Deepak Chopra

[OWWL Success Tip] Change

changeHow do you relate to change?

My sister began rearranging furniture and throwing out old magazines, evoking her husband’s grumpiness and upset. He doesn’t like change. My friend jumps from one multi-level marketing company to another when something “better” comes along. She loves change.

Change in business niche, direction, expansion, contraction, as well as in personal arenas, has entailed growth and evolution for me through the years, but with my reluctance and courage every time I left a comfort zone. What is your relationship to change?

Success Tip: Embrace change as growth and evolution, but don’t jump at each “shiny object that comes along.”

My pattern of change has been to stay with something longer than I should have, long after I knew better. But I second guessed myself and analyzed things to death. Then, when the time was right and my courage was greater than my fear, I made the change with 100% commitment, not looking back (mostly). So, no, I’m not a person to jump at every new, shiny opportunity. And, no, I don’t get stuck forever. My careers have evolved as follows:

  • college drop out
  • housewife/mother
  • college graduate with Master’s Degree
  • C.P.A.
  • Senior Sales Director, Mary Kay Cosmetics
  • Life, Business, and Executive Coach
  • Founder – Ontological Weight Loss Programs: Your Once-in-a-Lifetime Solution
  • Founder – Weight of Money Breakthrough Programs
  • Founder – Coaches’ Certification and Training Programs
  • NEW CHANGE: Janis Charlton Pullen – Mastery Coach in Ontological Wealth, Weight, and Leadership

Another change is that the blog posts on Thursday will no longer come via email to your inbox. So if you enjoyed reading “My Current Weight Loss Journey” every Thursday, be sure to sign up directly for the blog or visit every Thursday to read the new post.

The Tuesday Success Tips will continue to come via email if you have subscribed, but will CHANGE to include tips in Wealth, Weight, and Leadership, not only weight.

For information about Wealth, Weight, and Leadership Programs, contact me at

To your health, wealth, and self-leadership,

Success Story:

I have known Janis for many years, and have participated in workshops that she has led as well as one-on-one coaching. Janis’ approach to public speaking and workshops is straightforward, truthful, interesting, compassionate, humorous, prepared, and educated. She is a natural-born leader as well as speaker and conveyor of truth, inspiration, and information. One-on-one Janis exemplifies compassion, honesty, and confidentiality. The value I have received as a recipient of her coaching, as a workshop participant, or audience member is invaluable, important, and life-altering. Janis is a woman who walks her talk. I recommend Janis as a leader, speaker, or coach, and I am grateful for the opportunity to sing her praises.
~Rita Stafford, Albuquerque, New Mexico

[Current O.W.W.L. Journey] My recent breakdown

I want to post a breakthrough that occurred in Dallas last week. I attended a conference at The Omni Mandalay Hotel in Las Colinas last week. This was my old stomping ground when I was married to my previous husband. I put him through chiropractic school nearby, and we lived there for 3 years, just up the street from that hotel. We used to walk down to the hotel, the lake, the shops on the canals, and watch the fireworks on Saturday night right behind the hotel. We took our out-of-town guests there.

The huge bronze statues of the Wild Mustangs of Las Colinas, which were a favorite of mine, were visible from my hotel room last week. I was in a 3-day workshop with Deepak Chopra (and my then husband) in the very ballroom where the conference was located, and we also participated in a ballroom dance competition there in which I received awards. This was about 20 years ago.

Wild Mustangs of Las Colinas by Jeffrey K. Clarke

Wild Mustangs of Las Colinas by Jeffrey K. Clarke

That husband and I made plans to open a ballroom dance studio after he graduated, so that I would be able to quit working if I chose. However, after he graduated and we moved to New Mexico, he divorced me, and my dreams were burst. Last week at the conference, I was filled with wonderful memories upon arriving, and I was delighted at how much I remembered…the little boutique where I shopped, the restaurant on the canal, etc.

My breakdown occurred the first morning, before the event commenced. My grief came out in torrents. My dear friend and roommate, who had known me before my marriage to him, wisely distinguished it as grieving, and I gave myself permission to feel it all. I didn’t know that depth of emotion lurked inside my heart and gut. I felt validated and cleansed with the catharsis.

I share this because I know the value of letting go of what pulls us down and holds us back, even if buried deep below the surface. This has held me down for 20 years, and I attribute my breakthroughs and insights in the last two weeks to being able to create the space for them by being willing to let go of this grief.

What is holding you back from your highest and best good…even if it’s deep down?

