
[Current OWWL Journey] Good news with fitness and weight

My plan is working! I realized recently that I didn’t want to be old, fat, or frail as I age. (Yes, I will age, as we all will, but I don’t have to be an “old” old person. Do you know what I mean?)

Here I am at my first yoga lesson last week with my instructor, Sydney with the fitness studio Body Language, and my friend Karen Stilson.

Here I am at my first yoga lesson last week with my instructor, Sydney with the fitness studio Body Language, and my friend Karen Stilson.

So I shifted my exercise priorities from “comfortable and easy” to “fit, healthy, and strong.” You have probably seen some photos of me on Facebook: after my first yoga class and on a 3-hour hike. If not, please check them out. I also shifted my approach to eating priorities to reflect the new mantra of “fit, healthy, and strong.” In just a few weeks, I have noticed the definition in my triceps and the strength in my quadriceps improving. This morning as I dressed, I realized that the belt I wear often needed to be cinched in by two notches. My weight is also dropping. Good news, indeed, that my plan is working!

In our O.W.L. Weight Loss and O.W.L. Certification & Training Programs, we talk about our “Big Why,” otherwise known as our “Vision” in our Customized Strategic Design Plans. When I dropped the 50 pounds 20 years ago, my Big Why was to compete in Latin and Ballroom dancing looking fabulous with a younger partner. Now I want to take it to a new level, because my Big Why is to age with…you guessed it…fitness, health, and strength.

What is your Big Why in what you are doing, whether it be weight, health, business, finances, or anything else? I would love to hear from you about your Big Why.


P. S. Here are some resources for you to help you or your clients with their weight:

  1. FREE Training Class for a limited time: “Become the Ultimate Coach: Three secrets to extraordinary profits and results in your weight loss practice.” If you are a coach or a health practitioner who would like a booming business and would like to help people keep their weight off forever, this free audio is a MUST for your business!
  2. 2014 Coach Certification & Training Program began last week, but registration is still open, since the calls are recorded. For new coaches or experienced ones, we cover the four essential elements of a successful coaching business in depth. Check it out!
    1. Shifting the 9 unconscious sabotage patterns that keep us from success, for both you and your clients
    2. An authentic way to market and grow your business
    3. A healthy relationship with money
    4. Coaching support to help you be a courageous and powerful force in your business
  3. 9-Week Weight Loss Coach Training Intensive Home Study Course, “Become the Ultimate Weight Loss Coach: Unconscious sabotages every coach needs to know so clients can drop the weight forever.” This course solves the problem that even though weight loss coaches can help their clients with the nutrition and exercise and with short term motivation, they don’t usually know how to help their clients identify and overcome the unconscious sabotages that result in weight loss plateaus or, worse, regaining the weight their clients lost and more!

Success Stories:

kristenowens2testI enrolled in the O.W.L. Coach Certification & Training Program because, as a holistic nutritionist, I am already offering the facilitative portion of weight loss (food and movement). I know that the emotional side of weight loss is, I believe, the most important part of the process.

I found it very exciting to experience in the clients I enrolled within the program (one enrolled even before I started the program!) the transformations they saw in their weight and also in other areas of their life. How you do weight is how you do everything! These sabotage patterns really do work in every area of life: money, weight, health, relationships.

I was enrolled to learn how I can service my clients in a bigger way, but I also got value for myself. I was able to apply these tools into my own life even though weight is not a concern they shifted my thinking and how I see myself.

If you are thinking of whether you should enroll, I will make it easy for you…just do it! You will benefit more ways than just one. For you to be a fantastic coach you must transform yourself first! That will just happen and will be fun and easy at same time.

~Kristen Owens, Ontario, Canada
Holistic Nutritionist

Just Released!

Lose Weight for Life:

9 Unconscious reasons you can’t keep the weight off and what to do about it

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