
[O.W.W.L. Success Tip]: How to Receive the Gifts of Peace, Joy, and Serenity this Season

peace-love-joy-christmasI have been thinking of you all recently. Have you been feeling stressed out lately? Are you up to your ears in travel, family, spending money, cooking, or any other “to do’s”? Would you like to know how to give yourself the gifts of Peace, Joy, and Serenity?

O.W.W. L. Success Tip: Decide not to let the outer world dictate your stress reactions.

We have no control over events, people, or circumstances. What do we have control over? We can control the meanings we give things and the relationship we have to stress. In other words, we can’t control the outer circumstances, but we can control how we think about them – our inner world.

If you are making this busy time mean stress, frantic, over-worked, and anxious and if your relationship to stress is that it’s bad, here are my tips for shifting to Peace, Joy, and Serenity:

  1. Clean up your vocabulary…use “busy, excited, productive” instead of “overwhelmed, stressed, too much to do.”
  2. Be curious about why you are stressed out. Is it because you don’t think you’ll be appreciated, loved, or respected if you don’t get it all done? Is it because of unrealistic expectations? Is it because you think you have to be perfect? Is it because you are judging others or yourself? What’s all that about?
  3. Declare that you will not be stressed out, and look for alternatives to make things easier. Take a stand for yourself.
  4. Take good care of yourself.
  5. Ask for support everywhere. Separate, alone, and hard is one of the sabotage patterns we learn to dismantle in the Janis Pullen and O.W.L. coaching programs.
  6. Shift criticism to gratitude. Isn’t this self-explanatory? An attitude of gratitude for everything everyday creates the Peace, Joy, and Serenity you want.
  7. Adopt a mantra such as, “All is well” to practice daily.
  8. Contact me at to schedule a complimentary coaching session.
  9. Consider hiring a life/business/health coach as a gift to yourself.

I believe you can have a wonderful holiday season and finish your year with grace and ease. I believe you can have the calm and love you want. You are a precious gift to those who love you.

Please take care of you.


Success Story

Janis is an amazing support person. She is heartfelt and cares about her clients. In just a few sessions with Janis I was digging deep down inside myself and pulling out my inner strength, I always knew I had, but never knew how to get to. My career and life have become more enjoyable, fun and easy to manage. I would recommend Janis to anyone who wants to elevate to the next level, but is unsure of the steps to take.

– Diane Berry, Sales Consultant

[OWWL Success Tip] Do you eat the crumbs?

In working with my business, weight, and coach certification clients, I often find that they are settling for crumbs.

O.W.W.L. Success Tip: Don’t eat the crumbs when you can have the whole banquet (the “whole enchilada” in New Mexico terms)!

crumbsWhy are you eating just crumbs? Do you think you don’t deserve to have it all? Or do you think you have to take what you can get? Do you ask for what you want? Or do you hope that someone else will toss you a morsel?

A relationship counselor told me once that I could list the qualities I wanted in a relationship, but I couldn’t have them all. I fired him. I thought I deserved to have it all.

My life coach client didn’t think she deserved more, so she settled for a man who criticized her and drained her energy. He had some good qualities in the mix too so she tolerated the criticism. I told her, “Love doesn’t hurt. The man who loves you wants to uplift and uphold you, not bring you down.” Yes, this client can have a man who respects and cherishes her for exactly who she is. She doesn’t have to settle for the crumbs. (And he is a crumb.)

My coach certification client didn’t think she could succeed, so from desperation she attracted a client who was late to coaching sessions, wouldn’t do assignments, and paid late. I asked her, “Why do you put up with this? Our ideal clients empower us as coaches and work with us as a team.” This crumb was NOT an ideal client. This coach was settling for crumbs.

An advanced coach training client doubted her abilities to grow her business, so she charged way too little and over delivered way too much. When I asked her to quiz her clients about the value she provided to them, their answers proved that she had been settling for the crumbs.

It’s our mindset that causes us to settle for less than we really want. Our beliefs get in our own way. In what ways are you compromising yourself by settling for only the crumbs? What are the disempowering mindsets or beliefs about yourself that allow it to happen? What is one thing you can do right now to change your mindset? What is one crumb that you will no longer settle for so that you may enjoy the full banquet?


P. S. Have you seen my O.W.W.L. Facebook page? Please visit it, like it, and join the conversations.

Success Story

Janis is one of the most powerful coaches I know and has had incredible success with her O.W.L. program. Women actually lose weight and keep it off, not to mention all of the myriad of other benefits and breakthroughs they have.

Norah Edelstein, Topanga, CA, Ontological Life Coach

[Current OWWL Journey] Wisdom from my granddaughter about your business

My 2 granddaughters. They both give me so much wisdom.

My 2 granddaughters. They both give me so much wisdom.

I have been attending the National Arabian Horse Youth Championship, a week-long competition for ages 18 and under. My granddaughter did not make the cut into finals in her first three class events. She has more events to go, but her attitude has impressed me, and I wanted to pass her wisdom to you.

After every failed attempt, she had a “meltdown.” Disappointment, anger, sadness – a virtual tornado of emotions. After that passed, she spoke with other people (my daughter, for instance, who trains her) to find out what she did wrong. Then she got back on the horse and practiced more, in preparation for the next time.

Later, when I asked her how she was feeling, she said, “I can’t think any more about that class; I have others to prepare for.” So wise from a 17-year-old!

The mark of a winner is the ability to bounce back quickly from setbacks. In my book, my granddaughter is a winner, regardless of what else happens this week.

Where in your business have you made mistakes, got over them, and bounced back? Where do you need to learn this lesson?

Warm regards,

[Success Tip] Why you need to learn from the best Mastery Level Coaches

invest in yourselfI was at a Mastery Level Coaches training last year along with many of my colleagues, as we up leveled ourselves and our businesses with great educational content plus wonderful networking and sharing of ideas.  It occurred to me that this is really a great success tip for all of us:

Success Tip: Invest in yourself by investing in top-notch training and coaching.

First, obviously when we continue our professional education, we stay current and sharp with the knowledge part of it.  But even more, investing in yourself sends two powerful messages:

  1. The message to yourself that you are worth investing in and that you value yourself and your business.  This boosts your confidence and power.
  2. The message to your clients that as a wise leader in your business, continually learning and growing, that you are worth their investment in themselves as well.  This boosts their confidence in you and also in their decision to hire you.

What is the next place you can up level yourself through investing in your business, yourself, and your future?

Warm wishes for your success,

P. S. Coming Soon…my new book is in it’s revision stages: ‘Lose Weight for Life: 9 Unconscious Reasons You Can’t Keep the Weight Off and What to Do About It’. I’ll keep you posted when it’s done!

Success Story

Janis is a wonderful coach with real life experience to stand behind. Because Janis has been there, she understands the challenges and excuses that arise for everyone; thus she is able to motivate, encourage and guide her clients through their obstacles.

And somehow she always knows the right questions to ask in order to get to the real issue that keeps her clients in bondage to their addiction(s) and/or behaviors.

I am forever grateful to Janis for her commitment to sowing into my life and helping me reach my weight loss goal of 50+ pounds. I couldn’t have done it without her.

Thank you,

~ Melinda

[Success Tip] Create appropriate action steps, and take them one step at a time

onestepDo you become overwhelmed in trying to reach your goals? Do you give up before you get there?   Does your plan seem hard or energetically heavy?  Do you become paralyzed or inefficient with the enormity of your project?  If so, it might be because you are not making and taking appropriate action steps.  Whether you want to earn $1,000,000 this year or you want to take off 100 pounds, the key is the same:

Success Tip: Create appropriate action steps, and take them one step at a time.

In many years of coaching, I notice a common tendency for people to stall out or slow down instead of making steady progress, due to overwhelm from a huge goal.  Here are some tips to transform this pattern:

  1. Realize that sitting back and waiting is not appropriate action.  That is being victim to circumstances.
  2. Shift from being victim to being at cause by creating specific, bite-sized, baby steps that move you forward.
  3. Schedule the steps in your calendar.
  4. Be accountable to someone (your coach?)
  5. Create new habits by choosing just one thing to shift, and stick to that until it becomes automatic.
  6. Then choose one more thing, and do the same.

Here are two examples:  An O.W.L. weight loss graduate gave up one thing – sugar.  She kept eating everything else as usual.  As time passed, she gained the confidence and strength to address something else.  An O.W.L. Certification trainee wanted to bring in additional clients but was afraid to call a lot of people.  She scheduled and called one person a day to practice having conversations until she gained the confidence to increase her activity.  “One step at a time” is the key!


P.S.   Registration for our O.W.L. 2014 Certification and Training Program for coaches and health professionals closes next week.  If you or someone you know is interested, check out for more information.

Success Story

Deb before & AfterOne of the most important results O.W.L. has produced for me in addition to weight loss has been an incredible confidence when it comes to my professional life. When I first started my business, I felt frumpy; and wanted to hide out where no one could see me because I felt so overweight. I hid behind my desk, behind my baggy clothes and by being quiet, not seeking the clients I knew I needed for my business to succeed. After entering O.W.L., I began to see how eating and weight gain were part of my hiding out as well. The holistic approach the O.W.L. Program affected not just weight, but my whole essence, and resulted in me feeling strong, confident and owning my strengths and abilities – and that has meant a huge increase in clients and income.
~Debra Gilroy, PhD, Wellfleet, MA

Just Released!

Lose Weight for Life:

9 Unconscious reasons you can’t keep the weight off and what to do about it

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