Gale O’Brien

[O.W.W.L. Success Tip] Ready to Shed your Financial Weight?

2015_hnyHappy New Year!

Are the expenses from the holidays weighing your down, or are you still in Scarlet O’Hara mode…“I’ll think about that tomorrow!” Have you made a New Year’s Resolution to get your finances in better shape and shed that weight of money? If so, you will want to know about this subconscious belief that weighs us down financially.

O.W.W.L. Success Tip: Make a decision now to shed your Financial Weight…(Click to tweet)

Money issues reflect powerful, cunning subconscious blocks toward living a successful and abundant life. One of the reasons I love coaching people on money is because I have been on a journey of self-discovery for many years and have learned how to create six-figure businesses. I love showing others how to do the same. Peeling back the next layer of the artichoke to get to the heart of what’s in our way to creating wealth is a vital step in the process.

Yesterday a client in Texas had a huge money breakthrough when we uncovered her sabotages. She sets financial goals, and then “things” get in the way to prevent her from reaching them. She has disempowering beliefs about herself and money, so she looks for evidence that those beliefs are true (excuses why she can’t succeed). Those beliefs and excuses hold her back from making the money she desires. After our coaching session yesterday, her beliefs are no longer on the subconscious level. She now knows what to do about it. She now knows that 2014 will be much more prosperous for her.

Would you like to break through to a new income level and lower your debt in 2014? One way to shed the financial Weight of Money is to give yourself the gift of our 90-day group Weight of Money Breakthrough Coaching Program. We address practical action steps and subconscious mindset shifts for a very reasonable investment. For more information please visit or contact .

Happy Prosperous New Year!

P.S. If you are ready to shed your financial weight by beginning a new career, enhancing a current career, or getting your finances in order once and for all, you will want to check out these programs to help expand your income streams. All are open for registration now:

[Current OWWL Journey] Celebration of my birthday – and yours

birthdayI wrote about this recently, and it bears repeating. Lack of celebration holds us back from reaching our goals with speed and power. If we are always stressed out about not doing enough, accomplishing enough, or having enough, then we haven’t been celebrating enough either!

Celebration brings out the joy and the flow of life. There are many ways to celebrate ourselves, whether it be for an accomplishment, a good effort, or a special day. Celebration and acknowledgement do not have to involve spending money; however, they must include a celebratory attitude.

I didn’t always celebrate myself. I always saw what hadn’t been done or what mistakes I made. When I became an ontological coach, specializing in transformation from the inside out for permanent, positive results, I learned that celebration increases the velocity of obtaining results. So I went into the “should” of reward. Now I know that it’s about the joy.

I received a beautiful birthday card (my birthday was Sunday Dec. 14th) from my niece, Stephanie West, owner of Alchemy Marketing Inc. ( I had requested no gifts for my birthday or Christmas, but Stephanie knows the value of celebration. Her card said the following:

“I reflect the joy of who you are by telling you that I wish you some sweet surprises, new and wonderful adventures ahead, continued business success, and all the items on your wish list.”

Thank you, Stephanie! What a precious way that she celebrated me! Who will you celebrate? Who will you acknowledge today? How about yourself? Share your celebration ideas here…

Doing a happy dance for you,

  1. S. If you are ready to celebrate new resolutions and achievements, give yourself the gift of empowerment, and start the New Year off with success, you will want to learn more about our year-end special, the VIP Plus Coaching Program. This is a beautiful, wildly-popular, affordable coaching program and will be customized just for you. Schedule your appointment now at to learn how this will benefit you.

[Guest Blogger] MARBLE CHEESECAKE: A Holiday Recipe You Can Say Yes To!

Marble CheesecakeCheesecake is a beloved dessert around the world. While many assume that it has its origins in New York, it actually dates back to ancient Greece. The first “cheese cake” may have been created on the Greek island of Samos. Physical anthropologists excavated cheese molds there which were dated circa 2,000 B.C. In Greece, cheesecake was considered to be a good source of energy, and there is evidence that it was served to athletes during the first Olympic games in 776 B.C. Greek brides and grooms were also known to use cheesecake as a wedding cake.

It was not until the 18th century when Europeans began to use beaten eggs instead of yeast to make their breads and cakes rise. Removing the overpowering yeast flavor made cheesecake taste more like a dessert treat. When Europeans immigrated to America, some brought their cheesecake recipes along. Cream cheese was an American addition to the cake, and it has since become a staple ingredient in the United States. In 1872, a New York dairy farmer was attempting to replicate the French cheese Neufchatel. Instead, he accidentally discovered a process which resulted in the creation of cream cheese. Three years later, cream cheese was packaged in foil and distributed to local stores under the Philadelphia Cream Cheese brand.

New York is not the only place in America that puts its own spin on cheesecakes. In Chicago, sour cream is added to the recipe to keep it creamy. Meanwhile, Philadelphia cheese-cake is known for being lighter and creamier than New York style cheesecake and it can be served with fruit or chocolate toppings. In St. Louis, they enjoy a gooey butter cake, which has an additional layer of cake topping on the cheesecake filling. Each region of the world also has its own take on the best way to make the dessert. Italians use ricotta cheese, while the Greeks use feta. Germans prefer cottage cheese, while the Japanese use a combination of cornstarch and egg whites.*

Below is my spin on the traditional marble cheesecake. I’ve substituted stevia baking blend for the sugar and created a melt-in-your-mouth dessert experience with a lot less calories. Make this delicious cake for your upcoming holiday parties!

