[Current OWWL Journey] What my vicious inner critic had to say


writingabookAs I shared last week, my vicious little inner critic is slowing me down in getting my book revisions finished so that I can move to publication mode. Wrote my suggestions from my Book Project Manager to dialogue with this VIC (vicious inner critic) and to let you know what I learned.

Here is the dialogue:


Dear little inner critic,
What is it that you want me to know? What do you need from me? What do you want for me?
Thank youJanis Pullen


You are a beautiful writer and capable of doing this. You just need to listen for what needs to come out and what other people want to know. Don’t be afraid to go into your heart. The people reading your books want to feel you. From there they will trust you.

I need you to be more diligent in scheduling writing time…consistently. This is because you forget in between what your train of thought is and it sounds disjointed. That’s why you’re hard on yourself. You also don’t put enough priority on getting this done. You need to work more solidly and spend enough time to actually finish. Instead of watching TV at night you could be polishing up a chapter. Instead of making it so hard, you could be having it be fun and easy. This book needs to come out sooner, not later. Your fear makes it harder, and I have to work harder to clean things up.

What I want for you is to be happy and delighted with this book and the fact that you had the courage to write it. Happy that you are serving thousands of people with it. Happy that you are doing the work you love. Happy that people who know you love you, trust you, and respect you; they want to help you.Vicious Inner Critic


Do you need acknowledgment and gratitude from me, as Bethany Kelly suggested?Janis Pullen


I actually need you to acknowledge yourself and be grateful for all your blessings and accomplishments. I need you to celebrate your grand mission in helping others, being the “Breath of Love and Life.” Life is hard enough without you being so hard on yourself. I am not the vicious critic. I am your partner to help you have balance and fulfillment. I want you to be proud of your work.Vicious Inner Critic

Janis (crying):

Thank you.Janis Pullen

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