
[Current Weight Loss Journey] I’ve been noticing your patterns

breaking-free-of-old-patternsI have been noticing patterns with people for a long time. In coaching, the patterns make a huge difference in success or failure, depending on if they are empowering patterns or disempowering ones. I have been noticing patterns about people, even you if we coach together! 🙂

For instance, one of your patterns might be to be perfect in your food program and in your exercise. That pattern would serve you in your weight loss and maintenance.

On the other hand, one of your patterns might be to go for a while really well and then give up on yourself and slip back into old habits. That is the “zoom-eek” pattern (zoom forward and eek screech to a halt). That pattern would sabotage you in your program.

Another pattern might be to be really sloppy with adhering to your food program, not measuring, having too much of the wrong stuff, not eating enough fat or vegetables, not drinking enough water, etc. This is being out of integrity, again sabotaging your program.

Changing disempowering patterns requires you to notice them, distinguish whether they serve or sabotage you, and take specific action steps to change.

What are your patterns? How do they serve you? Or how do they sabotage you? Please notice your patterns and post them here. If they are sabotaging ones, please also post how you will take action steps to change them so you will be empowered in your weight loss journey.


Success Story

The most “WOW” part of Janis for me, is the ownership that she takes in working with you! She approaches the relationship as a “Partnership”, which means that she takes a “Personal stake” in your results. This approach inspires you to follow her guidance and do the work because you know that she cares as much as you do about your progress!

~ Lisa K. Hood, Financial Representative

[Success Tip] Why you need to learn from the best Mastery Level Coaches

invest in yourselfI was at a Mastery Level Coaches training last year along with many of my colleagues, as we up leveled ourselves and our businesses with great educational content plus wonderful networking and sharing of ideas.  It occurred to me that this is really a great success tip for all of us:

Success Tip: Invest in yourself by investing in top-notch training and coaching.

First, obviously when we continue our professional education, we stay current and sharp with the knowledge part of it.  But even more, investing in yourself sends two powerful messages:

  1. The message to yourself that you are worth investing in and that you value yourself and your business.  This boosts your confidence and power.
  2. The message to your clients that as a wise leader in your business, continually learning and growing, that you are worth their investment in themselves as well.  This boosts their confidence in you and also in their decision to hire you.

What is the next place you can up level yourself through investing in your business, yourself, and your future?

Warm wishes for your success,

P. S. Coming Soon…my new book is in it’s revision stages: ‘Lose Weight for Life: 9 Unconscious Reasons You Can’t Keep the Weight Off and What to Do About It’. I’ll keep you posted when it’s done!

Success Story

Janis is a wonderful coach with real life experience to stand behind. Because Janis has been there, she understands the challenges and excuses that arise for everyone; thus she is able to motivate, encourage and guide her clients through their obstacles.

And somehow she always knows the right questions to ask in order to get to the real issue that keeps her clients in bondage to their addiction(s) and/or behaviors.

I am forever grateful to Janis for her commitment to sowing into my life and helping me reach my weight loss goal of 50+ pounds. I couldn’t have done it without her.

Thank you,

~ Melinda

[O.W.L. Success Tip] Why brilliant people follow instructions

instruction_manualAre you stuck? Want to have your next breakthrough with a simple practice?

O.W.L. Success Tip: The practice is to follow instructions.

Humans try to make simple things hard; then we struggle. However, brilliant people make hard things simple. Following instructions is one way to simplify and to have a new breakthrough.

Whether we’re talking about instructions for assembling a toy, practices from your coach, sticking to your food or exercise plan, insights from your wise inner self, or any other kind of instruction, practice FOLLOWING THE INSTRUCTIONS.

Do you resist following instructions because your monkey brain is thinking of all the reasons why you should not? This is a sabotage pattern. Give it up! Einstein said, “Problems can not be solved at the same level of awareness that created them.” It is in the following of instructions that you gain new awareness.

I predict your life will get easier, simpler, and more peaceful when you let go of that resistance and just try it. Then watch to see what beautiful breakthroughs come your way.

Here’s to your next breakthrough!


P. S. Speaking of sabotage patterns, have you seen any of my new video shorts, photographed by Kyle Zimmerman? A new one will be coming out Thursday, June 26, 2014 on my BLOG regarding following instructions on a food program, and another short video will debut Tuesday, July 1, on your sabotage patterns in my Tuesday Success Tips.

P. S. S. Many of you have sent me referrals and have joined my Reciprocity (Affiliate) Program. Thank you so very much. My mission is to help people worldwide to have the lives, finances, business, and bodies that they love. So your sending of referrals helps us all; I give generous referral fees! To learn more about the program, please visit and click on at the very bottom of each page. Also contact me for more information at

P. S. S. S. The 2014 O.W.L. Coach Certification & Training Program has begun, but we still have 4 slots open, and you can easily catch up. Please visit the page for more information and contact me with questions.

