weight loss

My Current Weight Loss Journey: Stepping Up with a Scary Commitment

As many of you know, I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE Latin music and dance, which is why Zumba is one of my love, love, love movements. I had gotten out of the routine, however, last year when my work schedule seemed to be more important than my personal well-being. (Can you relate?)

Well, because of my renewed commitment to self-care, I began expanding my movement, as I have been writing lately, including the 5K in “Run for the Zoo” in May. Today, however, I really STEPPED UP!

I returned to my former Zumba class with Julie Mason, a great instructor and also massage therapist, after a yearlong “sabbatical” and in a moment of courageous self-leadership told her I would be her substitute teacher if she ever wanted me. She usually just cancels the class, feeling guilty. If I learn just one session, I can repeat it each time. The scary part is standing up in front and leading, being a role model for the others. Talk about stepping into visibility! Talk about a big “why” to stick to my food and movement programs!

Her first class to miss will be March 18. I have my work cut out for me.

Aye Yaye Yaye!

My Current Weight Loss Journey: Run for the Zoo & Accountability

My friend Salley suggested that I commit to some walking events to give velocity to my movement program and preparation for the half marathon I’ve been talking about. So I have now registered for the “Run for the Zoo” to be held in May. In addition, I have attended several Zumba classes and realize this about myself.

I realized that I do better with accelerating the workouts when I am with someone else or a group as a means of scheduling and accountability for myself. My friend Melinda is the same. Last Saturday the Zumba kicked my you-know-what. If I had been alone with my Zumba video, I would not have stepped up to the same level of participation as in the class. Same goes with the spin class vs. my recumbent bicycle at home.

So guess what, fans! I am now planning in my calendar my movement sessions with other people in order to increase the intensity. By the way, did you notice I am calling them “movement” sessions/program/workouts instead of “exercise”? The reason for the terminology difference is that my psyche embraces movement and rejects exercise. I have a body that loves to move; exercise is work!

What will support you in increasing your movement this week?

I’m wiggling extra for you this week!

OWL Success Tips: Janis’ Interview in the ABQ Journal on “Shedding”

Are you ready to let go, or shed, in order to experience life more fully? My success tip this week comes in the form of an interview I did with a reporter from the “Albuquerque Journal” newspaper’s “Live Well’ quarterly magazine, published Saturday, March 2, 2013, in which I discussed downsizing of possessions, money, weight, obligations, and other areas.

Success Tip: To experience more quality, let go of more quantity.

Many Deciding To Shed Their Stuff

An interview with Janis Pullen by Rick Nathanson, Journal Staff Writer
People often come to a point in their lives when they realize, “all their stuff, the house, the cars, the toys, their general accumulation of possessions, isn’t serving them and it’s time to downsize,” says Janis Pullen, an executive business and life coach.

The first step for downsizers is “to know clearly what you want and don’t want, as well as what you need and don’t need,” she says. “If it’s something that makes your heart sing and lights you up, that’s not the thing to get rid of. The unnecessary surplus, ho-hum, take-it-or-leave-it stuff is where you start.”

That “stuff” can be sold traded, donated, gifted or bequeathed to someone. Rather than leave children and grandchildren items in a will, downsize now by giving them heirlooms, jewelry and artwork. For some people, generating a priority list or a timeline may be helpful in keeping on task to shedding material things.

Another strategy for letting go, Pullen suggests, is to create a photo album of items that have personal or sentimental value and give away the actual item. “It’s really the memory that’s most important, not the item itself, so whenever you want to reminiscence, pull out the photo album.”

In addition, downsizing can involve weight loss, finances, relationships and obligations, says Pullen, who is also founder of the Weight of Money and the OWL Weight Loss programs. People often decide to simplify after major changes in their lives such as retirement, illness, death of a spouse or just “reaching an age of wisdom when they realize that many of the things they’ve filled their lives with are not fulfilling.”

Whatever the reason, when people finally get to that point, Pullen says, the number one thing to remember is “stop upsizing.” In other words, “quit buying more stuff.”

Janis Pullen, executive business and life coach, says simplifying and downsizing your life can also involve weight loss, finances, relationships and obligations.

My Current Weight Loss Journey: Expanding my Movement

Recently one of my weight loss clients wanted support on staying motivated in exercise, and I wrote in my blog about different kinds of movement to consider. This past week I made a decision to expand this for myself, starting with the various offers that people have given me. For instance, I spoke for the J.C.C. Fitness Center’s spin class with the WONDERFUL Andrea Levy as the trainer, and she gave me some guest passes. So the following week I joined her class, having never participated in spin before. Although I ride a bicycle and have a stationary bicycle, this was much different. WOW! It was a great and also fun workout.

I included my husband Jay in some new things too.

We attended together some Zumba classes. I have always loved the Latin music and movement, but bringing Jay put a whole new light on things. We had a great time and went to brunch afterward.

Another event I attended last week was the Day of Dance, sponsored by a local hospital. It was a competition much like “Dancing with the Stars” with various vendors giving passes. I now have a week of Jazzercise, several free dance lessons, and other things to do with Jay.

I hope this quick synopsis of expanding my movement can inspire you too. I would love to hear your ideas here.

OWL Success Tips: Why you are not getting the best success you could?

Are you out of integrity with yourself? I write a lot about self-care and well-being as being the foundation of your success in any area, including heath & weight loss, relationships, business, leadership, and finances. The other part of your success foundation lies in being in integrity with yourself, and many of us are just plain out of integrity.

“What!” you say. ”I always keep my promises to people and arrive on time and never lie.” Yes, but integrity means more than that, and it could be where you are holding yourself back.

Success Tip: Be compassionate with your humanity and impeccable with your integrity.

So what does integrity mean then? My interpretation is that when you are in integrity, you are whole and complete, no parts broken. You are in alignment with body, mind, heart, and spirit. You are coming from a place of personal authenticity, power, and purpose. When you find you are out of integrity, or incomplete, your next indicated step is to get back in.

Here are some examples of being out of integrity:

  • Not keeping promises to yourself as well as others
  • Having your work environment be cluttered, dirty, or any way that drains your energy
  • Not clearing up relationship issues
  • Pretending to be someone you are not
  • Ignoring your heart by analyzing with your brain
  • Not taking exquisite care of yourself in body, mind, heart, and spirit
  • Procrastinating, suffering, resisting, or any other sabotage pattern

This week, notice the places you are not experiencing a sense of integrity and make a different choice. You are a precious being, and you deserve wholeness and completeness.


Just Released!

Lose Weight for Life:

9 Unconscious reasons you can’t keep the weight off and what to do about it

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