
[Current O.W.W.L. Journey] My non-SAD diet!

unsaddietMy 19-year-old granddaughter, who has been living with me for the last two months, mentioned to me the other day that I’m the only person she has ever met who is not on the Standard American Diet of junk, and there is nothing in my house that is not HEALTHY. I couldn’t tell if that was a compliment or a complaint, but I said “thank you” anyway!

The beauty of this observation lies in the fact that I have been both obese and anorexic, struggling with food and body image for years until the 1990’s. And now I have a wonderful relationship with both food and my body.

In the O.W.L. Weight Loss Program, which I coach and also train other coaches to run, we learn the 4 food levels, including a Lifetime Plan. How great is it that I am living my lifetime plan and don’t feel any deprivation or sacrifice, which is the Number One Sabotage Pattern in people’s weight loss.

Stay tuned for my article on the Number One Sabotage Pattern in weight loss. It should be ready to download next week.


P.S. If you are interested in learning more about the sabotage patterns you may be running, you will want to take advantage of a private breakthrough session with me.

Success Story:

During some of the darkest days of my life, you were there to shine your light on me. I will never forget you and all you’ve done for me. Any opportunity I have to refer someone needing a life coach will always go to you.
~ SB, New Mexico

[OWWL Success Tip] Do you eat the crumbs?

In working with my business, weight, and coach certification clients, I often find that they are settling for crumbs.

O.W.W.L. Success Tip: Don’t eat the crumbs when you can have the whole banquet (the “whole enchilada” in New Mexico terms)!

crumbsWhy are you eating just crumbs? Do you think you don’t deserve to have it all? Or do you think you have to take what you can get? Do you ask for what you want? Or do you hope that someone else will toss you a morsel?

A relationship counselor told me once that I could list the qualities I wanted in a relationship, but I couldn’t have them all. I fired him. I thought I deserved to have it all.

My life coach client didn’t think she deserved more, so she settled for a man who criticized her and drained her energy. He had some good qualities in the mix too so she tolerated the criticism. I told her, “Love doesn’t hurt. The man who loves you wants to uplift and uphold you, not bring you down.” Yes, this client can have a man who respects and cherishes her for exactly who she is. She doesn’t have to settle for the crumbs. (And he is a crumb.)

My coach certification client didn’t think she could succeed, so from desperation she attracted a client who was late to coaching sessions, wouldn’t do assignments, and paid late. I asked her, “Why do you put up with this? Our ideal clients empower us as coaches and work with us as a team.” This crumb was NOT an ideal client. This coach was settling for crumbs.

An advanced coach training client doubted her abilities to grow her business, so she charged way too little and over delivered way too much. When I asked her to quiz her clients about the value she provided to them, their answers proved that she had been settling for the crumbs.

It’s our mindset that causes us to settle for less than we really want. Our beliefs get in our own way. In what ways are you compromising yourself by settling for only the crumbs? What are the disempowering mindsets or beliefs about yourself that allow it to happen? What is one thing you can do right now to change your mindset? What is one crumb that you will no longer settle for so that you may enjoy the full banquet?


P. S. Have you seen my O.W.W.L. Facebook page? Please visit it, like it, and join the conversations.

Success Story

Janis is one of the most powerful coaches I know and has had incredible success with her O.W.L. program. Women actually lose weight and keep it off, not to mention all of the myriad of other benefits and breakthroughs they have.

Norah Edelstein, Topanga, CA, Ontological Life Coach

[O.W.W.L. Success Tip] Ready to stop the “I Don’t Have Enough Time” game?

I’m pretty busy these days! In addition to my regular coaching schedule and family priorities, I am filling two programs right now: the Ultimate Coach 9-week Weight Loss Coach Training Intensive and the O.W.L. Weight Loss Coach Certification & Training Program.

So you can understand why, when I woke up one morning last week, I did not think I had time to exercise. Do you do that too?

O.W.W.L. Success Tip: If you need an excuse, any excuse will do!

excusesYes, our excuses sound logical, especially the ones regarding not enough time or not enough money. But they are still excuses.

First, let’s get real about the fact that our perception of time is invented, by ourselves!

I remember reading in a magazine article a few years ago that the American culture is unique in its relationship with time, which is reflected by expressions that, for the most part, have no translation in other languages, such as “time-consuming, “”multitasking,” “getting to the point,” “deadline,” or “time is money.”

In contrast to our cultural beliefs, the Indians say, “Time is free”; the Africans say, “The clock did not invent man,” the Japanese expression is, “Time spent laughing is time spent with the Gods,” the Italians believe, “He who goes slowly, goes safely and goes far,” and the Spaniards say, “Those who rush arrive first — at the grave.”

What beliefs do you have about time? Who taught you those? What did it cost them? Do those beliefs serve you now? So if time is whatever you say, what are you doing with yours? Are your activities prioritized the same way as what’s really important to you? I for one do not want to be first at my grave, as the Spaniards say, so exercise is top priority for me. Well then, why not design my schedule to reflect that? If I did, I would not be saying in the morning, “I don’t have time to exercise!” Did I exercise that day? You bet!