Success Story

kristenowens2testI enrolled in the O.W.L. Coach Certification & Training Program because, as a holistic nutritionist, I am already offering the facilitative portion of weight loss (food and movement). I know that the emotional side of weight loss is, I believe, the most important part of the process.

I found it very exciting to experience in the clients I enrolled within the program (one enrolled even before I started the program!) the transformations they saw in their weight and also in other areas of their life. How you do weight is how you do everything! These sabotage patterns really do work in every area of life: money, weight, health, relationships.

I was enrolled to learn how I can service my clients in a bigger way, but I also got value for myself. I was able to apply these tools into my own life even though weight is not a concern they shifted my thinking and how I see myself.

If you are thinking of whether you should enroll, I will make it easy for you…just do it! You will benefit more ways than just one. For you to be a fantastic coach you must transform yourself first! That will just happen and will be fun and easy at same time.

~Kristen Owens, Ontario, Canada
Holistic Nutritionist

[Current OWWL Journey] Did I mention I was stepping into discomfort, the unknown, and greater visibility? Oh, here’s the proof!

I have taken a step into the unknown! For people to make a greater impact on the world it takes being known and highly visible, but that is scary for many of us, including me. However, being courageous and committed and wanting to help people worldwide to love and accept themselves while creating a body and a life that they love, I took the advice of my marketing director, Kyle Zimmerman, and together we created a series of videos. In support of the 2014 O.W.L. Coach Certification & Training Program that begins next month, I am sharing this video with you. It’s only 2 ½ minutes long. Will you please watch it and tell me what you think? It’s called “Unconscious Ways We Self Sabotage!”

Thank you in advance!

In gratitude,

P. S. There is another short video that was posted on Tuesday of this week, entitled “Why I Became a Coach.” Please check that out too.

P.P.S. We only have a few slots open in the 2014 O.W.L. Coach Certification & Training Program. Please contact me right away if you or someone you know would be interested in this. I do give commissions for referrals.

[OWWL Success Tip] What’s the price of visibility? …and my new uncomfortable step into video

Are you the type who likes to shine brightly in the public eye? Do you love the visibility and the recognition? Or are you like me and shy away from too much attention for fear of being criticized?

O.W.W.L. Success Tip: Showing up and playing large to get maximum results in your life starts with accepting yourself just as you are and honoring your special gifts and talents.

How would greater visibility enhance your career? How does staying under the radar limit you? What are the consequences of showing up fully? What are the consequences of NOT showing up fully?

In Janis Pullen and Company, we train coaches and weight loss professionals worldwide to build highly successful businesses, to be and to grow themselves as powerful coaches, and to teach their clients to love and respect themselves while dropping weight permanently and living the life of their dreams.

Our mission is to to provide a once-in-a-lifetime program for people worldwide who have struggled and suffered with weight issues, so that they can live their lives with exponentially expanded joy and freedom.

So you can see that it wouldn’t work very well for me to sit inside my office with a few clients at a time. I wouldn’t exactly be taking my mission worldwide. The problem for me was that I was scared to get visible, to show up, and to be vulnerable. When I had my professional photo shoot and redid my colors (thanks to Kyle Zimmerman and Kailash Sozzani those experiences were hard enough, as I brought to light a Janis who had been hiding out.

Then I was encouraged to shoot You Tube videos and to reveal even more about myself. I actually had a breakdown in the middle of recording! There was a price to pay for getting visible. That price included giving up my comfort zone, giving up my pride, and giving up my self-criticism. The price also included a declaration of commitment to my mission that is bigger than my ego and bigger than myself.

What is your mission and your commitment? How will visibility help you? How do you hold yourself back? Please watch my videos as a way to inspire yourself and also to help me find those people I’m supposed to be working with.

Here’s the first one. It’s called “Why I Became a Coach” and is 1 ½ minutes long. Please help me reach people who would be interested in our 2014 Coach Certification & Training Program.

Why I Became a Coach:

Vulnerably yours,

P. S. I offer commissions for referrals. Please contact me to find out how easy it is!

Success Stories

Janis is one of the most powerful coaches I know and has had incredible success with her O.W.L. program. Women actually lose weight and keep it off, not to mention all of the myriad of other benefits and breakthroughs they have.

Norah Edelstein, Topanga, CA, Ontological Life Coach

Just Released!

Lose Weight for Life:

9 Unconscious reasons you can’t keep the weight off and what to do about it

Join The Club!!

Have you lost weight and want to keep it off? Do you want to be a part of a community of others who shares this goal? Then The Keep It Off Club is right for you!

To learn more about
The Keep It Off Club membership, please visit: