weight loss self sabotage

[O.W.W.L. Success Tip] Why moving faster slows you down…and doing more accomplishes less

swedishproverbIf you think that working faster and harder is better, think again. You probably know that many scientific studies have explored the benefits (psychological and physical) of eating more slowly and chewing food longer. You may also know that when we race through projects, we are more likely to make mistakes. What I’ noticing for myself these days is that the context of “busy,” even if it does NOT lead to overwhelm, is a sabotage to the results I desire. How do we slow down and at the same time create more velocity?

Wayne Dyer, ‘Change Your Thoughts, Change Your Life: Living the Wisdom of the Tao’, wonderfully explains the wisdom of Lao-tzu’s “Tao Te Ching” – the Way. For those of us who hurry through life, struggling, forcing, driving, and stressing in a context of “busy-ness,” our heads may at first start to spin with a different way to approach creating results. Yet we must shift our perspective if we want quantum leaps in our results.

Here are some concepts that have a new (perhaps) perspective for you to consider:

  • Don’t chase your dreams; let them come to you
  • Accomplish much by trying less
  • Realize that enough is enough
  • Be creative
  • Trust your ability to respond naturally to circumstances, rather than forcing
  • There is a time for everything
  • Discover a new definition of greatness
  • Ontological Wealth, Weight, and Leadership

Ontological Wealth, Weight, and Leadership embraces and teaches the shifting of perspective by reviewing the unconscious sabotage patterns as the first step to transforming your results. You’ll want to check out our new training program to help you uncover your obstacles and shift your perspectives, such as how to accomplish more by doing less.


P. S. “Become the Ultimate Coach: Unconscious Sabotage Patterns every coach needs to know…” starts next week! I invite you to review the details and contact us if you have questions at Janis@JanisPullen.com.

Success Story

Janis’s coaching is like a mirror that reflects back ones own beauty and strengths so that we can see, appreciate, and utilize our own infinite resources.

~Carmen Marcolina, Registered Nurse

[O.W.W.L. Success Tip] Are you a victim of Ontological Sabotage #2?

wom500Statistics actually show that people who lose weight will gain some or all of it back; usually they regain even more! This is true even for people who have had weight loss surgery. For those with too much debt, the same pattern holds. They make significant progress paying off credit cards or other debt and then find their balances creeping up again. It’s frustrating, demoralizing, and disheartening for everyone involved. Physical and financial weight affects all segments of our lives – including relationships and health. Physical & financial weight affects stress levels and stress levels affect our weight and our finances. In this success tip we discuss weight, but it can be applied to all areas on your life or business.

The Secret – Ontological Sabotage Patterns:
Since I train weight loss coaches to build 6-figure businesses, this information comes from our 9-Week Training Intensive, “Become the Ultimate Weight Loss Coach: Unconscious sabotages every coach needs to know so clients can drop the weight forever” and from our “Ontological Weight Loss (O.W.L.) Coach Certification & Training Program”.

Ontology is the study of the whole human being, including beliefs, perspectives, judgments, both unconscious and conscious mindsets, thought processes, and emotional triggers. O.W.L. Weight Loss Signature System identifies nine sabotage patterns in overweight people. Since how we do one thing is how we do everything, these sabotages also emerge in areas of money, relationships, and career. My weight loss clients improve their relationships and their financial/career simultaneously while losing weight because they apply the sabotage shifts to other areas of their lives.

Sabotage patterns usually emerge in multiples of two or three at a time. They may be conscious or subconscious. The nine sabotage patterns can be related to food or movement, or they can be unrelated.

Ontological Sabotage Pattern #2:

A relatable sabotage pattern is a mindset called Sacrifice/Entitlement, also known as Deprivation/Indulgence. The examples here are for weight, but they can be applied to finances and other areas as well:

  • Example 1 – Holidays: We feel entitled and indulge ourselves with food and inactivity, followed by sacrifice/deprivation in January with a rigid diet and exercise program.
  • Example 2 – Diet mentality: We stick to our diet for two weeks with the mindset of sacrifice/deprivation. Then we binge or falls off the program altogether with the mindset of entitlement/indulgence.
  • Example 3 – Skipping meals: We skip breakfast or lunch (sacrifice/deprivation), then eat throughout the evening (entitlement/indulgence).
  • Example 4 – Exercise: We over-exert ourselves one day (sacrifice) and use it as an excuse to skip the next day (entitlement).
  • Example 5 – Hard work day: We have worked hard and been stressed during the day (sacrifice), so we “deserve” to have a few glasses of wine or dessert to compensate (entitlement).

The context for the sacrifice/entitlement sabotage pattern is “all or nothing, either/or.” The mindset is “I deserve this because I did that.” Or the reverse – “Because I did that, I now can’t have that.” All sabotage patterns, whether conscious or subconscious, destroy any chance of long-term, sustained success.

The Transformational Shift:
In our 9-Week Training Intensive, “Become the Ultimate Weight Loss Coach” and our “O.W.L. Coach Certification & Training Program,” coaches will learn all nine sabotage patterns and their corresponding shifts.

Here are tips to shifting Ontological Sabotage #2:

  1. Presence and Awareness – Notice what is happening, and distinguish it as a pattern, not just a random set of behaviors. Simply recognizing the pattern begins our journey to balance and health. Presence and awareness practiced daily helps my clients drop weight without changing anything else.
  2. How you do one thing is how you do everything. When someone starves/binge with food, they usually starve/binge with spending, finances, relationships, and other areas. Distinguishing our sabotage patterns in one area and learning how to transform them benefits other areas simultaneously.

In achieving and maintaining optimum weight, we must consider this vital area – Ontological Weight Loss. In distinguishing the Nine Sabotage Patterns and transforming them, not only will our weight drop, but we enjoy benefits in all other areas.

To your success!

P. S. The Early Bird savings ends Friday for the one-of-a-kind training on these sabotage patterns. Please check out the 9-Week Training Intensive, “Become the Ultimate Weight Loss Coach: Unconscious sabotages every coach needs to know so clients can drop the weight forever” and register today for your savings.

Success Story:

I enrolled in the O.W.L. Coach Certification & Training Program because, as a holistic nutritionist, I am already offering the facilitative portion of weight loss (food and movement). I know that the emotional side of weight loss is, I believe, the most important part of the process.

I found it very exciting to experience in the clients I enrolled within the program (one enrolled even before I started the program!) the transformations they saw in their weight and also in other areas of their life. How you do weight is how you do everything! These sabotage patterns really do work in every area of life: money, weight, health, relationships.

– Kristen Owens, Ontario, Canada

[My Current Weight Loss Journey] Avoiding the Sabotage of Sacrifice/Entitlement

entitlementquoteIn my free teleclass last week, “Become the Ultimate Coach: 3 Secrets to extraordinary profits and results in your weight loss practice,” I discussed one of the 9 ontological weight loss sabotage patterns that overweight people run into. It’s called Sacrifice/Entitlement, and I chose this one to talk about because this time of year (holidays and New Years), this one is right in our faces. (For the recording of this class, please visit www.JanisPullen.com/ultimatecoach/.)

The mindset of Sacrifice/Entitlement, also known as Deprivation/Indulgence shows up like this: During the holidays, people feel entitled and indulge themselves with food and inactivity. They give themselves permission to indulge and feel entitled to eat whatever they want. This period of “entitlement/indulgence” is followed by the “sacrifice/deprivation” in January of starting a rigid diet and exercise program. They cut back severely with the illusion that they will drop the weight that they gained in December.

Unfortunately, statistics show that this is fallacy. When people have been on the program for a while, unless something changes, the mindset is deprivation. You know the statistics; the determination doesn’t last long. Before long, entitlement sets in, and they fall off the program. Now they’re back into indulgence/entitlement.

On a daily basis, we see this sabotage pattern when people skip breakfast and lunch (sacrifice/deprivation), then start eating at dinner throughout the evening (entitlement/indulgence).

In the area of movement/exercise, this sabotage shows up when we over exert ourselves one day (sacrifice) and use that as an excuse to do nothing the next day (entitlement).

The sacrifice/entitlement sabotage doesn’t have to be triggered by food or exercise. If someone has worked hard and been stressed out during the day (sacrifice), she might believe she “deserves” to have a few glasses of wine in the evening to compensate (entitlement). Any time people eat or drink because they deserve it, you can bet there is sacrifice/entitlement sabotage at work.

The mindset for the sacrifice/entitlement sabotage pattern is an all-or-nothing, either-or context. The mindset is “I deserve this because I did that.” Or the reverse – “because I did that, I now can’t have that.” The problem, as with all the sabotage patterns, is that they destroy any chance of long-term, sustained weight loss and maintenance. To discover how to deal with this sabotage, be sure to listen to the “Become the Ultimate Coach” audio at www.JanisPullen.com/ultimatecoach/.

If you are curious about the Ontological Weight Loss Sabotage Patterns, you might be interested in learning about our O.W.L. Certification and Training Program for coaches and health professionals. The new program starts next month and only has 10 slots available. Early bird registration ends tomorrow, so hurry! Contact me at Janis@JanisPullen.com to discover if this is a fit for you in your business this year.

Here are some resources to check out:

  • If you are a coach or a health practitioner who would like a booming business and would like to help people keep their weight off forever, please check out the new O.W.L. Weight Loss Certification and Training Program which begins in February. This program combines leadership skills, powerful coaching techniques, business building training, as well as teaching the 9 sabotage patterns block permanent weight loss and how to shift them. Contact me at Janis@JanisPullen.com or visit www.owlweightloss.com/programs/certificationtrainingprogram/ for more information. This program can be your pathway to expanding your income stream and improving your finances in the coming year.
  • Special FREE teleclass so important this time of year: “The Ultimate Coach: Three secrets to extraordinary profits and results in your weight loss practice. To receive the recording of this class held last week, please visit www.JanisPullen.com/ultimatecoach/.
  • Special Weight of Money Breakthrough 90-day Group Coaching Program. Visit www.JanisPullen.com and click the “Wealth” tab, then click on “Weight of Money Breakthrough Programs.” Then contact me for specific details.

