my choice.

Next, I commit to entering and completing a walking half-marathon in the autumn of 2013. My reward will be another trip to a spa.

What are your commitments for the New Year? Will you be my health partner, my weight loss partner, or my marathon partner?

Warm wishes for your best year ever!

My Current Weight Loss Journey:
Week 20 – I Need Support

Wow! I really need your support. My little monkey mind is telling me to stop this nonsense. My muscles hurt a lot, and I can’t remember why I decided to do this silly marathon thing. I don’t even want to write about this either, in case I fail miserably.

Here is what I need from you:

Please comment on what you are learning about yourself through reading my blog posts. What insights are you receiving, what new action steps you are taking, and what breakthroughs have you had as a result of my sharing?

This will keep me motivated to continue revealing myself to you and will reflect back to me what I need to remember.

Also, please share/comment some encouraging words that I can read at O-Dark Thirty when I don’t want to get out of bed and walk.

These will support me immensely. In the O.W.L Programs, we know that support from others is vital for success. I ask for yours today! Thank you in advance for your help. In turn, I would like to support you…

Would you like my help in raising your income to the next level, getting rid of debt once and for all, and keeping more of what you make? Then you must register for the “Weight of Money” program which begins November 7. In this step-by-step proven program, you will empower yourself and your relationship with money beyond what you have ever done before. The calls will be recorded, so you can listen at your convenience if you can’t make the live calls.

For more information or to register, please visit www.OWLWeightloss.com/programs/weightofmoney/.


My Current Weight Loss Journey:
Week 18 – Commitment Begins

Good news! I have taken the first step of commitment for the marathon by agreeing to participate in a 5K walk on November 3. My friend Melinda, who is not convinced she wants to do the walking marathon, did agree to the 5K. It’s a start for me to put my commitment into action.

However, I have some limiting beliefs that are surfacing even as I write this.

The last time I did a 5K race (5 kilometers, which is just over 3 miles) was when I was in my 20’s and came in last. Well, I didn’t really come in last! My husband stayed behind with me and allowed me to cross the finish line before he did, so technically I finished second to last!

If I judged myself based on that, I could say this is crazy! I’m almost 40 years older now and almost 40 pounds heavier now. (I was anorexic before I was obese and am now in the happy middle.) What makes me think I’m going to be able to pull this off without keeling over and passing out?

But I am not going to let my past dictate my future! I have a training plan. I have my buddy Melinda. I am very healthy. And I’m passionate about teaching people to believe in themselves, including myself.

I would love to hear your comments about what you are committed to accomplishing and what steps you are taking to do so. My goal is to take my fitness to the next level. If your goals are to take your income or weight to the next level, be sure to check out the O.W.L Weight Loss programs or the Weight of Money Programs.

For more information or to register, visit www.OWLWeightloss.com and click on the Programs tab at the top.

I welcome you to join us in the 5K Saturday, November 3 in Albuquerque.


Just Released!

Lose Weight for Life:

9 Unconscious reasons you can’t keep the weight off and what to do about it

Join The Club!!

Have you lost weight and want to keep it off? Do you want to be a part of a community of others who shares this goal? Then The Keep It Off Club is right for you!

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The Keep It Off Club membership, please visit:
