weightloss programs for couples

[Success Tip] What’s Your Recipe for Success?

recipe-for-successStudies show that successful people have common traits and activities which not only contribute to their success but are imperative to achieving success. You could say it’s a recipe for success which, like a Betty Crocker cake mix, is tried and true.

Success Tip Determine your recipe for success and don’t trade or diminish the ingredients.

In working with my Executive Platinum Program Coaching clients in areas of Wealth, Weight, and Leadership, these are the crucial areas of focus in order to succeed:

  • Well-being (self-care)
  • Integrity (whole and complete, keeping promises, etc.)
  • Sabotage patterns (conscious and unconscious)
  • Context (perspectives and beliefs)
  • Relationship with self, others, and the world
  • Communication, connection, & relationship skills
  • Time management
  • Relationship with money, time, and stress
  • Vision and purpose
  • Forward momentum by combining being and being in action

Do you have a recipe for success? If so, which of these areas have you included in your recipe? Which of these areas is missing or weak? If you would like help with your Winning Recipe, please let me know.

Successfully yours,

Success Story:

We decide to do the O.W.L. Weight Loss Program as a couple because we both struggle with weight and wanted to be at a healthier weight. We support each other, we understand what the other person is going through, and we are eating the same foods. If you are both serious and committed about the program having a partner is one of the best tools around. We keep each other accountable, we support each other and we celebrate together.
Margie and Brian, Albuquerque, NM

[Success Tip] Resistance is Futile! and other wisdom from Star Trek

Did you ever watch “Star Trek: The Next Generation” with the Borg, machinery-like robot enemies of the Federation? They told their captives, “Resistance is Futile,” emphasizing the TILE of futile. Even though Captain Picard always resisted and always beat the Borg, their mantra is a good tip for us.

Success Tip: Resistance is Futile

be-youThe resistance I’m referring to is resistance that looks like rejection, struggle, suffering, and denial in your life. The problem is that this resistance makes the problems worse, not better. You expend emotional and physical energy in the resistance instead of investing the same energy in moving forward.

Ask yourself this question, “If I weren’t resisting (struggling, suffering, etc.), what would I be doing with my energy instead?” Hmmm…

Let me know what you discover!

With grace and ease,

Success Story:

We chose to do the O.W.L. Weight Loss Program together because we could support each other along the way. And we would both be on the same plan instead of each doing our own thing. The advantage of doing this together is we would be learning each other’s food triggers and how to deal with them together instead of coping on our own. This also allows us to help support each other and for each of us to know that we have a champion in our corner. Plus we can change habits together, leading to a much healthier and happier life together. I would strongly recommend for anyone to do this with a partner, be it a married couple, best friends, siblings, or even co-workers. I think it makes it easier to believe your sabotages, and to have someone reinforce your shifts into empowerment. I think it is great to have a partner so you have someone to share the trigger moments with and the successful moments. And more importantly, you don’t feel alone and thinking you are the only one with this “problem”.

Kelli & Steve, Albuquerque, NM

[Current Weight Loss Journey] Jealousy, envy, and yearning

Recently I heard that one of my colleagues had accomplished something great, and I immediately noticed a feeling of jealousy. Practicing one of my O.W.L. empowerment shifts, I became curious about the jealousy; then I realized I was envious of her. And upon further exploration, I determined that the feeling of envy was uncovering a deep yearning. I wanted it too!

I believe in empowering one’s self in order to be the magnificent person we were meant to be. That means stopping self-deprecation or self-recrimination, so as to not make yourself wrong in having the feelings. I believe that even our darkest sides can be teachers. So when anger or jealousy or frustration emerges, I ask myself, “What is really underneath my emotion? If this were a little red flag of something sublime instead of bad, what would it be?”

To recap this instance and capture a pearl of wisdom for you, here’s how “negative feelings” can be a signal for you and can shed light on a deeper insight:

  • Notice the feeling of jealousy and get curious about the feeling
  • Notice that it’s really envy, indicating a desire I may have not been aware of
  • Define and explore the desire
  • Take action in fulfilling my newly-discovered desire

Another example could be noticing anger and getting curious about it. Then notice you have an unmet need under the anger. Define and explore that unmet need. Then take action in getting your need met. The anger was not the enemy; it was your guide to identifying what you need.

I love the process of empowering people. I hope this serves and supports you.


P. S. Another way to empower yourself is to enroll in the brand new O.W.L. Couples’ Quick Start Weight Loss Program, which begins in September. Please visit http://www.owlweightloss.com/programs/couples-quick-start-program/ for details and registration. The Early Bird Savings ends August 30, and your partner is F.R.E.E.

Success Story

What Janis did for me was to help me release the heaviest of weight of all, and I didn’t even have to lose a pound! I carried the heavy weight of being unworthy, unloved, and a worthless piece of s**t. Once I released this paralyzing weight, my world catapulted into unbelievable and amazing success.
Becky Benes, Texas

[Current Weight Loss Journey] My partner helped me gain 50 unwanted pounds

I was reflecting recently about when I gained the most weight of my life. It was during a time when I was in a rocky relationship, swallowing down emotions, and using food to cope. There was also a contributing factor in that my partner and I were accomplices in eating.

Your boyfriend, spouse, friend, relative, or significant other can be a major contributor to your weight gain or loss, as I noticed for myself. Even when the relationship was going well, we would turn to food for celebration, solace, or for any event. A night of movie-watching or the Big Game was a good excuse to eat too much. A date night revolved around food. We had “games” of eating various desserts and seeking out various ethnic foods. When I felt challenged in growing my new business, he encouraged me to have a bowl of ice cream to feel better.

Fast forward many years to my current relationship. My husband is fit and trim. He supports me by being a good eating role model and also by respecting my healthy food program. When I am challenged in life or business, he gives me support in other ways than food, such as talking, hugging, going for a walk with me, etc.

Experiencing the negative and positive effects of a partner myself is one of the reasons I have created the O.W.L. Couples’ Quick Start Weight Loss Program. I want to help people support one another in their weight loss journeys, whether they are both overweight or just one. Couples can be related or not, living together or not.

Please visit http://www.owlweightloss.com/programs/couples-quick-start-program/ for details and registration. The Early Bird Savings ends August 30, and your partner is F.R.E.E.


P. S. As I mentioned in the article, the brand new O.W.L. Couples’ Quick Start Weight Loss Program begins in September. Please visit http://www.owlweightloss.com/programs/couples-quick-start-program/ for details and registration. The Early Bird Savings ends August 30, and your partner is F.R.E.E.

[Success Tip] Does Lack of Trust Make Me Fat and Broke?

What does trust have to do with success? So many times, we who are control freaks, cynics, perfectionists, or people-pleasers carry too much physical weight and also the weight of money because of compulsive, obsessive behaviors, such as eating, spending, or working too hard, as we try to control everything.

These compulsions can come from lack of trust of us, others, or the Divine.

[Success Tip] Consider giving trust as a gift.

This week how about practicing trust as a gift?

Not because someone earned it, but because you chose to trust. Will you trust yourself in making a powerful decision or trusting your intuition? Will you trust your partner by asking for help? Will you trust God/higher power to handle what you cannot handle alone? Choosing to give trust expands your world. Greater success in any project is enhanced when you trust yourself, others, and the process.

As I mentioned last week, I have worked with many couples in business, relationship, and weight loss. The mutual support is incredible, especially when accountability and integrity are at stake, for instance in sticking to a food plan, exercise regimen, deadline, or budget. When we work with a buddy, we shift several unconscious sabotage patterns, including “Separate and Alone,” “Addiction to Suffering,” and “Playing Small.” Also the ability to celebrate milestones together makes it much more fun, which adds velocity to the process. But before we can fully appreciate the power of partnering, we have to be willing to trust the partner, ourselves, and the partnership.

Speaking of trusting a partner, if you and your partner are overweight and would like a proven Weight Loss Quick Start together, please visit http://www.owlweightloss.com/programs/couples-quick-start-program/ for details and registration information.

See the Success Story below for how partnership works for a couple trusting each other and doing their work together.

Trusting you to trust others,

P.S. As I implied in this article, the Couple’s Weight Loss Quick Start web page is up! For details and registration information, please visit http://www.owlweightloss.com/programs/couples-quick-start-program/.

Just Released!

Lose Weight for Life:

9 Unconscious reasons you can’t keep the weight off and what to do about it

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