Emotional Isolation

Planting Seeds — and Allowing God to Make Them Manifest

Becky Benes is a friend and client. She is a transformational speaker and authentic leadership development coach. www.OnenessOfLife.com. I love Becky’s article on planting seeds and the lessons learned from bluebonnets. Enjoy! Janis

Planting Seeds — and Allowing God to Make Them Manifest
by Becky J. Benes

bluebonnetsDriving through the hill country the past two weekends was an awe-inspiring experience. There was no spot where the majesty of God’s beauty, brilliance, and abundance was not in full view. Over each hill was yet another panoramic view which took my breath away.

As I spoke to the hill country natives about the bluebonnets, they were quick to say, “Well, we did not have any last year!”

“Really,” I said, “there were no bluebonnets?”

“That’s right, none!” they would say.

I pondered this as I drove in continued amazement of the blanketed fields of hues of blue, red, green, yellow and white.

I began to ask, “Where were you last year?” “How can you be ‘no-where’ last year and ‘now-here’ in such abundance this year?”

This is the insight I received…

  • We (the blue bonnets) were here all along, just lying dormant, resting, taking a break, rejuvenating ourselves.
  • We were here, just not visible to your eye.
  • We were here, just waiting for a bit of moisture and coolness.
  • We were here, just patiently waiting to burst forth with new life and vibrancy.
  • We were here, just waiting to surprise you, to dazzle you with our brilliance, to take your breath away.
  • Even though you did not see us, we were here.

Wow, how many times do I forget that what I experience with my senses is not all that there is? There is a realm of the invisible, the unknown, the mystery of God-Creation all around me of which I may not be aware.

This is a powerful message for me in the area of trust in reaching my goals and objectives. I sometimes feel as if I am in a drought, going nowhere, stagnant and dull, whether in my life, my business, my marriage, my parenting, my friendships, and/or my writings. I am not seeing, hearing, touching or experiencing the fruits of my labor.

Have you ever felt this way?

This trip through the hill country, helped me to remember, that it is my role in life to plant the seeds, to take the action, to be obedient and to do well what I am called to do. I am to put forth my best in my work and my action (my seeds) and allow them to unfold into the majesty and brilliance that God has planned for them.

It is up to God — the Invisible Force of All Life to deliver the outcome.

The exciting thing is that, just as with the bluebonnets, one moment the seeds we plant seem to be no-where and then suddenly they are now-here. At first, they show up in patches and then all of a sudden they blanket entire valleys and fields.

Consider the message of the bluebonnets as a message of hope for you in your life and your business.

As an authentic leader, if you have a dream, follow your heart; don’t lose sight of the end result. Know that the power of the Universe-God is working in the realm of the unseen to make your desire come into fruition. It may take a bit longer to see, to feel, to smell and to touch but know that it is God’s great pleasure to give you the keys to the kingdom.

We all have the seeds of greatness within us, which we are called to plant and to disperse these seeds out into the world for the greater good of all.

What are your seeds? Are you planting them?

It is something to consider — what seems no-where is probably now-here.

[O.W.W.L. Success Tip] How do you love you? Let you count the ways…

love2215February is officially the month of love. Happy Valentine’s Day in advance! How do you love yourself? Have you counted the ways? I’m not talking about buying things or indulging in chocolate. If you are not well and happy, you probably are not taking very good care of yourself in the ways that really count.

[O.W.W.L. Success Tip] How you love and take care of yourself determines how you love life and others. (Click to Tweet)

Do you treat yourself kindly or harshly? Do you criticize and blame yourself for doing it wrong, or do you praise and celebrate your right actions, even small ones? Do you notice everything you have remaining to do, or do you notice everything you have already done?

When we begin loving ourselves, our world changes. We keep our boundaries and well-being intact so that we do not become resentful and exhausted. We appreciate what we have so that we can expand our abundance. We live life with joy and passion.

Here are some keys to loving yourself this month, starting today:

  • Notice how often you say and do nice things for yourself.
  • Treat yourself as you would treat your beloved.
  • Look for ways to be more loving, gentle, and kind to yourself.
  • Be nice to your body by giving it what it wants: healthy food, fresh air, pure water, plenty of quality sleep, and movement you love.
  • Honor your emotions by expressing them in healthy ways.
  • Strengthen and empower your mind.
  • Practice trusting your Spirit, God, or Higher Power.

Please let your primary Valentine this month be you!

With love,

P.S. Please support me in my mission to reach people who are looking for my services. I have only five openings this year for new private clients. If you know of anyone who wants to change their world exponentially this year, please invite them to apply for a complimentary coaching session here.

Success Story:

Janis brings 100% heart, strength and love into her relationships with her clients. She is committed to serving others and making the world a better place through coaching. Her positivity, clarity of intention and thoughtfulness have helped me to become a stronger and better person. By working as a team, you will be able to not only identify areas where you are stuck, but to move through it and beyond it. I highly recommend her!
~ Renee Millman, Albuquerque, NM

[O.W.W.L. Success Tip] How you WILL keep your Resolutions…

2015goalsHow was your holiday season? Have you set new commitments for 2015? Most people set New Year’s Resolutions and then end up not keeping them. Here is how you WILL keep yours:

[O.W.W.L. Success Tip] Set your New Year’s resolutions by envisioning your inspired intention.