For the crust:
2 cups graham cracker crumbs, crushed
Cheesecake slice1/2 cup cocoa
1/3 cup butter, melted
1/4 cup stevia

For the cheesecake:
3 (8 ounce) packages cream cheese, softened
1/2 cup stevia, divided
1/2 cup sour cream
2 1/2 teaspoons vanilla extract, divided
3 tablespoons all-purpose flour
3 large eggs
1/4 cup cocoa
1 tablespoon vegetable oil

Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Prepare chocolate crumb crust: Combine graham cracker crumbs with stevia, cocoa, and melted butter. Press mixture into the bottom of 10 inch springform pan. Bake 8 minutes. Cool completely.

Increase oven temperature to 450 degrees. Prepare the cheesecake: Beat the cream cheese, 1/4 cup, plus 2 tablespoons stevia, sour cream and 2 teaspoons of vanilla extract in a large mixing bowl. Gradually add flour, beat until just blended. Add eggs, one at a time, beat well. Set aside.

In a separate bowl, combine cocoa and 2 tablespoons stevia. Then add oil, remaining 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract and 1 1/2 cups of cream cheese mixture from above. Stir well. Next, alternately spoon plain and chocolate batters over baked chocolate crust, ending with the chocolate batter on top; gently swirl a knife through the batters for a marbled effect.

Bake the cheesecake for 10 minutes at 450 degrees. Without opening the oven door, re-duce oven temperature to 250 degrees and continue baking 30 more minutes. Turn oven off. Without opening the oven door, leave cheesecake in the oven for 30 more minutes.

Remove from oven. Immediately loosen cheesecake from side of pan with a knife. Cool to room temperature. Refrigerate several hours or overnight. Remove the side of pan. Slice and serve. Cover and refrigerate leftover cheesecake. Yields: 10 to 12 servings.

As a side note, make sure to buy the stevia baking blend. It can be found under the brand name Truvia in the grocery store. Enjoy!

About Gale

GaleOBrienGale O’Brien is a cancer survivor, motivational speaker and the award-winning author of Transformation: Creating an Exceptional Life in the Face of Cancer. Transform your life each month with timely tips on food, health, fitness, relationships, travel, and art. Subscribe to the Transformation monthly newsletter or order the book by visiting:
* – An Epic Cheesecake Experience, “The Rich History of Our Dessert,” (accessed November 23, 2014).

[Current OWWL Journey] (Guest blogger) Letting Go of Emotional Repression

The first sabotage pattern we teach in the O.W.L. Weight Loss programs includes Unexpressed Emotions. I am honored to introduce Gale O’Brien, our guest blogger who is a former client, friend, and motivational speaker. Gale’s article is spot-on. Enjoy!Janis Pullen

Letting Go of Emotional Repression

by Gale O’Brien

Love,Medicine,MiraclesDo you keep your emotions bottled up inside you? Are you afraid to voice your opposition for fear of a confrontation? Do you try to keep the peace in your household while sweeping your emotional problems under the carpet? You could be a defensive-repressor.

According to Lawrence E. Nielsen and J. Roland Fleck, “Repressors tend to use avoidance, denial and repression of potential threat and conflict as a primary mode of adaptation.” Whereas, “Non-defensive repressors tend to be free from physical and psychological symptoms and admit their anxiety and fears.”

Relationship between illness and repression

The relationship between illness and withheld emotion has been documented in numerous studies. Bernie Siegel, M.D. spoke about the effect of this quiet desperation in his book, Love, Medicine & Miracles: Lessons Learned About Self-Healing from a Surgeon’s Experience with Exceptional Patients. He writes that when “working with breast-cancer patients, Mogens Jensen of the Yale psychology department showed that defensive-repressors die faster than with patients who have a more realistic outlook. These are the smiling ones who don’t acknowledge their desperation, who say, “I’m fine,” even though you know they have cancer, their spouses have run off, their children are drug addicts, and the house just burned down. Jensen believed this behavior ‘disregulates’ and exhausts the immune system because it is confused by the mixed messages.”

Happy people don’t get sick

Dr. Siegel explains that, “Both men and women are subject to hopelessness, but because of their often divergent roles, the situations that trigger it are often different. Men are generally better able to express anger, while women tend to hold it in and become depressed.” He continues by stating “to some extent, then, cancer is not a primary disease. It is partly a reaction to a set of circumstances that weaken the body’s defenses.”

So how do we let go of our emotional repression? We can accomplish this by adopting the attitude of a happy person. Dr. Siegel writes, “The simple truth is, happy people generally don’t get sick. One’s attitude toward oneself is the single most important factor in healing or staying well. Those who are at peace with themselves and their immediate surroundings have far fewer serious illnesses than those who are not.”

(Gale O’Brien is a motivational speaker and the author of the award winning book Transformation: Creating an Exceptional Life in the Face of Cancer. For more information about her book visit:

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9 Unconscious reasons you can’t keep the weight off and what to do about it

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