weight loss self sabotage

[O.W.W.L. Success Tip] Are you following Fabulous and Fat-Free Forever principles in all areas of your life, even if you’re not overweight?

yoga-phrasesAs an Ontological Coach I was divinely-inspired in 2008 to create the “Ontological Weight Loss (O.W.L.): Your Once in a Lifetime Solution” programs, workshops, and books which address the nine sabotage patterns I have identified and how to shift them permanently. (Ontology is the study of the being of a human being, including conscious and subconscious behavior patterns.)

The sabotage patterns for weight loss are also applicable for other areas of your life: money, career, relationships, hobbies, etc. You may be running some or all of the sabotage patterns and don’t even know it. Some examples of sabotages that may be affecting one or more areas of your life are “Playing Small,” “Sacrifice & Entitlement,” and “Unmet Needs/Unexpressed Emotions.” I am giving a talk next week in Albuquerque to address some of these.

Ways to shift your sabotages: You may start to immediately identify your own sabotage patterns just by being present and aware. How do you hold yourself back? Where do you get off track? What is underneath that?

Once you know what you’re doing, an easy way to shift sabotages can begin with doing just the opposite. This method is simple enough, but it is often difficult to do without guidance, unless you have someone you trust to help you through the process. We don’t always recognize our own “stuff.”

Another way to learn to shift sabotages is by attending my talk, even if you don’t have a weight problem. In the interactive, engaging presentation (see below) taken from my signature O.W.L. methodology you will learn 3 secrets you can use immediately in order to stay fit, slim, and energetic forever. These 3 tips introduce you to the sabotage patterns that affect ALL AREAS of our lives, not just weight.

Fabulous and Fat-Free Forever

3 Secrets to not only getting fit, slim, & energetic…but also staying that way.

When: Saturday, October 18, 2014 1:00 – 3:00 pm
Where: Balanced Life Yoga, 417 Tramway NE, #7, Albuquerque, NM 87123

Registration: $20 – contact Donna at 505-220-1084 or ddamazyn@earthlink.net

* 2 for 1 Special (limited time): Purchase your ticket now through Sunday, October 12, to bring a friend for free.
For more information about the workshop please email Janis@JanisPullen.com or visit these websites: www.JanisPullen.com and www.yogaabqnm.com/workshops/

Of course, all of our Ontological Wealth, Weight, and Leadership Coaching Programs teach you how to shift sabotage patterns once and for all. We even have a home study course which highlights the patterns. These programs are the best way to get out of sabotages you don’t even know you have! For more information on any of these, please contact me at www.JanisPullen.com.

Here is my “official” bio for this workshop, for your information or to share with a friend:

Janis Pullen is an award-winning Executive Mastery Coach, Certified Money Breakthrough Coach, Master of Accountancy, retired C.P.A., and retired Senior Sales Director. She has taught hundreds of people to grow their businesses, achieve excellence, and flourish in life. She empowers and leads professionals to triumph in their physical and financial fitness, including weight, wealth, and leadership. Releasing 50 pounds in the 1990’s and being self-supporting for decades, Janis is passionate about helping people uncover their magnificence. She works with people who are committed to both personal and business success, including executives and entrepreneurs who struggle with feeling stuck, stressed, overwhelmed, or overweight, so that they can clean up their money issues, leverage their time, and shed their financial or physical weight in order to have healthy, balanced, and abundant lives. Janis created and coaches the Weight of Money Breakthrough Programs, the O.W.L. Weight Loss Programs, the O.W.L. Weight Loss Coach Certification and Training Programs, the Keep It Off Club, the Advanced Wealth & Leadership Program, and various other private and group coaching programs. She is a speaker, trainer, and published author.

“I support extraordinary individuals and businesses who are dedicated to creating incredible results and who are willing to reinvent themselves in order to do so.”

– Janis Charlton Pullen

I look forward to talking with you to see how I may support you in your success.


Success Story

Janis’s coaching is like a mirror that reflects back ones own beauty and strengths so that we can see, appreciate, and utilize our own infinite resources.

— Carmen Marcolina, Registered Nurse

[OWWL Success Tip] Have you made an assumption?

assumption_quoteOne of my clients called for emergency coaching recently, worried sick about an upcoming circumstance and was afraid of what might happen. She was tempted to turn to comfort foods or to “retail therapy” to subdue her anxiety. I recognized immediately the sabotage of “making assumptions.”

OWWL Success Tip: “Assume” means “making an A** out of U and Me.

I asked this client to distinguish her interpretations vs. the actual facts, the emotions vs. the factual details as a newspaper reporter would report. We found that she was making many assumptions about what had happened and what might happen.

Once she stated the facts as a reporter would, she realized that she had over-dramatized and was living in an uncertain scary future that had not yet happened or might never happen (“what if…”) instead of living in the true here and now.

FEAR is an acronym for False Evidence Appearing Real. It appears real because of our interpretations and assumptions. Your practice of focusing on the actual facts will direct you toward serenity, peace, and empowerment. Drama queen can go back to sleep, and your food or money program can stay in integrity.

For information about Wealth, Weight, and Leadership Programs, contact me at Janis@JanisPullen.com.

To your health, wealth, and self-leadership,

Success Story:

As an Ontological Coach myself, transformational work has helped me to create a powerful life. The Weight of Money Breakthrough Program with Janis Pullen has been part of that powerful work and I will always be appreciative of Janis and her impact in my life. Through the W.O.M. program I’ve seen an increase in the amount of money I have allowed into my life and my relationship with money continues to improve! I am now in the advanced W.O.M. Integration Program and am excited to see even more impact it will have on supporting me in achieving true financial freedom and a beautiful relationship to money!

— Michelle Bacani-Lim, Executive Consultant/Speaker and Producer

[Current Weight Loss Journey] I’ve been noticing your patterns

breaking-free-of-old-patternsI have been noticing patterns with people for a long time. In coaching, the patterns make a huge difference in success or failure, depending on if they are empowering patterns or disempowering ones. I have been noticing patterns about people, even you if we coach together! 🙂

For instance, one of your patterns might be to be perfect in your food program and in your exercise. That pattern would serve you in your weight loss and maintenance.

On the other hand, one of your patterns might be to go for a while really well and then give up on yourself and slip back into old habits. That is the “zoom-eek” pattern (zoom forward and eek screech to a halt). That pattern would sabotage you in your program.

Another pattern might be to be really sloppy with adhering to your food program, not measuring, having too much of the wrong stuff, not eating enough fat or vegetables, not drinking enough water, etc. This is being out of integrity, again sabotaging your program.

Changing disempowering patterns requires you to notice them, distinguish whether they serve or sabotage you, and take specific action steps to change.

What are your patterns? How do they serve you? Or how do they sabotage you? Please notice your patterns and post them here. If they are sabotaging ones, please also post how you will take action steps to change them so you will be empowered in your weight loss journey.


Success Story

The most “WOW” part of Janis for me, is the ownership that she takes in working with you! She approaches the relationship as a “Partnership”, which means that she takes a “Personal stake” in your results. This approach inspires you to follow her guidance and do the work because you know that she cares as much as you do about your progress!

~ Lisa K. Hood, Financial Representative

[OWWL Success Tip] Your sabotages and a tip to shift them

blossombloomYou may know that how you do one thing is how you do everything. What you may not have deducted is that how you sabotage in one area is how you sabotage in other areas too.

O.W.W.L. Success Tip: How you sabotage yourself shows up in all areas. When you shift one, the others will follow.

Did You Know: There Are NINE Sabotage Patterns That may be Keeping You from Success

So practice celebrating your successes, big and small. That means have the spirit of acknowledgement and the tangible anchoring of reward.


P. S. Want to learn more about these sabotage patterns? Here are three resources:

  1. FREE Training Class for a limited time: “Become the Ultimate Coach: Three secrets to extraordinary profits and results in your weight loss practice.” If you are a coach or a health practitioner who would like a booming business and would like to help people keep their weight off forever, this free audio is a MUST for your business!
  2. 2014 Coach Certification & Training Program began last month, but registration is still open, and you can easily catch up.. For new coaches or experienced ones, we cover all the four essential elements of a successful coaching business in depth:
    1. Shifting the 9 unconscious sabotage patterns that keep us from success, for both you and your clients
    2. An authentic way to market and grow your business
    3. A healthy relationship with money
    4. Coaching support to help you be a courageous and powerful force in your business
  3. 9-Week Weight Loss Coach Training Intensive Home Study Course, “Become the Ultimate Weight Loss Coach: Unconscious sabotages every coach needs to know so clients can drop the weight forever.” This course solves the problem that even though weight loss coaches can help their clients with the nutrition and exercise and with short term motivation, they don’t usually know how to help their clients identify and overcome the unconscious sabotages that result in weight loss plateaus or, worse, regaining the weight their clients lost and more!

