weight loss mindset

[Success Tip] Are you Slipping, Sliding, or Binging? Here’s how to escape.

starsIn working with numerous clients as well as my O.W.L. Certification and Training students, I work with many people who get off track with their goals and commitments and don’t know how to get back on.  They beat themselves up for not being “perfect” and the self-deprecation and remorse is worse than getting off track.   Using the terminology of 12-step programs, here are some tips to help you navigate your departure and get back on plan.

Success Tip: Your process is perfect when you are actually in process.

We’ll use weight loss and food as examples, but this could also be applied to spending off budget or any other compulsion that deters you from your goals. 

First, let’s define the terms:

  • A slip is eating something not on plan just once.  So going off your plan just once is a slip because it doesn’t lead to anything worse.  When you get right back on track, no harm is done.
  • A slide is eating off plan a couple of times in a series, not stopping after the one time. A slide can set you back in your weight goals, but it is a minor detraction and can be remedied by renewing your commitment and getting back on plan.  Conscious choice is your empowerment tool.
  • Binging is when you keep going with eating off plan; you don’t stop with the slip or the slide.  With a binge you give away your personal power and allow your sabotage patterns to run your life instead.  You are in full blown victim mentality.  The harm here is huge!  Not only do you deter from your weight goal, but you also have emotional backlash such as self-recrimination, lowered self-esteem, guilt, remorse, etc.   And it’s a vicious cycle.  You might be tempted to spiral down into resignation with a worse binge, which makes emotional damage harder to heal.

So how do you get back on track from these?  

Here are your tips:

  1. Have compassion for yourself; you are human, not a robot!  Remember, your process is perfect.
  2. Practice exploring “What’s so, what’s missing, what’s next?”
  3. Evoke your presence and awareness to determine what happened…What’s so?
  4. Ask yourself what went wrong…What’s missing?
  5. Recommit to your goal and determine what the next step will be toward that goal.


PS: Coming Soon…my new book is in it’s revision stages: ‘Lose Weight for Life: 9 Unconscious Reasons You Can’t Keep the Weight Off and What to Do About It’. I’ll keep you posted when it’s done!

Success Story

I want to acknowledge Janis Pullen today for being a freaking AWESOME coach! She helped me see that I was playing a game I couldn’t possibly win (in the empowered sense of the word). Together we designed a new game complete with rules I love and prizes that feed my spirit.

Specifically, she was an impeccably insightful listener, patient yet interruptive when necessary, lavished me with acknowledgement, and was so creative I wanted to play along.

Thank you, Janis!
– Dinah Snow, Certified Money, Marketing, and Soul Coach,
President-elect, International Coach Federation – Colorado

[O.W.W.L Success Tip] Without this, your effort to change your weight or finances will fail

houseframeDo you know what makes the winning difference in any kind of change, whether it is weight, finances, relationships, or anything? It’s creating a structure sufficient to your resistance. In this article, I have listed several ideas for you on how to create structure in weight and money goals.

O.W.W.L. Success Tip: Just as structure/frame of a house supports the house from falling down, you need support structures to support you. And although structures seem confining, they actually give you more freedom than you could imagine.

Creating structure can look a variety of ways. Here are some ideas for weight and money structures taken from our O.W.W.L. Programs:


  1. Adapt a motto of “Plan and Prepare.”
  2. Plan your meals the day before.
  3. Write down what you eat.
  4. Have an accountability buddy for food and/or exercise who won’t let you slip.
  5. Eat the same thing for breakfast and/or lunch every day.
  6. Schedule meals and workouts as an appointment.
  7. Make your plan before you get there, such as to a dinner party or holiday gathering.

For additional support structures on weight loss, see my book, What on Earth Am I Going to Eat Today?, available at www.OWLWeightloss.com/SuccessStore/.


  1. Schedule time to pay bills once or twice a month.
  2. Take 10% off the top of your earnings for savings.
  3. Set up automatic bill pay and/or transfers to savings.
  4. Make a date with your partner or spouse monthly to discuss finances (in a public place).
  5. Make a plan for debt power payoff.
  6. Do at least one thing every day to increase your incoming cash flow.


P.S. I am hosting a free live teleclass you will want to attend on May 13. It covers the three areas that make my heart sing: weight loss sabotages, building businesses, and making money. REGISTER HERE NOW!

OWL Success Tips: What Game Are You Playing?

You always win at the game you are playing. The problem is that most of us are not aware of which game we are really playing. What would you name your current weight loss game, for instance, “Fat and Frumpy” or “It’ll Never Work Anyway” or “Resigned and Rebellious”? What is the name of your current money game, for instance, “Broke and Sad,” “In Debt and Scared,” or “Miserably without Money”?

OWL Success Tip: You always win the game you’re playing.

Good news! How about if you design a new game to win? What would be the name of your new game…”Fit and Fabulous” or “Goddess Extraordinaire” or “Lighter than Air”? What if you designed your money game to be “Wealthy and Wonderful,” or “Ask and It Is Given,” or “Rolling in Dough”? Your rules and prizes will always be in alignment with the game you are playing. For instance, if you play “Resigned and Rebellious,” you will have rules like eating anything you want and prizes like being overweight. If you play “Fit and Fabulous,” you will have rules like eating only what is healthy and prizes like being slim.

With money, if you play “Broke and Sad,” your rules might be having a victim mentality and your prizes might be poverty. However, if you play “Rolling in Dough,” your rules might be to do one income-producing activity each day, and your prizes might be financial freedom.

Remember, we win whatever game we are playing, so choose wisely!
Play to win, win to play!

Thank you to my dear friend, Cathy Rivers, CEO of Big Horse Dreams, http://www.bighorsedreams.com, for this powerful distinction!

My Current Weight Loss Journey: Zumba Update

As I wrote a few weeks ago, I am now learning Zumba so I can substitute for our instructor, Julie, from time to time. I was not prepared to take over on March 18, so the class was cancelled. Thank you for those who sent your encouragement to me! Here is what we have agreed to as we move forward

I will review the music Julie loaned me this weekend. Next weekend she and I will get together to “play Zumba”. She will teach me the warm up and cool down, plus we will put an hour-long routine together based on the songs that I love, love, love. I will arrive early for her Zumba classes to learn how to set up the equipment. I will soon be able to do the set up for her. I will practice at home in between classes. I will begin taking over parts of the class while she is there. When the time comes for me to sub, I will be ready!

Here is the moral to the story which I have told to help you whenever you are scared, overwhelmed, or feeling inadequate, as I was. Make a plan including a timeline, get support, and practice!

Cha cha cha!

Danielle Case Video 5 on OWL Mastery Program with Janis Pullen

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Just Released!

Lose Weight for Life:

9 Unconscious reasons you can’t keep the weight off and what to do about it

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