Do you usually keep your New Year’s resolutions? If so, you probably know this tip. If not, a slight shift in thinking can lead to your success.

The dictionary defines a resolution as “the thing determined upon, a decision as to future action showing a fixed, firm purpose.” The problem is that when we create a resolution for the new year, we often come from a disempowering context, such as “need to,” “should,” “right/wrong,” disgust, control, or other emotional decisions. I spoke about this in my blog on January 1.

A more powerful way to approach resolutions shifts them to intentions inspired from purpose, future vision, commitment, choice, self-worth, and self-care. Once you have an inspired intention, set up simple structures support you toward that commitment.

What is your purpose? What is the future vision you want to create? If you are taking great care of yourself because you’re worth it, what choices will you make? What will you promise yourself? What small, consistent steps will you take, starting now? Who will you ask to support you? What new small step will you practice daily?

Cheers to you and your new mindset!

P. S. If you are ready to begin the New Year with a new career, enhancing a current career, or getting your finances in order once and for all, you will want to check out these programs to help expand your income streams. All are open for registration now:

[O.W.W.L. Success Tip] Ready to Shed your Financial Weight?

2015_hnyHappy New Year!

Are the expenses from the holidays weighing your down, or are you still in Scarlet O’Hara mode…“I’ll think about that tomorrow!” Have you made a New Year’s Resolution to get your finances in better shape and shed that weight of money? If so, you will want to know about this subconscious belief that weighs us down financially.

O.W.W.L. Success Tip: Make a decision now to shed your Financial Weight…(Click to tweet)

Money issues reflect powerful, cunning subconscious blocks toward living a successful and abundant life. One of the reasons I love coaching people on money is because I have been on a journey of self-discovery for many years and have learned how to create six-figure businesses. I love showing others how to do the same. Peeling back the next layer of the artichoke to get to the heart of what’s in our way to creating wealth is a vital step in the process.

Yesterday a client in Texas had a huge money breakthrough when we uncovered her sabotages. She sets financial goals, and then “things” get in the way to prevent her from reaching them. She has disempowering beliefs about herself and money, so she looks for evidence that those beliefs are true (excuses why she can’t succeed). Those beliefs and excuses hold her back from making the money she desires. After our coaching session yesterday, her beliefs are no longer on the subconscious level. She now knows what to do about it. She now knows that 2014 will be much more prosperous for her.

Would you like to break through to a new income level and lower your debt in 2014? One way to shed the financial Weight of Money is to give yourself the gift of our 90-day group Weight of Money Breakthrough Coaching Program. We address practical action steps and subconscious mindset shifts for a very reasonable investment. For more information please visit http://owlweightloss.com/janispullen/wealth/ or contact Janis@JanisPullen.com .

Happy Prosperous New Year!

P.S. If you are ready to shed your financial weight by beginning a new career, enhancing a current career, or getting your finances in order once and for all, you will want to check out these programs to help expand your income streams. All are open for registration now:

[Current OWWL Journey] Celebration of my birthday – and yours

birthdayI wrote about this recently, and it bears repeating. Lack of celebration holds us back from reaching our goals with speed and power. If we are always stressed out about not doing enough, accomplishing enough, or having enough, then we haven’t been celebrating enough either!

Celebration brings out the joy and the flow of life. There are many ways to celebrate ourselves, whether it be for an accomplishment, a good effort, or a special day. Celebration and acknowledgement do not have to involve spending money; however, they must include a celebratory attitude.

I didn’t always celebrate myself. I always saw what hadn’t been done or what mistakes I made. When I became an ontological coach, specializing in transformation from the inside out for permanent, positive results, I learned that celebration increases the velocity of obtaining results. So I went into the “should” of reward. Now I know that it’s about the joy.

I received a beautiful birthday card (my birthday was Sunday Dec. 14th) from my niece, Stephanie West, owner of Alchemy Marketing Inc. (www.alchemywebsitedesign.com) I had requested no gifts for my birthday or Christmas, but Stephanie knows the value of celebration. Her card said the following:

“I reflect the joy of who you are by telling you that I wish you some sweet surprises, new and wonderful adventures ahead, continued business success, and all the items on your wish list.”

Thank you, Stephanie! What a precious way that she celebrated me! Who will you celebrate? Who will you acknowledge today? How about yourself? Share your celebration ideas here…

Doing a happy dance for you,

  1. S. If you are ready to celebrate new resolutions and achievements, give yourself the gift of empowerment, and start the New Year off with success, you will want to learn more about our year-end special, the VIP Plus Coaching Program. This is a beautiful, wildly-popular, affordable coaching program and will be customized just for you. Schedule your appointment now at https://www.timetrade.com/book/ZKTNN to learn how this will benefit you.
Just Released!

Lose Weight for Life:

9 Unconscious reasons you can’t keep the weight off and what to do about it

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