P. S. If you want your clients to stop sabotaging themselves, the 9-Week Weight Loss Coach Training Intensive begins March 25 is exactly for you! “Become the Ultimate Weight Loss Coach: Unconscious sabotages every coach needs to know so clients can drop the weight forever” is a unique program which blends perfectly with what you already do. Please visit for details and registration.

Success Story:

I am a successful graduate of the Ontological Weight Loss Program. program! I have lost almost 100 pounds and have been living the O.W.L. program for three years, I have been there and done it and I know it works. I know that O.W.L. program works on the head, heart, body and spirit and that you can’t lose weight with just the facilitative work. (Well, you can, but you won’t change your lifestyle or keep it off.) This is where the ontological work comes in, giving you the ability to change your life to change your lifestyle.

— Dr. Lisa Orick-Martinez, O.W.L. weight loss graduate and O.W.L. Weight Loss Certified Coach.

[O.W.W.L. Success Tip] Sending you my gifts of Peace, Joy, and Serenity and how to get them

owlydaysI have been thinking of you recently. Have you been feeling stressed out lately? Are you up to your ears in travel, family, spending money, cooking, or any other “to do’s”? Would you like to know how to give yourself the gifts of Peace, Joy, and Serenity?

O.W.W. L. Success Tip: Decide not to let the outer world dictate your stress reactions.

We have no control over events, people, or circumstances. What do we have control over? We can control the meanings we give things and the relationship we have to stress. In other words, we can’t control the outer circumstances, but we can control how we think about them – our inner world.

If you are making this busy time mean stress, frantic, over-worked, and anxious and if your relationship to stress is that it’s bad, here are my tips for shifting to Peace, Joy, and Serenity:

  1. Clean up your vocabulary…use “busy, excited, productive” instead of “overwhelmed, stressed, too much to do.”
  2. Be curious about why you are stressed out. Is it because you don’t think you’ll be appreciated, loved, or respected if you don’t get it all done? Is it because of unrealistic expectations? Is it because you think you have to be perfect? Is it because you are judging others or yourself? What’s all that about?
  3. Declare that you will not be stressed out, and look for alternatives to make things easier. Take a stand for yourself.
  4. Take good care of yourself.
  5. Ask for support everywhere. Separate, alone, and hard is one of the sabotage patterns we learn to dismantle in the Janis Pullen and O.W.L. coaching programs.
  6. Shift criticism to gratitude. Isn’t this self-explanatory? An attitude of gratitude for everything everyday creates the Peace, Joy, and Serenity you want.
  7. Adopt a mantra such as, “All is well” to practice daily.
  8. Contact me at to schedule a complimentary coaching session.
  9. Consider hiring a life/business/health coach as a gift to yourself.

I believe you can have a wonderful holiday season and finish your year with grace and ease. I believe you can have the calm and love you want. You are a precious gift to those who love you. Take care of you.


P. S. Register now for our special free teleclass, “The Ultimate Coach: Three secrets to extraordinary profits and results in your weight loss practice.” To register for this free class, please visit If you can’t make it live, don’t worry. It will be recorded for your listening convenience.

P.P.S. Have a New Year’s Resolution to make more money and keep more of what you make? Then this is a must: My special Weight of Money Breakthrough 90-day Group Coaching Program. Visit and click the “Wealth” tab, then click on “Weight of Money Breakthrough Programs.” Or contact for more information.

P.P.P.S. Do you want to improve, expand, or change careers in 2014…If you are a coach or a health practitioner who would like a booming business and would like to help people keep their weight off forever, please check out the new O.W.L. Weight Loss Certification and Training Program which begins in February. This program combines leadership skills, powerful coaching techniques, business building training, as well as teaching the 9 sabotage patterns block permanent weight loss and how to shift them. Contact me at or visit for more information. This program can be your pathway to expanding your income stream and improving your finances in the coming year.

Success Story:

I had the privilege of being coached by Janis when I was in the midst of turmoil in my life. Janis’ ability to ask the right questions allowed me to make decisions that brought order and peace in my work, and opened my life to greater possibilities for the future. And, I am re-inventing myself! Thank you!
~Vanaja Ghose, Artist

My Current Weight Loss Journey: Stepping Up with a Scary Commitment

As many of you know, I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE Latin music and dance, which is why Zumba is one of my love, love, love movements. I had gotten out of the routine, however, last year when my work schedule seemed to be more important than my personal well-being. (Can you relate?)

Well, because of my renewed commitment to self-care, I began expanding my movement, as I have been writing lately, including the 5K in “Run for the Zoo” in May. Today, however, I really STEPPED UP!

I returned to my former Zumba class with Julie Mason, a great instructor and also massage therapist, after a yearlong “sabbatical” and in a moment of courageous self-leadership told her I would be her substitute teacher if she ever wanted me. She usually just cancels the class, feeling guilty. If I learn just one session, I can repeat it each time. The scary part is standing up in front and leading, being a role model for the others. Talk about stepping into visibility! Talk about a big “why” to stick to my food and movement programs!

Her first class to miss will be March 18. I have my work cut out for me.

Aye Yaye Yaye!

Just Released!

Lose Weight for Life:

9 Unconscious reasons you can’t keep the weight off and what to do about it

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