With gratitude,

Success Story

Janis’ approach to public speaking and workshops is straightforward, truthful, interesting, compassionate, humorous, prepared, and educated. She is a natural-born leader as well as speaker and conveyor of truth, inspiration, and information. One-on-one Janis exemplifies compassion, honesty, and confidentiality. The value I have received as a recipient of her coaching, as a workshop participant or audience member is invaluable, important, and life-altering. Janis is a woman who walks her talk. I recommend Janis as a leader, speaker, or coach, and I am grateful for the opportunity to sing her praises. Please feel free to contact me for further information.

~Rita Stafford

[Success Tip] Comfort spending and eating…

Beautiful Young Woman choosing between Fruits and SweetsAutumn is right around the corner, school has resumed, and with cooler weather and the emotional holidays coming up, comfort food seems more appealing than it did in the summer, and buying season begins now with school and winter clothes plus holiday gift-giving. How we view comfort foods or over-spending will either sabotage or support our weight and money goals. (Many times, these go hand in hand, too.)

Success Tip: Instead of “either/or” shift to “both/and”

Compulsive behaviors such as comfort eating and over-spending are habits that we use to cope with life when we haven’t learned other ways to do so. Then afterward we feel guilty, broke, or fat. A simple question will help you to avoid this craziness. “How can I ________ and also _________?” It’s a both/and question.

For example, “How can I eat what I love and also stick to my food program?” Another example would be, “How can I buy what I need and also stay within my budget?” You may not immediately know the answers, but if you keep asking the questions, your creative mind will come up with the answers.

Yes, you can have what you want and support your goals. Just ask the right questions.

For information about Wealth, Weight, and Leadership Programs, contact me at Janis@JanisPullen.com.

To your health, wealth, and self-leadership,

Success Story: Here is what an O.W.L. Weight Loss graduate said about her new relationship with food…

I am a lot pickier now about what I fuel my body with instead of fueling my eyes. I feel more power over food rather than food having power over me. I do not use it as a comfort; I now do other things automatically instead of reaching for food.

[Success Tip] Are you Slipping, Sliding, or Binging? Here’s how to escape.

starsIn working with numerous clients as well as my O.W.L. Certification and Training students, I work with many people who get off track with their goals and commitments and don’t know how to get back on.  They beat themselves up for not being “perfect” and the self-deprecation and remorse is worse than getting off track.   Using the terminology of 12-step programs, here are some tips to help you navigate your departure and get back on plan.

Success Tip: Your process is perfect when you are actually in process.

We’ll use weight loss and food as examples, but this could also be applied to spending off budget or any other compulsion that deters you from your goals. 

First, let’s define the terms:

  • A slip is eating something not on plan just once.  So going off your plan just once is a slip because it doesn’t lead to anything worse.  When you get right back on track, no harm is done.
  • A slide is eating off plan a couple of times in a series, not stopping after the one time. A slide can set you back in your weight goals, but it is a minor detraction and can be remedied by renewing your commitment and getting back on plan.  Conscious choice is your empowerment tool.
  • Binging is when you keep going with eating off plan; you don’t stop with the slip or the slide.  With a binge you give away your personal power and allow your sabotage patterns to run your life instead.  You are in full blown victim mentality.  The harm here is huge!  Not only do you deter from your weight goal, but you also have emotional backlash such as self-recrimination, lowered self-esteem, guilt, remorse, etc.   And it’s a vicious cycle.  You might be tempted to spiral down into resignation with a worse binge, which makes emotional damage harder to heal.

So how do you get back on track from these?  

Here are your tips:

  1. Have compassion for yourself; you are human, not a robot!  Remember, your process is perfect.
  2. Practice exploring “What’s so, what’s missing, what’s next?”
  3. Evoke your presence and awareness to determine what happened…What’s so?
  4. Ask yourself what went wrong…What’s missing?
  5. Recommit to your goal and determine what the next step will be toward that goal.


PS: Coming Soon…my new book is in it’s revision stages: ‘Lose Weight for Life: 9 Unconscious Reasons You Can’t Keep the Weight Off and What to Do About It’. I’ll keep you posted when it’s done!

Success Story

I want to acknowledge Janis Pullen today for being a freaking AWESOME coach! She helped me see that I was playing a game I couldn’t possibly win (in the empowered sense of the word). Together we designed a new game complete with rules I love and prizes that feed my spirit.

Specifically, she was an impeccably insightful listener, patient yet interruptive when necessary, lavished me with acknowledgement, and was so creative I wanted to play along.

Thank you, Janis!
– Dinah Snow, Certified Money, Marketing, and Soul Coach,
President-elect, International Coach Federation – Colorado

Just Released!

Lose Weight for Life:

9 Unconscious reasons you can’t keep the weight off and what to do about it

Join The Club!!

Have you lost weight and want to keep it off? Do you want to be a part of a community of others who shares this goal? Then The Keep It Off Club is right for you!

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