Success Stories:

lisa_after13testIn the O.W.L. Coach Certification & Training Program I have learned how to start a weight loss business, including the ontological (unconscious mindset) information, marketing, branding, tracking potential and current clients and much more. I feel confident about my new weight loss coaching business and am grateful to Janis for this certification course!

~Lisa Orick-Martinez, PhD, Albuquerque, NM
Weight Loss/Lifestyle Change Coach at Weight Loss for Life

[Current O.W.W.L. Journey] My cure for the Deprivation Sabotage

SabotageWhen I’m feeling deprived, I can sabotage my best intentions to stick to my food plan or my spending budget. My inner child wants to be delighted, not punished! Sacrifice/Entitlement is actually one of the Ontological Wealth, Weight, and Leadership Sabotage Patterns we talk about in our programs.

One way to keep from feeling deprived in my food program is to make a list of yummy foods that nourish and nurture but are still healthy. The context is “both/and”…I can BOTH be delighted, AND I can stick to my plan. (Do not attempt this when you are hungry!)

I start the list by thinking of things I love and then consider what a healthy, delightful substitute would be. For example, I love margaritas, so my delightful substitute is organic lime juice with stevia sweetener blended with ice. For another example, I love jamoca milk shakes, so my delightful substitute is iced coffee with milk or a splash of cream. Recently I discovered that if I combine frozen fruit, stevia, and about ¼ cup of almond or coconut milk in my “Vitamix” blender, I come up with a delicious fruit “ice cream.” I also use frozen almond or coconut milk in ice cube trays, some stevia and vanilla, and a little almond or coconut milk to make a vanilla “ice cream.” For a salty/crunchy option I slice sweet potatoes thinly and bake with a little oil and salt. I also eat sunflower seeds in the shell – slower to eat.

Want to do this too? You can start your yummy substitutions list with things you love that are already healthy. I love strawberries and kiwi, for instance. Did you notice I say “love” and “delight” a lot? That’s a clue, heh, heh!

Include on your list salty, sweet, sour, crunchy, soft, bulky, beverage, and comfort types of foods. That way, when a yearning hits, you’ll be prepared. We have some great examples in my book, What On Earth Am I Going to Eat Today?

“What on Earth Am I Going To Eat Today?”

Here is the link to purchase the book and companion journal:

Stock your kitchen. Post your list in the kitchen. Yahoo! You are off to a great start in reinventing your relationship to yourself and to your food.

I would love to read what some of your healthy substitutions are!


P. S. The Deprivation Sabotage is one of the Sabotage Patterns you will learn in our 2014 O.W.L. Coach Certification & Training Program. Please visit our page and contact me for additional information. This program is for new coaches or experienced ones, and we cover all the four essential elements of a successful coaching business in depth:

  1. Shifting the 9 unconscious sabotage patterns that keep us from success, for both you and your clients
  2. An authentic way to market and grow your business
  3. A healthy relationship with money
  4. Coaching support to help you be a courageous and powerful force in your business

Success Story:

Hi! So I think I’m finally (FINALLY!!!!) shifting from sacrifice & entitlement to well-being & integrity!! I was walking thru whole foods this afternoon and they had salted caramel rice crispy treats samples out. Well, I allowed myself to have one even though I ate some candy last night. And I was ok with it because it’s on plan. I had one and didn’t feel like I had to binge. Wow, this is a big deal for me! (I almost called you to tell you about it Janis).

Margie, Albuquerque, NM

Just Released!

Lose Weight for Life:

9 Unconscious reasons you can’t keep the weight off and what to do about it

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Have you lost weight and want to keep it off? Do you want to be a part of a community of others who shares this goal? Then The Keep It Off Club is right for you!

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