With vulnerability and transparency,

P. S. If you have not yet registered for my free training class, “Become the Ultimate Coach: Three secrets to extraordinary profits and results in your weight loss practice,” please register today while the link is still active. People are frustrated and disappointed when their diet or exercise regimen, and even weight loss surgery, does not provide the desired results or when the weight just comes back on afterward. Wouldn’t it be great if YOU had the answer to how they could keep it off forever? Visit to download your free audio training.

P. P. S. If you like my work and my sharing, please consider becoming an affiliate and referring me to others and getting paid a referral fee. . There is no charge to you.

Success Story

I want to acknowledge Janis Pullen today for being a freaking AWESOME coach! She helped me see that I was playing a game I couldn’t possibly win (in the empowered sense of the word). Together we designed a new game complete with rules I love and prizes that feed my spirit. Specifically, she was an impeccably insightful listener, patient yet interruptive when necessary, lavished me with acknowledgement, and was so creative I wanted to play along. Thank you, Janis!
~ Dinah Snow, Certified Money, Marketing, and Soul Coach,
President-elect, International Coach Federation – Colorado

[O.W.W.L. Success Tip] Sending you my gifts of Peace, Joy, and Serenity and how to get them

owlydaysI have been thinking of you recently. Have you been feeling stressed out lately? Are you up to your ears in travel, family, spending money, cooking, or any other “to do’s”? Would you like to know how to give yourself the gifts of Peace, Joy, and Serenity?

O.W.W. L. Success Tip: Decide not to let the outer world dictate your stress reactions.

We have no control over events, people, or circumstances. What do we have control over? We can control the meanings we give things and the relationship we have to stress. In other words, we can’t control the outer circumstances, but we can control how we think about them – our inner world.

If you are making this busy time mean stress, frantic, over-worked, and anxious and if your relationship to stress is that it’s bad, here are my tips for shifting to Peace, Joy, and Serenity:

  1. Clean up your vocabulary…use “busy, excited, productive” instead of “overwhelmed, stressed, too much to do.”
  2. Be curious about why you are stressed out. Is it because you don’t think you’ll be appreciated, loved, or respected if you don’t get it all done? Is it because of unrealistic expectations? Is it because you think you have to be perfect? Is it because you are judging others or yourself? What’s all that about?
  3. Declare that you will not be stressed out, and look for alternatives to make things easier. Take a stand for yourself.
  4. Take good care of yourself.
  5. Ask for support everywhere. Separate, alone, and hard is one of the sabotage patterns we learn to dismantle in the Janis Pullen and O.W.L. coaching programs.
  6. Shift criticism to gratitude. Isn’t this self-explanatory? An attitude of gratitude for everything everyday creates the Peace, Joy, and Serenity you want.
  7. Adopt a mantra such as, “All is well” to practice daily.
  8. Contact me at to schedule a complimentary coaching session.
  9. Consider hiring a life/business/health coach as a gift to yourself.

I believe you can have a wonderful holiday season and finish your year with grace and ease. I believe you can have the calm and love you want. You are a precious gift to those who love you. Take care of you.


P. S. Register now for our special free teleclass, “The Ultimate Coach: Three secrets to extraordinary profits and results in your weight loss practice.” To register for this free class, please visit If you can’t make it live, don’t worry. It will be recorded for your listening convenience.

P.P.S. Have a New Year’s Resolution to make more money and keep more of what you make? Then this is a must: My special Weight of Money Breakthrough 90-day Group Coaching Program. Visit and click the “Wealth” tab, then click on “Weight of Money Breakthrough Programs.” Or contact for more information.

P.P.P.S. Do you want to improve, expand, or change careers in 2014…If you are a coach or a health practitioner who would like a booming business and would like to help people keep their weight off forever, please check out the new O.W.L. Weight Loss Certification and Training Program which begins in February. This program combines leadership skills, powerful coaching techniques, business building training, as well as teaching the 9 sabotage patterns block permanent weight loss and how to shift them. Contact me at or visit for more information. This program can be your pathway to expanding your income stream and improving your finances in the coming year.

Success Story:

I had the privilege of being coached by Janis when I was in the midst of turmoil in my life. Janis’ ability to ask the right questions allowed me to make decisions that brought order and peace in my work, and opened my life to greater possibilities for the future. And, I am re-inventing myself! Thank you!
~Vanaja Ghose, Artist

[O.W.W.L. Success Tip] Shedding the Weight of Shame

Many people experience shame as children and then carry it with them in their adult lives. Shame sabotages our forward momentum. Shame sabotages our ability to achieve results. Shame sabotages with our quality of life. And often we don’t even realize we are hanging on to shame; it’s unconscious.

