celebrate your weight loss

[Current O.W.W.L. Journey] Declaring Independence from myself

EnoughJuly4thHave you ever found yourself at war with you? I have! And being at war with something or someone means we are stuck, trapped, or shackled in some way. Independence, or freedom, includes NOT being at war.

In my blog on June 19, I shared that my context of “Old, Fat, and Ugly” wasn’t working any more. I was at war with my body. I also have been harshly judgmental with myself for making mistakes in my personal life and in my business. I was at war with myself and my choices.

Whether we are at war with a country, a group of people, or ourselves, the results include negative consequences, such as energy wasted, emotional drama, self-deprecation, etc. I can’t do a whole lot about other folks’ wars in this moment, but I can stop fighting with myself – right now!

So as I wrote to you before, I have changed my context, the way I look at things. For the body, I changed to “Fit, Healthy, and Strong.” For making mistakes in business, I changed the context to “My process is perfect.” (If you are or have been a client of mine, you know that context!) For my mistakes in my personal life, I realized that I am a much more compassionate and wise coach as a result of my rocky journey. So the context shift is to seeing the gifts.

Tomorrow marks the celebration of the United States Independence Day. How will you declare your independence from yourself? And while you’re considering this, what are you grateful for in terms of your freedom?

Freely yours,

[O.W.W.L. Success Tip] Is the Weight of Money weighing you down from higher income?

Weight of Money Breakthrough Program by Janis PullenWant to make more money and keep more of what you make? Did you know that weight is related to money and vice versa? Research shows that women with 30 or more pounds of excess weight may not be earning what they could be. (New York Post, November 7, 2011, “Thin Gals – Fat Pay.”) The reasons cited are less energy, less confidence, not being as image-conscious. The research also shows that perceptions of employees and clients contribute to the lower earnings of overweight women. My work with overweight clients concurs. As they drop weight, my clients become not only more energetic and confident, but they stop hiding out and begin embracing their magnificence, trusting themselves, being more authentic. Their fears decrease, their belief in themselves increases, and they are able to command higher fees/salaries. They start new businesses or expand and succeed in existing ones.

O.W.W.L Success Tip: Just as releasing physical weight increases income, releasing financial weight also increases income.

Just as clients who lose excess weight become more successful and earn more, clients who lift their financial worries do the same. Why? The energetic weight of too much debt, too little savings, or too many bills sucks the life out of us at a deep level. We don’t know what to do, or we struggle and suffer, doing the best we can, sometimes living in denial. We feel guilty or overwhelmed. We feel helpless and alone. This “weight of money” affects our decision-making abilities, our confidence, and our self-worth, just as too much physical weight does.

So the solution is to address the financial issues head on, get to the real causes for financial pressures, not just the superficial ones. A coaching program is ideal for this, but it has to be the right one. I suggest having a money/financial coaching program, such as our “Weight of Money Breakthrough Program,” which addresses both the step-by-step action plan (facilitative) as well as shifting the deeper unconscious sabotages (ontological) in order to transform your relationship with money, earn more, get out of debt, and keep more of what you make.

Please check any financial coaching program you’re considering to be sure it has both the facilitative and ontological components; otherwise, your financial journey will be just like going on a diet and then gaining all the weight back. You don’t want to get a little knowledge, control, and relief of the “weight of money” and then revert back to old habits. You want a permanent change! Check out the resources below for more details.

Believing in your success,

P. S. Here are resource links to help you drop your “Weight of Money”:

Success Story:

It is with honor and great pleasure that I speak to you about considering Janis Pullen as your coach. She is indeed an incredible partner and being of presence. She is compassionate, transparent, honest and authentic – in fact, she puts into practice what she inspires in her clients. I am excited about the path and journey I have chosen to take through coaching. You would be fortunate to choose Janis as your coach.
~Jeaninne Grayson, CEO Center Now and Ananda Yoga

[Current Wealth Journey] We’re expanding “Current Weight Loss Journey”!

budgetExciting news! Since how we do one thing is how we do everything, the Thursday blog post “My Current Weight Loss Journey” is going to expand to include wealth and the steps I take to expand my revenue, profitability, and overall wealth. So if you love tips and strategies to creating new wealth, then you will love this next phase of my blog posting. And if you loved to read my tips on weight loss, don’t worry! You can apply these same principles to your weight. To receive my new postings in your inbox, please enter your email into the box under ‘Sign Up for my Blog’ and when I put up a new post, you will get it right into your email inbox.

