money and weight

[OWWL Success Tip] Do you let other people’s opinions determine your worth?

gandiAs a premier Ontological Wealth, Weight, and Leadership coach, I have seen people suppress their greatness due to fear of the reactions of others opinions. You may be holding yourself back in many ways and don’t even know it. Suppression of your authentic, powerful self is #9 of my O.W.W.L. Sabotage Patterns and can be easily shifted once you are aware of it.

[O. W. W. L. Success Tip] What other people think of you is none of your business (Click to Tweet)

When we are afraid of what others think about us, we suppress our true selves. When we suppress ourselves, we devalue ourselves, diminishing our self-worth. Suppression shows up in your life in ways which you may not have identified. Here are some common patterns, and they may be conscious or unconscious:

  • If I make too much money, people won’t like or accept me.
  • If I speak my opinion, people will get angry.
  • If I set strong boundaries about what I want and don’t want, people will leave.
  • If I show my emotions, I will appear weak.
  • If I let my emotions out, I won’t be able to stop them, and I’ll lose control.
  • If I share or celebrate my accomplishments, people will think I’m vain.
  • If I am too happy (or sad), people won’t want to be around me.
  • If I make a mistake, I will look stupid.

All of these mindsets and more keep us suppressed and inauthentic. They keep us safe and mediocre. Notice where you are suppressing yourself, and notice why. Your insights will fascinate you!

If you want to learn more about the O.W.W.L. 9 Ontological Sabotage Patterns, especially the #1 top sabotage pattern preventing permanent weight loss, please download my free report now!


P. S. People always ask me, “What is the #1 sabotage pattern preventing permanent weight loss?” because of my reputation and history with weight loss. So I’ve created a free gift just for this purpose that I want to share with you in case you have not received it yet. Please download my free report and share this link with coaches, health professionals, and prospective coaches so that they may also receive it. Obesity is a major health problem these days. Together we can change lives!

Discover the #1 Sabotage Pattern Preventing Permanent Weight
Loss And GET Proven Tips to Eliminate It.
Access my FREE report and start using these tips today!

Success Story:

Janis is one of the most amazing and powerful executive coaches I have had the pleasure of working with. She literally helped me to break through barriers that had been keeping me stuck for years. She is nurturing and caring; yet, strong and effective. Her primary goal is to move you forward and hold you as powerful at all times. It is truly a gift to work with her!

~ Becky J. Benes, Transformational Speaker
Authentic Leadership Development Coach

[O.W.W.L. Success Tip] Are you having fun yet?

success812Want one of the best success tips of all time for weight, money, relationships, or career? Ask yourself, “Am I having fun?”

O.W.W.L. Success Tip: In order to really succeed at anything in life, we have to make it fun.

Why does having fun boost your success? Let’s talk about the various areas and how they are affected by having fun:

Weight: Research shows that weight retention occurs when we are stressed. Weight drops when we are with people who uplift us and when we are doing things we love to do. Then food is no longer required for comfort, and we are able to focus on more fulfilling parts of life than the temporary high from food.

Money: If you have a love/hate relationship with money, you slow down your attraction for it. Money comes when it is wanted and you are excited about making and receiving it. It stays away when you are not…just like friends come to visit when they feel welcome and do not come when they don’t feel welcome.

Relationships: Where there is no joy or laughter in relationships, they will wither away. Many people say that the thing they love most about their partner is the ability to make them laugh. Same with attracting relationships. If you aren’t in your authentic essence with joy, who would want to be with you?

Career/Success: Celebration is the single best indicator of velocity in obtaining results in your business or career. Without it, we make progress, but slowly. With celebration we increase the velocity (speed and power) of our project’s success.

This week review your life to reveal the trouble areas, those in which your energy and emotions are drained. Shift one thing to include more joy in your life. You will be on your way to shedding the pounds, having more money, improving your relationships, or progressing in your career.


Success Story

Janis is a transformational force on the planet. She always has her eye on what is missing and how we can handle it so our venture succeeds. She is a beautiful warrior. She is not afraid to say yes or no. She is wise and gentle, strong and caring. She coaches! I recommend her and am happy to speak with anyone about her. I am proud to call her friend and associate.

– Hans Phillips, Ontologist

[O.W.W.L. Success Tip and Resource] Are you thinking like a woman and negotiating like one too?

Many women think they have to be like men in asking for what they want and getting it. Or they think if they want to retain their feminine, intuitive side, they are weak or powerless.

O.W.W.L. Success Tip: You can be feminine with all your gifts and resources while still being powerful and getting what you want.

I am forwarding this resource to you from my colleague, Marsha Lichtenstein, who specializes in helping women in negotiation. She has a new workshop coming up soon called “Think Like a Woman and Negotiate Like a Man.”

Here’s a preview of what you will learn:

  • The questions to ask that take you to win/win outcomes
  • How to release unconscious beliefs that sabotage you
  • Language scripts and tips to use when the pressure is on
  • There will be a lot of hands-on exercises. Everyone will get a workbook with the exercises and handouts to take home.

Visit the link for details and registration for:
What Every Woman Ought to Know About Negotiating

I believe you can be your sacred feminine goddess self and still get what you want in life.


P. S. If you have not yet registered for my free training class, “Become the Ultimate Coach: Three secrets to extraordinary profits and results in your weight loss practice,” please register today while the link is still active. People are frustrated and disappointed when their diet or exercise regimen, and even weight loss surgery, does not provide the desired results or when the weight just comes back on afterward. Wouldn’t it be great if YOU had the answer to how they could keep it off forever? Visit to download your free audio training.

Success Story:

Janis is an amazing support person. She is heartfelt and cares about her clients. In just a few sessions with Janis I was digging deep down inside myself and pulling out my inner strength, I always knew I had, but never knew how to get to. My career and life have become more enjoyable, fun and easy to manage. I would recommend Janis to anyone who wants to elevate to the next level, but is unsure of the steps to take.
~ Diane Berry, Sales Consultant

[My Current O.W.W.L. Journey] Are you being a Victim of Life?

In a recent blog post I realized that several things had happened to me which “caused” me to go off my plan. I declared a breakdown.

responsibilityHas that ever happened to you? We probably know that when we let circumstances, people, or just life in general take us off course, we are being a victim rather than being responsible for our own life. What we may not know that how we respond to being off course is even more important.

I love the 3-part question, “What’s so, What’s missing? What’s Next?” as a way to get out of victim and into responsibility. Yes, Life does happen! So What? Does a breakdown have to lead to a severe breakdown? No!

Even though circumstances happen, I did not have to have that breakdown if I had followed a few simple practices.

What are some ways that we can go from victim to responsible?

  • First, we must realize that we are in control of our lives and how we respond/react to circumstances. Nobody or no circumstance is in control.
  • Second, we must be committed to our program. If we are, we will make the preparations and adjustments to stay on track.
    • Example with weight: Can’t get to a gym? Do pushups, sit-ups, leg lifts, etc. at home or hotel. Going somewhere else to eat? Call ahead to make sure you can get what you want, or bring your own food, or eat before you go. Caught by surprise? Also pack healthy snacks to eat on the run. Have an urge for a comfort food? Consult your healthy comfort foods substitutions list that you prepared ahead of time.
    • Example with money: Something costs more than you were prepared for? Ask for a payment plan. Cut back on something else (lattes, eating out, etc). Sell something you don’t use.
    • Example with time: Always behind the power curve? Take a few moments daily to consider your schedule and then prepare accordingly. Notice what you do that someone else could do and make requests…delegate. As Stephen Covey says, take time to “sharpen the saw.”

What are your suggestions for transforming your mindset from Victim to Responsibility? How do you get back into being the captain of your own ship? I appreciate your comments here.


P. S. Calling all Weight Loss Coaches! “Become the Ultimate Weight Loss Coach: Unconscious sabotages every coach needs to know so clients can drop the weight forever” is a unique program which blends perfectly with what you already do. Learn how to teach your clients to stop sabotaging their weight loss with this 9-Week Weight Loss Coach Training Intensive which begins March 25!

Success Story:

I am a successful graduate of the Ontological Weight Loss Program. I have lost almost 100 pounds and have been living the O.W.L. program for three years, I have been there and done it and I know it works. I know that O.W.L. program works on the head, heart, body and spirit and that you can’t lose weight with just the facilitative work. (Well, you can, but you won’t change your lifestyle or keep it off.) This is where the ontological work comes in, giving you the ability to change your life to change your lifestyle.

— Dr. Lisa Orick-Martinez, O.W.L. weight loss graduate and O.W.L. Weight Loss Certified Coach.

[Current Weight Loss Journey] Lifting the weight of “Should’s” and “Have To’s”

empowermentI recently made a decision to stay at home for the holidays instead of traveling to see in-laws, as we usually do. I chose to lay aside guilt, potential disapproval, and potential judgment.

I have always been a people-pleaser, wanting to help others and putting their best interests ahead of mine. The problem with this pattern is that I don’t get my own needs and wants met, which can cause fatigue, burnout, resentment, and self-pity. Not an empowered way to live!

I have worked very hard to create a six-figure business, expanding my programs, hiring new team, and increasing my clientele. To create our 2014 goals and strategies in a powerful way, I need some down time. Traveling, living out of a suitcase, and relative interaction would not give me the clarity and peace required. This was not a spontaneous choice. There will be consequences. But it was an empowered choice.

I would love to hear from you how you stay in clarity and peace during the hectic holiday time.

By the way, the new programs I mentioned include some exciting news for you! Here’s what’s happening:

  • Special free teleclass so important this time of year: “The Ultimate Coach: Three secrets to extraordinary profits and results in your weight loss practice”. To register for this free class, please visit If you can’t make it live, don’t worry. It will be recorded for your listening convenience.
  • Special Weight of Money Breakthrough 90-day Group Coaching Program. Visit and click the “Wealth” tab, then click on “Weight of Money Breakthrough Programs.”
  • If you are a coach or a health practitioner who would like a booming business and would like to help people keep their weight off forever, please check out the new O.W.L. Weight Loss Certification and Training Program which begins in February. This program combines leadership skills, powerful coaching techniques, business building training, as well as teaching the 9 sabotage patterns block permanent weight loss and how to shift them. Contact me at or visit for more information. This program can be your pathway to expanding your income stream and improving your finances in the coming year.

Believing in your powerful choices,

Success Story


“When Danielle started the O.W.L. program, I was decidedly skeptical that she would stick with the program and/or loose weight on it. She had tried several programs without success and was now a little over 200 pounds, which scared us both, especially since she is still so young (in her 20s). Her dad has diabetes and high blood pressure, so she was on the way of inheriting medical problems as well, due to being overweight. In addition, being overweight caused low self-esteem and a feeling of being out of control and hopelessness, which carried over into other aspects of her life.

“Janis and the O.W.L. program put Danielle back in charge of her life and a feeling of accomplishment. Before the program, she complained constantly of being tired, of feeling ugly and fat. She had absolutely no goals or if she did would not follow through on any of them. Janis is so wise and has a wonderful way of confronting the issues without being threatening or overbearing (like moms tend to be). She also knows that being overweight always comes from underlying issues that have to be addressed first, before going on a successful weight loss program. The O.W.L. program is really a life changing one. It is not a fad diet program where you loose a lot of weight initially only to gain it back later when life gets tough again.

“Thank you, Janis, from the bottom of my heart to hand me back a daughter who now has the tools to live a healthy and productive life.

With gratitude,

Just Released!

Lose Weight for Life:

9 Unconscious reasons you can’t keep the weight off and what to do about it

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