Shame could arise when people don’t return your phone calls or when you don’t get hired. Shame could arise when someone takes her name off your email list. Shame could arise when you didn’t meet your financial goals this year. Shame could arise when you did not lose the weight you promised to lose.


Whatever form our shame might take, it usually emerges because we think we did something wrong. It is the cover up for the “I’m not good enough” story. A red flag pointing to emerging shame is when you are unreasonably embarrassed for something, such as making mistakes or miscommunication. Another flag is when you doubt your own expertise or capabilities, even though you might be well-educated or have vast experience and wisdom. Shame is not logical if it stems from our past or present, unless we have done something intentionally that is out of integrity with ourselves.

You are probably not committed to running your life from shame or being committed to having mediocre results as a consequence. So every time you notice yourself feeling shame, please ask yourself if this is a story from your past of not being good enough. If so, then notice and “be with” the pain of that. Resolve to let it go. If you are out of integrity with something in the present, take action to get back in integrity, forgive yourself, and let go of the shame.

As you continue this practice, you will shed the old weight of shame. And your body, mind, heart, and spirit will become lighter.

Happy December,

P. S. If you are a coach or a health practitioner who would like a booming business and would like to help people keep their weight off forever, please check out the new O.W.L. Weight Loss Certification and Training Program which begins in February. This program combines leadership skills, powerful coaching techniques, business building training, as well as teaching the 9 sabotage patterns block permanent weight loss and how to shift them. Contact me at or visit for more information. This program can be your pathway to expanding your income stream and improving your finances in the coming year.

Success Story:

It is with honor and great pleasure that I speak to you about considering Janis Pullen as your coach. She is indeed an incredible partner and being of presence. She is compassionate, transparent, honest and authentic – in fact, she puts into practice what she inspires in her clients. I am excited about the path and journey I have chosen to take through coaching. You would be fortunate to choose Janis as your coach.
~Jeaninne Grayson, CEO Center Now and Ananda Yoga, O.W.L. Weight Loss Certification and Training Program trainee.

[O.W.W.L. Success Tip] The Power is in the Pause

pauseHow many times have you suddenly realized that you have said something you really did not mean to say, done something you really did not intend to do, spent money on something you really didn’t need, or eaten something you really did not want to eat? Our automatic reactions work great if we are in danger or dodging a snowballs or saving a drowning child. However, if you sometimes wish you had waited a few moments before reacting, you may be giving away your power to impulse. Do you experience regret in your hasty decisions or, worse, your automatic, unconscious choices?

O.W.W.L. Success Tip: The Power is in the Pause

I attended a seminar with Deepak Chopra several years ago called “Journey to the Boundless.” During his explanation of meditation, he spoke of the power of the “gap,” that space between our thoughts. I was so impressed with concept, that I have distinguished a similar one in support of people who want to shift their automatic behaviors.

Regardless of their project areas, I often ask my coaching clients to print and post this sentence: “The Power is in The Pause.” I also ask them to practice The Pause and notice their presence and awareness in doing so. Results show that the more they practice this, the more their actions line up with their commitments, rather than regrets. “Presence and Awareness” is the one of the Ontological Empowerment shifts we teach in the O.W.L. Weight Loss Certification and Training Program, which will begin in February. If you know a coach or a health care practitioner who would like to expand/improve your weight loss coaching business, please check out for more information.

Here’s a personal example of the power of The Pause. On Valentine’s Day my husband and I went to our favorite coffee shop. He had the urge for a small scoop of vanilla ice cream. I had the urge for the whole display case of sweets! Now, we all know that eating huge quantities of sugar and spending money on impulse are not in alignment with my intention to be a great role model for the O.W.L. Weight Loss and Weight of Money programs, nor is it consistent with my commitment for a healthy, conscious life. We also know it was Valentine’s Day, a day where loving chocolate is not only approved of but encouraged. Oh, what to do? Well, what I did was to take a few moments before ordering. And you guessed it: I ordered a cup of decaf in a large mug, saved the cost of a dessert, and applied the savings toward something I wanted more – something that would last more than 10 minutes! The power was in The Pause.

Here’s to your power!

P. S. The O.W.L. Weight Loss Certification and Training Program combines leadership skills, powerful coaching skills, business building training, as well as teaching the 9 sabotage patterns and how to shift them. Contact me at or visit for details.

Success Story:

My initial V.I.P. Day with Janis was very insightful! If you work with Janis, you’ll come away feeling better about yourself than when you came in!
~Michal Kelly, Life/Career Coaching Client

Just Released!

Lose Weight for Life:

9 Unconscious reasons you can’t keep the weight off and what to do about it

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