In my free teleclass last week, “Become the Ultimate Coach: 3 Secrets to extraordinary profits and results in your weight loss practice,” I discussed one of the 9 ontological weight loss sabotage patterns that overweight people run. Today I’m going to show you how that same sabotage affects our wealth; it’s called Sacrifice/Entitlement. (For the recording of this class, please visit www.JanisPullen.com/ultimatecoach/.)

The mindset of Sacrifice/Entitlement, also known as Deprivation/Indulgence shows up in our wealth like this: It can start with either the sacrifice side or the entitlement side of the sabotage. For instance, if you have gotten yourself into debt or overspending (entitlement/indulgence), you may decide to put yourself on a budget. But if you don’t have a well-constructed plan of action, the budget might be taken to extreme and then becomes sacrifice/deprivation. You can operate within your budget for a while until something happens. Then you “binge” on spending and go back into entitlement/indulgence.

Many times when we go off our budget, or when we don’t have one at all, our spending is a result of this mindset: “What the heck; I spent this much, so what difference will a little more make?” Just like an over eater whose eating spins out of control to a binge, so can purchasing. “I spent too much, so now I’m stressed out, so I’ll buy something else to feel better.”

The sacrifice/entitlement sabotage doesn’t have to be triggered by money-related events. If someone has worked hard and been stressed out during the day (sacrifice), she might believe she “deserves” to buy herself something to compensate (entitlement). Any time people spend because they deserve it, you can bet there is sacrifice/entitlement sabotage at work.

The mindset for the sacrifice/entitlement sabotage pattern is an all-or-nothing, either-or context. The mindset is “I deserve this because I did that.” Or the reverse – “because I did that, I now can’t have that.” The problem, as with all the sabotage patterns, is that they destroy any chance of long-term, sustained wealth growth. To discover how to deal with this sabotage, be sure to listen to the “Become the Ultimate Coach” audio at www.JanisPullen.com/ultimatecoach/. Even though it addresses weight loss, the same principles can be applied to wealth generation.

If you are curious about the Ontological Weight Loss Sabotage Patterns, you might be interested in learning about our O.W.L. Certification and Training Program for coaches and health professionals. The new program starts next month and only has 10 slots available. Visit http://www.owlweightloss.com/programs/certificationtrainingprogram/ to discover if this is a fit for you in your business this year.

RESOURCES: Here are some resources to check out to help you create a new or expanded stream of income:

  • If you are a coach or a health practitioner who would like a booming business and would like to help people keep their weight off forever, please check out the new O.W.L. Weight Loss Certification and Training Program which begins in February. This program combines leadership skills, powerful coaching techniques, business building training, as well as teaching the 9 sabotage patterns block permanent weight loss and how to shift them. Visit http://www.owlweightloss.com/programs/certificationtrainingprogram/ for more information. This program can be your pathway to expanding your income stream and improving your finances in the coming year.
  • Special Weight of Money Breakthrough 90-day Group Coaching Program. Visit http://www.owlweightloss.com/programs/weightofmoney/. Then contact me for specific details at Janis@JanisPullen.com.

With gratitude

Success Story

lisa_after13testIn the O.W.L. Coach Certification & Training Program I have learned how to start a weight loss business, including the ontological (unconscious mindset) information, but marketing, branding, tracking potential and current clients and much more. I feel confident about my new weight loss coaching business and am grateful to Janis for this certification course!

~Lisa Orick-Martinez, PhD, Albuquerque, NM

[Current Weight Loss Journey] Sacred Money Archetypes and a walk on the beach

Before my regular post, I invite you to attend the Albuquerque luncheon meeting of Women Make a Difference, for which I will be speaking on Friday, November 8, on “The Weight of Money” in which I relate money and weight. Here is the link for more information: www.abqwomenmakeadifference.com/Albuquerque_Luncheon.html

beachwalkingOk, the regular post… I attended a training seminar last week in San Diego called Secret Energy of Money. Since I am a Certified Sacred Money Archetype Coach, this training provided a review for me, and the connection with people from all over the world was fun and exciting. Also exciting was visiting my sister, sister-in-law, and niece after the training. The walks on the various San Diego beaches actually provided even more “training” than the formal event itself!

What I have always known is that being in tune with my wise inner self requires me to spend time in nature reflecting or brainstorming. It was during this time that I realized the next focal point of my coaching business. I will share more about that in the weeks to come. My intention for now is to urge you, my reader, to take that extra time for yourself in nature to listen to the still, small voice within.

With gratitude for life,

P.S. Registration will begin soon for the O.W.L. Weight Loss Certification and Training Program starting in 2014. We are expanding this program to include Coaches and Health Professionals. Stay tuned for important updates on this program.

P.S.S. The new and improved web site, www.JanisPullen.com, is going live this week. We will feature the three divisions www.JanisPullen.com – Wealth, Weight, and Leadership. We will have an official Grand Opening very soon!

Success Story:

One of the most important results O.W.W.L. has produced for me in addition to weight loss has been an incredible confidence when it comes to my professional life. When I first started my business, I felt frumpy, and wanted to hide out where no one could see me because I felt so overweight. I hid behind my desk, behind my baggy clothes and by being quiet, not seeking the clients I knew I needed for my business to succeed. After entering O.W.W.L., I began to see how eating and weight gain were part of my hiding out as well. The holistic approach that Janis takes in the O.W.W.L. program affected not just weight, but my whole essence, and resulted in me feeling strong, confident and owning my strengths and abilities – and that has meant a huge increase in clients and income. Thanks, Janis!

~Debra T. Gilroy, PhD

My Current Weight Loss Journey: Week 21 & 22 – First 5 K this Saturday

I just realized as I wrote this, that I never sent my assistant the blog post for October 25, so I will count this one as weeks 21 and 22.

I’m excited to share what’s happening in my business, in addition to Ontological Weight Loss with which you are familiar. I am expanding my O.W.L. business to include Ontological Wealth and Leadership, which utilizes my long-term experience and training as a C.P.A. , a Senior Sales Director, and an entrepreneur.

My signature system of shifting the nine ontological sabotage patterns applies to everything we do, including but not limited to weight loss. As an example, you probably know that my Weight of Money programs, which began this summer, address the financial area. I am excited to expand my services in this way, using ontological and facilitative coaching techniques to help people create and lead the life they love in health, finances, relationships, and career.

I am happy to speak more to you in a private, confidential conversation about how I could serve and support you. Please tell your friends too. You can schedule an appointment by visiting https://www.timetrade.com/book/ZKTNN

Also thank you to everyone who sent words of support to me. I am continuing working on my goal of walking a marathon by next year. I’ve decided to set smaller goals along the way, beginning with this 5 K walk on Saturday…

My friend Melinda and I are walking a 5K this Saturday for the Juvenile Diabetes Association; it’s our first time to enter an official event together. On Wednesday, we walked the same distance together just to be sure we could do it. I have not been worried because I walk the 3.1 miles in my mountainous neighborhood several times a week, but I wanted to support her, since she doesn’t walk as much as I do. (She does Zumba as her exercise, so she uses different muscles.)

I would love to hear your comments. I will let you know next week how we did.


Just Released!

Lose Weight for Life:

9 Unconscious reasons you can’t keep the weight off and what to do about it

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