diet and exercise

[Current OWWL Journey] Wisdom from my granddaughter about your business

My 2 granddaughters. They both give me so much wisdom.

My 2 granddaughters. They both give me so much wisdom.

I have been attending the National Arabian Horse Youth Championship, a week-long competition for ages 18 and under. My granddaughter did not make the cut into finals in her first three class events. She has more events to go, but her attitude has impressed me, and I wanted to pass her wisdom to you.

After every failed attempt, she had a “meltdown.” Disappointment, anger, sadness – a virtual tornado of emotions. After that passed, she spoke with other people (my daughter, for instance, who trains her) to find out what she did wrong. Then she got back on the horse and practiced more, in preparation for the next time.

Later, when I asked her how she was feeling, she said, “I can’t think any more about that class; I have others to prepare for.” So wise from a 17-year-old!

The mark of a winner is the ability to bounce back quickly from setbacks. In my book, my granddaughter is a winner, regardless of what else happens this week.

Where in your business have you made mistakes, got over them, and bounced back? Where do you need to learn this lesson?

Warm regards,

[Current O.W.W.L. Journey] Declaring Independence from myself

EnoughJuly4thHave you ever found yourself at war with you? I have! And being at war with something or someone means we are stuck, trapped, or shackled in some way. Independence, or freedom, includes NOT being at war.

In my blog on June 19, I shared that my context of “Old, Fat, and Ugly” wasn’t working any more. I was at war with my body. I also have been harshly judgmental with myself for making mistakes in my personal life and in my business. I was at war with myself and my choices.

Whether we are at war with a country, a group of people, or ourselves, the results include negative consequences, such as energy wasted, emotional drama, self-deprecation, etc. I can’t do a whole lot about other folks’ wars in this moment, but I can stop fighting with myself – right now!

So as I wrote to you before, I have changed my context, the way I look at things. For the body, I changed to “Fit, Healthy, and Strong.” For making mistakes in business, I changed the context to “My process is perfect.” (If you are or have been a client of mine, you know that context!) For my mistakes in my personal life, I realized that I am a much more compassionate and wise coach as a result of my rocky journey. So the context shift is to seeing the gifts.

Tomorrow marks the celebration of the United States Independence Day. How will you declare your independence from yourself? And while you’re considering this, what are you grateful for in terms of your freedom?

Freely yours,

[Current Wealth and Weight Loss Journey] Maybe you have Candida?

candida interview with Janis PullenIn my work with overweight clients and my research I have learned about Candida and how it affects your gut and your weight loss progress. I have had it myself. What many people don’t know is that it can also affect other parts of you, including mental acuity, sharpness, or brain fuzziness and memory. Those, of course, interfere with our ability to think clearly and accomplish our goals with velocity and power.

In my interview with health expert Karen Stilson entitled, “Candida, the Sneaky Yeast that Sabotages our Health and Weight,” you will receive great information to determine if this is something you should consider as you move toward Wealth and Health in your life.

I trust you will benefit from this free resource. Here are some other resources you should consider. These programs will support you in creating a new relationship to wealth and money and an expanded stream of income. They are now open for registration:

  • Special Weight of Money Breakthrough 90-day Group Coaching Program. Contact me for specific details at
  • If you are a coach or a health practitioner who would like a booming business and would like to help people keep their weight off forever, please check out the new O.W.L. Weight Loss Certification and Training Program which begins in February. This program combines leadership skills, powerful coaching techniques, business building training, as well as teaching the 9 sabotage patterns block permanent weight loss and how to shift them. This program can be your pathway to expanding your income stream and improving your finances in the coming year.


Success Story

Thank you!!! Thank you!!! Thank you!! Your love, guidance and being a stand for me help me to dive in head first, stay afloat, swim to the finish line, climb back up the ladder to the high board and dive off again. If this was not exciting enough, thanks so much for supporting me through the program, the year and my life. I could not have done it without you. Not a line. I am so proud to be on my way. You’re a great coach and friend.
~ Steve Lorber, Attorney at Law

My Current Weight Loss Journey:
Week 18 – Commitment Begins

Good news! I have taken the first step of commitment for the marathon by agreeing to participate in a 5K walk on November 3. My friend Melinda, who is not convinced she wants to do the walking marathon, did agree to the 5K. It’s a start for me to put my commitment into action.

However, I have some limiting beliefs that are surfacing even as I write this.

The last time I did a 5K race (5 kilometers, which is just over 3 miles) was when I was in my 20’s and came in last. Well, I didn’t really come in last! My husband stayed behind with me and allowed me to cross the finish line before he did, so technically I finished second to last!

If I judged myself based on that, I could say this is crazy! I’m almost 40 years older now and almost 40 pounds heavier now. (I was anorexic before I was obese and am now in the happy middle.) What makes me think I’m going to be able to pull this off without keeling over and passing out?

But I am not going to let my past dictate my future! I have a training plan. I have my buddy Melinda. I am very healthy. And I’m passionate about teaching people to believe in themselves, including myself.

I would love to hear your comments about what you are committed to accomplishing and what steps you are taking to do so. My goal is to take my fitness to the next level. If your goals are to take your income or weight to the next level, be sure to check out the O.W.L Weight Loss programs or the Weight of Money Programs.

For more information or to register, visit and click on the Programs tab at the top.

I welcome you to join us in the 5K Saturday, November 3 in Albuquerque.


My Current Weight Loss Journey: Week 8 I Want to be Like Everyone Else

I attended Girls’ Night Out recently where we meet at a home and bring covered dishes for dinner. I notice that when I attend something like GNO, or Ladies Bunko, or a neighborhood party, I always behave in one of two ways:

I either tell myself I am restricted from eating the naughty things or I tell myself I can eat whatever I want.

This is definitely an “All or Nothing” mentality. In the O.W. L. Programs, we call it the “Either/Or” context.

Ok, so I already know this. I teach in the O.W.L. weight loss and money programs how to dispel the Entitlement/Deprivation sabotages. I also teach regularly how to shift to a “Both/And” context. What is interesting to me is why it comes up for me.

I hit the nail on the head today! I want to be like everyone else. I want to fit in. I want to be liked. If I am uncomfortable and not fitting it, I numb my feelings by eating the wrong stuff or else I become Nazi lady and eat nothing. If others are eating a bunch of junk, I want to eat it too.

On the other hand, if I hang around people who eat healthily, I want to do that too. At a recent GNO at my home I invited a friend who dropped 50 pounds last year with my O.W.L. support. Being very committed to keeping it off (see the Keep It Off Club at for information on that program), she brought a veggie tray as her contribution, thus giving me “permission” to fit in by eating vegetables instead of the other more fattening foods.

So here is my weight loss work this week: I must ignore my inner, insecure, people-pleasing saboteur and remember to tell myself, in the words of an old “Saturday Night Live” character, Stewart Smalley, “I’m good enough; I’m smart enough; and dog-gone-it, people like me!” By the way, I’ll weigh tomorrow and give you an update next time.

I would love you to share your sabotage patterns and how you shift them.

Just Released!

Lose Weight for Life:

9 Unconscious reasons you can’t keep the weight off and what to do about it

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Have you lost weight and want to keep it off? Do you want to be a part of a community of others who shares this goal? Then The Keep It Off Club is right for you!

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