[O.W.W.L. Success Tip] How additional income streams can enhance your lifestyle


Multiple Streams of IncomeIs this you? Many of us have a career we love or at least it is comfortable and familiar. We don’t want to consider any other options such as part time work or changing jobs, because we just don’t have the time or energy.

O.W.W.L. Success Tip: The key to growing your wealth is to consider options outside of the box.

Additional income streams come in all forms. Not all of them are for everyone. However, even though it’s outside of our comfort zone, I recommend that we never say no to an opportunity until we have investigated the positive and negative consequences of it for ourselves. So many times we are an automatic “no” instead of being curious. That can hold us back in income creation and expansion. I bring this up today because we have an opportunity that you may be waiting for, and it has a deadline.

Do you want to bring in more income? Would you like a part time vocation that had flexible hours and could be done virtually? Do you like to help people? Do you want to start making more money while you are learning a new skill? Do you want to be supported while you learn? If you answered yes to any of these, you must check out the O.W.L. Coach Certification and Training Program. Please be sure to read the testimonials from others who said yes to this opportunity. The early bird savings ends this week, so please don’t wait. Here is the link for all the details including those testimonials: http://www.owlweightloss.com/programs/certificationtrainingprogram/

I look forward to having a private talk with you to discover if this is for you.


P.S. I am hosting a free live teleclass you will want to attend on May 13. It covers the three areas that make my heart sing: weight loss sabotages, building businesses, and making money. REGISTER HERE NOW!

Success Stories

Janis loves you into results. She believes in you and does not let you be less than magnificent. The work is deep, and yet she makes it fun. O.W.L is about weight loss and also a way of being. I have not only lost the weight I wanted to lose, I have also learned to make powerful requests, to take a stand for myself, and to celebrate my life.

Cathy, California

The O.W.L. program has changed my life forever. I have never felt such deep love from anyone including myself. Janis is the best at making you realize things about yourself that you never knew were there. She will embrace you with her words and love you for who you are and whatever you bring to share. O.W.L. is a program that will last forever. It goes past the diet to the real reason that you are overweight. If I had not started this program I would be 50lbs heavier or more and sleeping every day, eating things that I do not love. I would be on my way to death at an early age. This program teaches you the importance of taking care of all of you, not just your body, but your mind, your being, and your spirit. Janis is one of the most important persons in my life because she has helped me save my life. I am happier loved by others and I love myself and realize my purpose in life. From my every being I thank Janis for the opportunity for change.

Danielle, Nevada


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