and Leadership

[OWWL Success Tip] Is your definition of success killing your business and maybe killing you?

definition of successDo you often feel stressed or overburdened? Does your life feel like it’s too jam-packed with to-dos and not enough purpose? Have you created a lifestyle that leaves you anxious, frustrated, or burned out? This lifestyle could be killing your business – or even you! Instead, how would you like to thrive, be successful, and create a life of well-being, wisdom, and wonder?

In our O.W.L. programs we teach that well-being is one of the pillars of success. So you can imagine my delight to learn of Arianna Huffington, Greek-American author and syndicated columnist. She is best known for her news website The Huffington Post. She was also named as number 12 in Forbes’ first-ever list of the “Most Influential Women In Media.” Her platform includes helping women redefine success for themselves.

O.W.W.L. Success Tip: Thrive, don’t just survive.

To help you do just that, Arianna Huffington, wrote the book Thrive: The Third Metric to Redefining Success and Creating a Life of Well-Being, Wisdom, and Wonder. It offers a number of strategies you can use to bridge the gap between knowing what you could be doing to thrive, and actually doing it rather than just agreeing with but not implementing these principles in your own life. In addition to making sure you’re getting sufficient amounts of high-quality sleep, Arianna recommends incorporating the following strategies in your day-to-day life:

  • Meditation. It can be as short as five minutes to start. Simply allow your thoughts to come and go, returning your focus to your breath without getting caught up in your mind’s meanderings. The purpose of mindfulness meditation is to simply be “fully present” in the moment. This is where you can notice how you really feel, and connect with who you really are, deep down.
  • Sweeping your mental corridors. She also suggests making the conscious decision to drop negative or judgmental thoughts and anxieties at the end of each day. If the thought or feeling does not serve you, let it go.
  • Practice gratitude. Keeping a daily gratitude list of the many little blessings in your life can help you shift your focus to how good your life is instead of dwelling on the challenges. “If we can redirect our mind to focus on the blessings, I find that I feel much more joyful and much more filled with energy,” Arianna says.
  • Connect with others face-to-face. Start making personal connections with people you come across every day that you might have taken for granted – it could be the cleaning crew in your office, the checkout clerk, or the barista in the coffee shop. Connecting with people face-to-face will allow you to become more present in the moment, and more connected with the rest of humanity. It also helps you tap into empathy and compassion—two emotions that often fall by the wayside when you’re too stressed and disconnected to even notice the world around you.
  • Do one thing at a time. Multitasking is an illusion. Research shows that multitasking is actually task-switching, and it’s very stressful. It also promotes anxiety. If you can walk down the street, and really just walk, without texting or talking on the phone, it will connect you with the moment. You will be able to notice the sunset, a flower, the design features of a building, or the smiling face of a baby.

My wish, as Arianna’s, is for all of us is to live a life of Well-being, Wisdom, and Wonder AT THE SAME TIME WE ACHIEVE SUCCESS.
What is one thing on her list that you could do today toward this end?


P. S. FREE Training Class for a limited time: “Become the Ultimate Coach: Three secrets to extraordinary profits and results in your weight loss practice.” If you are a coach or a health practitioner who would like a booming business and would like to help people keep their weight off forever, this free audio is a MUST for your business!

P. S. S. 2014 Coach Certification & Training Program begins this week. For new coaches or experienced ones, we cover all the four essential elements of a successful coaching business in depth:

  1. Shifting the 9 unconscious sabotage patterns that keep us from success, for both you and your clients
  2. An authentic way to market and grow your business
  3. A healthy relationship with money
  4. Coaching support to help you be a courageous and powerful force in your business

P. S. S. S. NOW AVAILABLE: 9-Week Weight Loss Coach Training Intensive Home Study Course, “Become the Ultimate Weight Loss Coach: Unconscious sabotages every coach needs to know so clients can drop the weight forever.” This course solves the problem that even though weight loss coaches can help their clients with the nutrition and exercise and with short term motivation, they don’t usually know how to help their clients identify and overcome the unconscious sabotages that result in weight loss plateaus or, worse, regaining the weight their clients lost and more!

Success Stories:

norahJanis is one of the most powerful coaches I know and has had incredible success with her O.W.L. program. Women actually lose weight and keep it off, not to mention all of the myriad of other benefits and breakthroughs they have.

Norah Edelstein, Topanga, CA, Ontological Life Coach

[Current O.W.W.L. Journey] My recent breakdown

I want to post a breakthrough that occurred in Dallas last week. I attended a conference at The Omni Mandalay Hotel in Las Colinas last week. This was my old stomping ground when I was married to my previous husband. I put him through chiropractic school nearby, and we lived there for 3 years, just up the street from that hotel. We used to walk down to the hotel, the lake, the shops on the canals, and watch the fireworks on Saturday night right behind the hotel. We took our out-of-town guests there.

The huge bronze statues of the Wild Mustangs of Las Colinas, which were a favorite of mine, were visible from my hotel room last week. I was in a 3-day workshop with Deepak Chopra (and my then husband) in the very ballroom where the conference was located, and we also participated in a ballroom dance competition there in which I received awards. This was about 20 years ago.

Wild Mustangs of Las Colinas by Jeffrey K. Clarke

Wild Mustangs of Las Colinas by Jeffrey K. Clarke

That husband and I made plans to open a ballroom dance studio after he graduated, so that I would be able to quit working if I chose. However, after he graduated and we moved to New Mexico, he divorced me, and my dreams were burst. Last week at the conference, I was filled with wonderful memories upon arriving, and I was delighted at how much I remembered…the little boutique where I shopped, the restaurant on the canal, etc.

My breakdown occurred the first morning, before the event commenced. My grief came out in torrents. My dear friend and roommate, who had known me before my marriage to him, wisely distinguished it as grieving, and I gave myself permission to feel it all. I didn’t know that depth of emotion lurked inside my heart and gut. I felt validated and cleansed with the catharsis.

I share this because I know the value of letting go of what pulls us down and holds us back, even if buried deep below the surface. This has held me down for 20 years, and I attribute my breakthroughs and insights in the last two weeks to being able to create the space for them by being willing to let go of this grief.

What is holding you back from your highest and best good…even if it’s deep down?

With vulnerability and transparency,

P. S. If you have not yet registered for my free training class, “Become the Ultimate Coach: Three secrets to extraordinary profits and results in your weight loss practice,” please register today while the link is still active. People are frustrated and disappointed when their diet or exercise regimen, and even weight loss surgery, does not provide the desired results or when the weight just comes back on afterward. Wouldn’t it be great if YOU had the answer to how they could keep it off forever? Visit to download your free audio training.

P. P. S. If you like my work and my sharing, please consider becoming an affiliate and referring me to others and getting paid a referral fee. . There is no charge to you.

Success Story

I want to acknowledge Janis Pullen today for being a freaking AWESOME coach! She helped me see that I was playing a game I couldn’t possibly win (in the empowered sense of the word). Together we designed a new game complete with rules I love and prizes that feed my spirit. Specifically, she was an impeccably insightful listener, patient yet interruptive when necessary, lavished me with acknowledgement, and was so creative I wanted to play along. Thank you, Janis!
~ Dinah Snow, Certified Money, Marketing, and Soul Coach,
President-elect, International Coach Federation – Colorado

[OWWL Success Tip] This tip is like magic for getting results!

Recently, one of our new registrants for the new O.W.L. Certification and Training Program which starts in June told me she wasn’t going to celebrate her decision to join the program until she had at least one new client and asked if I agreed. I replied, “NO!” Celebrate each step of the way!

OWWL Success Tip: Celebrations and rewards for your accomplishments and positive action steps provide velocity in obtaining your results.

Magic-iconOur subconscious minds are programmed to respond a certain way. If we are used to working hard, not asking for help, or not getting what we want, our subconscious gives us more of the same. Results are hard. Results are slow. We are being psychologically stingy!

On the other hand, if we celebrate our wins, both big and small, with excitement and joy, our energy is magnetic, working in our behalf by attracting more of what we want and by doing so more quickly. It’s almost like magic! We show up energized and vivacious. We want more of those rewards. Our inner child complies with our outer adult to make things happen quickly and easily.

What can you acknowledge about yourself? How can you celebrate yourself? Are you ready to ZOOM?!


P. S. If you have not yet registered for my free training class, “Become the Ultimate Coach: Three secrets to extraordinary profits and results in your weight loss practice,” please register today while the link is still active. People are frustrated and disappointed when their diet or exercise regimen, and even weight loss surgery, does not provide the desired results or when the weight just comes back on afterward. Wouldn’t it be great if YOU had the answer to how they could keep it off forever? Visit to download your free audio training.

P. P. S. If you like my work and my sharing, please consider becoming an affiliate and referring me to others and getting paid a referral fee. Simply click here. There is no charge to you.

Success Story

I want to acknowledge Janis Pullen today for being a freaking AWESOME coach! She helped me see that I was playing a game I couldn’t possibly win (in the empowered sense of the word). Together we designed a new game complete with rules I love and prizes that feed my spirit. Specifically, she was an impeccably insightful listener, patient yet interruptive when necessary, lavished me with acknowledgement, and was so creative I wanted to play along. Thank you, Janis!
~ Dinah Snow, Certified Money, Marketing, and Soul Coach,
President-elect, International Coach Federation – Colorado

[O.W.W.L. Journey and resource] I realized that I could be powerful and also be feminine

When I was younger, I watched my dad be successful and my stepmother be taken care of by him. I made up a story that I had to act like a man if I was going to be successful. I joined a male-dominated profession of accounting and became a CPA. My assumptions played out there.

Later when I joined Mary Kay Cosmetics, I realized that women could be extraordinarily successful and still wear dresses, use intuition, and be feminine. So if you are like I was, you might want to check out this resource. Many women think they have to be like men in asking for what they want and getting it. Or they think if they want to retain their feminine, intuitive side, they are weak or powerless.


This resource is a workshop by my colleague, Marsha Lichtenstein, who specializes in helping women in negotiation. It’s called “Think Like a Woman and Negotiate Like a Man.”

Here’s a preview of what you will learn:

  • The questions to ask that take you to win/win outcomes
  • How to release unconscious beliefs that sabotage you
  • Language scripts and tips to use when the pressure is on
  • There will be a lot of hands-on exercises, and everyone will get a workbook with the exercises and handouts to take home.

Visit the link for details and registration:
“Think Like a Woman and Negotiate Like a Man.”

I believe you can be your sacred feminine goddess self and still get what you want in life.


P. S. If you have not yet registered for my free training class, “Become the Ultimate Coach: Three secrets to extraordinary profits and results in your weight loss practice,” please register today while the link is still active. People are frustrated and disappointed when their diet or exercise regimen, and even weight loss surgery, does not provide the desired results or when the weight just comes back on afterward. Wouldn’t it be great if YOU had the answer to how they could keep it off forever? Visit to download your free audio training.

Success Story:

Janis is an amazing support person. She is heartfelt and cares about her clients. In just a few sessions with Janis I was digging deep down inside myself and pulling out my inner strength, I always knew I had, but never knew how to get to. My career and life have become more enjoyable, fun and easy to manage. I would recommend Janis to anyone who wants to elevate to the next level, but is unsure of the steps to take.
~ Diane Berry, Sales Consultant

[My Current O.W.W.L. Journey] The dance of life

danceI wrote last Thursday about a slump I had been in and what I distinguished to get out. As I write today, I realize this pattern of feeling great and feeling down is all part of life. There is no “bad” or “good” involved. It’s just a dance of life. Sometimes the dance is slow and deliberate. Sometimes the dance is fast and frenzied. Sometimes the dance is hard, and other times we could do it in our sleep.

I declare that the dance of life doesn’t need judgment. Actually, judgment makes it appear harder. The dance of life just needs to be recognized, appreciated, and danced.

I wish you all a dance of life to the fullest. Please share here what your dance is like.


P. S. If you want to dance your way into our world, consider some great programs offered at various investment levels:

  • (anytime) The Keep It Off Club – training, support, and coaching for a minimum monthly investment
  • (anytime) Become the Ultimate Coach – 9-week training intensive
  • (June) O.W.L. Coach Certification & Training Program – includes business building and powerful coaching strategies
  • (September) Advanced Coach Wealth & Leadership Program – build your coaching business to 6 figures with ease, grace, and support
  • (2015) Ultimate Coach Mastermind Program
Just Released!

Lose Weight for Life:

9 Unconscious reasons you can’t keep the weight off and what to do about it

Join The Club!!

Have you lost weight and want to keep it off? Do you want to be a part of a community of others who shares this goal? Then The Keep It Off Club is right for you!

To learn more about
The Keep It Off Club membership, please visit: