Thursday blog posts [My Current O.W.W.L. Journey ]

[O.W.W.L. Success Tip] How do you love you? Let you count the ways…

love2215February is officially the month of love. Happy Valentine’s Day in advance! How do you love yourself? Have you counted the ways? I’m not talking about buying things or indulging in chocolate. If you are not well and happy, you probably are not taking very good care of yourself in the ways that really count.

[O.W.W.L. Success Tip] How you love and take care of yourself determines how you love life and others. (Click to Tweet)

Do you treat yourself kindly or harshly? Do you criticize and blame yourself for doing it wrong, or do you praise and celebrate your right actions, even small ones? Do you notice everything you have remaining to do, or do you notice everything you have already done?

When we begin loving ourselves, our world changes. We keep our boundaries and well-being intact so that we do not become resentful and exhausted. We appreciate what we have so that we can expand our abundance. We live life with joy and passion.

Here are some keys to loving yourself this month, starting today:

  • Notice how often you say and do nice things for yourself.
  • Treat yourself as you would treat your beloved.
  • Look for ways to be more loving, gentle, and kind to yourself.
  • Be nice to your body by giving it what it wants: healthy food, fresh air, pure water, plenty of quality sleep, and movement you love.
  • Honor your emotions by expressing them in healthy ways.
  • Strengthen and empower your mind.
  • Practice trusting your Spirit, God, or Higher Power.

Please let your primary Valentine this month be you!

With love,

P.S. Please support me in my mission to reach people who are looking for my services. I have only five openings this year for new private clients. If you know of anyone who wants to change their world exponentially this year, please invite them to apply for a complimentary coaching session here.

Success Story:

Janis brings 100% heart, strength and love into her relationships with her clients. She is committed to serving others and making the world a better place through coaching. Her positivity, clarity of intention and thoughtfulness have helped me to become a stronger and better person. By working as a team, you will be able to not only identify areas where you are stuck, but to move through it and beyond it. I highly recommend her!
~ Renee Millman, Albuquerque, NM

[O.W.W.L. Success Tip] Releasing the weight of clutter

The last week of the year is a great time to assess the cost that clutter has in your life and to do something about it so you start the New Year fresh.   I’m not talking about just messy house or messy office. I’m referring to the financial clutter and the clutter your head as well.

O.W.W.L. Success Tip: When your financial clutter and mental clutter are gone, you create the space to have what you do want. (Click to tweet)

clutterClutter is anything that gets in the way of you being your most powerful, productive, and serene self. With financial clutter, you may not know what your bills are or how to pay them. With mental clutter, you may be confused or overwhelmed. With emotional clutter, you may have conflicting emotions or commitments.

Because I know that clutter interferes with my quality of life, I do several things regularly:

  1. At the beginning of each work day, set intentions for that day
  2. At the end of each work day, clean off my desk and prepare for the next day
  3. Have a place for everything, and put everything in its place (thank you, Grandma Mary!)
  4. Track my income and expenses weekly or more often
  5. Pay bills on the first of each month
  6. Hang out with people who love and support me; do not hang out with people who don’t
  7. Make complicated things simple (a gift I give to my clients)
  8. Have a “filing” basket and file once a month at least
  9. Practice what I teach in the Weight of Money Programs

What things can you think of the remove clutter from your life? Choose one at a time and take the next indicated step.

Have a decluttered week!

PS. Give Yourself a Gift!

If you are ready to declutter your finances by beginning a new career or enhancing a current career, you will want to check out these programs to help expand your income streams. Our O.W.L. Become the Ultimate Weight Loss Coach and O.W.L. Weight Loss Certification and Training Program are open for registration now. You may also enroll in the Weight of Money Program to help your finances in the New Year.

[My OWWL Journey] Update on my granddaughter

supportThank you to all of you who have sent support after my post of 12/04/14 on my granddaughter and our deep sorrow in learning that she is cutting herself. I had no idea how prevalent this was and how many of you had personal experience with this! I also appreciate the resources you have offered, and the hope that this will get better with therapy.

Here is the update: After much soul-searching, my husband and I offered for my granddaughter to live with us. She declined and instead decided to move back home with her mom. She is looking for a new therapist closer to home and is on an anti-depressant medication. I have been researching all I can about this disorder and have requested that the whole family get therapy in addition to her. I know that for myself, coaching and therapy have been invaluable for me to let go of wounds of the past and embrace wholeness.

With gratitude for your support and loving thoughts,

P. S. My birthday was last Sunday. My dearest gift is my family. My second-dearest gift is my clientele. Please let me know how I may be of service to you. Contact me at

Success Story:

“I knew how to eat right and exercise, but I couldn’t figure out why I couldn’t do it and lose weight! I was exhausted from trying every diet or exercise program and always starting again with a different program tomorrow, or next week or after the holidays. I was so ready to lose weight and get my life back when I met Janis! Janis’ Ontological Weight Loss Program was exactly what I needed. She understands what is going on beneath the eating and she truly believes in her clients. I have lost over 40 pounds with the Ontological Weight Loss Program, and I’ve kept it off for over a year! Her program is what every other diet or exercise program needs to work for the long run. I would recommend Janis to anyone who wants to lose weight, find a fulfilling career or make any changes to better their lives. She has a gift and has given me more than I ever expected!”

— Margie, Albuquerque, NM, O.W.L. Weight Loss Program graduate and O.W.L. Weight Loss Certification & Training Program coach trainee

[Current O.W.W.L. Journey] Declaring Independence from myself

EnoughJuly4thHave you ever found yourself at war with you? I have! And being at war with something or someone means we are stuck, trapped, or shackled in some way. Independence, or freedom, includes NOT being at war.

In my blog on June 19, I shared that my context of “Old, Fat, and Ugly” wasn’t working any more. I was at war with my body. I also have been harshly judgmental with myself for making mistakes in my personal life and in my business. I was at war with myself and my choices.

Whether we are at war with a country, a group of people, or ourselves, the results include negative consequences, such as energy wasted, emotional drama, self-deprecation, etc. I can’t do a whole lot about other folks’ wars in this moment, but I can stop fighting with myself – right now!

So as I wrote to you before, I have changed my context, the way I look at things. For the body, I changed to “Fit, Healthy, and Strong.” For making mistakes in business, I changed the context to “My process is perfect.” (If you are or have been a client of mine, you know that context!) For my mistakes in my personal life, I realized that I am a much more compassionate and wise coach as a result of my rocky journey. So the context shift is to seeing the gifts.

Tomorrow marks the celebration of the United States Independence Day. How will you declare your independence from yourself? And while you’re considering this, what are you grateful for in terms of your freedom?

Freely yours,

[Current O.W.W.L. Journey] My cure for the Deprivation Sabotage

SabotageWhen I’m feeling deprived, I can sabotage my best intentions to stick to my food plan or my spending budget. My inner child wants to be delighted, not punished! Sacrifice/Entitlement is actually one of the Ontological Wealth, Weight, and Leadership Sabotage Patterns we talk about in our programs.

One way to keep from feeling deprived in my food program is to make a list of yummy foods that nourish and nurture but are still healthy. The context is “both/and”…I can BOTH be delighted, AND I can stick to my plan. (Do not attempt this when you are hungry!)

I start the list by thinking of things I love and then consider what a healthy, delightful substitute would be. For example, I love margaritas, so my delightful substitute is organic lime juice with stevia sweetener blended with ice. For another example, I love jamoca milk shakes, so my delightful substitute is iced coffee with milk or a splash of cream. Recently I discovered that if I combine frozen fruit, stevia, and about ¼ cup of almond or coconut milk in my “Vitamix” blender, I come up with a delicious fruit “ice cream.” I also use frozen almond or coconut milk in ice cube trays, some stevia and vanilla, and a little almond or coconut milk to make a vanilla “ice cream.” For a salty/crunchy option I slice sweet potatoes thinly and bake with a little oil and salt. I also eat sunflower seeds in the shell – slower to eat.

Want to do this too? You can start your yummy substitutions list with things you love that are already healthy. I love strawberries and kiwi, for instance. Did you notice I say “love” and “delight” a lot? That’s a clue, heh, heh!

Include on your list salty, sweet, sour, crunchy, soft, bulky, beverage, and comfort types of foods. That way, when a yearning hits, you’ll be prepared. We have some great examples in my book, What On Earth Am I Going to Eat Today?

“What on Earth Am I Going To Eat Today?”

Here is the link to purchase the book and companion journal:

Stock your kitchen. Post your list in the kitchen. Yahoo! You are off to a great start in reinventing your relationship to yourself and to your food.

I would love to read what some of your healthy substitutions are!


P. S. The Deprivation Sabotage is one of the Sabotage Patterns you will learn in our 2014 O.W.L. Coach Certification & Training Program. Please visit our page and contact me for additional information. This program is for new coaches or experienced ones, and we cover all the four essential elements of a successful coaching business in depth:

  1. Shifting the 9 unconscious sabotage patterns that keep us from success, for both you and your clients
  2. An authentic way to market and grow your business
  3. A healthy relationship with money
  4. Coaching support to help you be a courageous and powerful force in your business

Success Story:

Hi! So I think I’m finally (FINALLY!!!!) shifting from sacrifice & entitlement to well-being & integrity!! I was walking thru whole foods this afternoon and they had salted caramel rice crispy treats samples out. Well, I allowed myself to have one even though I ate some candy last night. And I was ok with it because it’s on plan. I had one and didn’t feel like I had to binge. Wow, this is a big deal for me! (I almost called you to tell you about it Janis).

Margie, Albuquerque, NM

Just Released!

Lose Weight for Life:

9 Unconscious reasons you can’t keep the weight off and what to do about it

Join The Club!!

Have you lost weight and want to keep it off? Do you want to be a part of a community of others who shares this goal? Then The Keep It Off Club is right for you!

To learn more about
The Keep It Off Club membership, please visit: