visibility in business

[OWWL Success Tip] Do you let other people’s opinions determine your worth?

gandiAs a premier Ontological Wealth, Weight, and Leadership coach, I have seen people suppress their greatness due to fear of the reactions of others opinions. You may be holding yourself back in many ways and don’t even know it. Suppression of your authentic, powerful self is #9 of my O.W.W.L. Sabotage Patterns and can be easily shifted once you are aware of it.

[O. W. W. L. Success Tip] What other people think of you is none of your business (Click to Tweet)

When we are afraid of what others think about us, we suppress our true selves. When we suppress ourselves, we devalue ourselves, diminishing our self-worth. Suppression shows up in your life in ways which you may not have identified. Here are some common patterns, and they may be conscious or unconscious:

  • If I make too much money, people won’t like or accept me.
  • If I speak my opinion, people will get angry.
  • If I set strong boundaries about what I want and don’t want, people will leave.
  • If I show my emotions, I will appear weak.
  • If I let my emotions out, I won’t be able to stop them, and I’ll lose control.
  • If I share or celebrate my accomplishments, people will think I’m vain.
  • If I am too happy (or sad), people won’t want to be around me.
  • If I make a mistake, I will look stupid.

All of these mindsets and more keep us suppressed and inauthentic. They keep us safe and mediocre. Notice where you are suppressing yourself, and notice why. Your insights will fascinate you!

If you want to learn more about the O.W.W.L. 9 Ontological Sabotage Patterns, especially the #1 top sabotage pattern preventing permanent weight loss, please download my free report now!


P. S. People always ask me, “What is the #1 sabotage pattern preventing permanent weight loss?” because of my reputation and history with weight loss. So I’ve created a free gift just for this purpose that I want to share with you in case you have not received it yet. Please download my free report and share this link with coaches, health professionals, and prospective coaches so that they may also receive it. Obesity is a major health problem these days. Together we can change lives!

Discover the #1 Sabotage Pattern Preventing Permanent Weight
Loss And GET Proven Tips to Eliminate It.
Access my FREE report and start using these tips today!

Success Story:

Janis is one of the most amazing and powerful executive coaches I have had the pleasure of working with. She literally helped me to break through barriers that had been keeping me stuck for years. She is nurturing and caring; yet, strong and effective. Her primary goal is to move you forward and hold you as powerful at all times. It is truly a gift to work with her!

~ Becky J. Benes, Transformational Speaker
Authentic Leadership Development Coach

[OWWL Success Tip] Your expectations are killing your possibility

Do your unmet expectations in money, weight, relationships, or career make you depressed, discouraged, or resigned? Your expectations may be killing your possibility.

O.W.W.L. Success Tip: Unmet expectations will kill your possibility, and you will never reach your goals. (Click to tweet)

expectationsI recently coached a client who was upset because she didn’t reach her expected goal weight in the expected time frame, even though she dropped over 5 inches and over 6 pounds steadily and consistently and learned how to change her lifestyle in the process. Plus, she has kept off nearly 100 pounds which she lost three years ago. Another client didn’t reach her expected business income goal last year, even though she tripled her previous year’s revenue AND spent less time working.

What do these people have in common? They have unmet expectations. How we deal with unmet expectations will either cause us to quit or will cause us to forge ahead.

If we “assume” or “expect” something, then don’t achieve it (expectation not met), there is disappointment, resignation, and defeat. But if we instead declare a “possibility” for it and don’t achieve it, the possibility is still there. That context shift will support you in continuing your progress to victory.

Here are some questions for you to consider:

  • Are you beating yourself up for a past “failure” and therefore expecting faster results now, almost as a punishment?
  • Are you rewarding yourself for all your progress and moving in the direction of your commitment?
  • Where else in your life do you not acknowledge or reward yourself for your progress and process?
  • What will you do to begin acknowledging and celebrating yourself?

Believing in your possibilities,

P. S. Everyone wants to know the #1 sabotage pattern preventing permanent weight loss, and here it is! Please download and share my free report with coaches, health professionals, and prospective coaches. Together we can change lives!

Discover the #1 Sabotage Pattern Preventing Permanent Weight
Loss And GET Proven Tips to Eliminate It.

Access my FREE report and start using these tips today!

Success Story:

Janis believed in us before we believed in ourselves. After we each dropped more than 40 pounds through her Ontological Weight Loss Program, Janis helped us break through our sabotages and overcome our fears in becoming weight loss coaches. We are now coaching our own clients and growing our new business! Thank you Janis!”
~ Brian and Margie Campbell, O. W. L. Weight Loss Graduates and Certified O. W. L. Weight Loss Coaches

[Current O.W.W.L. Journey] Quotes from the children

red_rockWhen my 18 year old granddaughter came for dinner Saturday night with me and her 19 year old sister, I learned about Pinterest. Yes, I had heard of it, but I REALLY HEARD about it that night!

I learned that both granddaughters have accounts and post their interests there. What I didn’t know is that the younger one has some pretty good quotes on hers. I share this one with you now:

“You can’t hang out with negative people and expect to live a positive life.”

As a coach, I love, love, love this quote! I asked myself, “Who do I hang out with that is negative? Whom shall I let go?” I ask you the same questions.

Positively yours,

P.S. Stay tuned next week to a big announcement! So many people have been asking about the 9 Ontological Sabotage Patterns which show up in weight, money, and life in general. So I created a short-term program just for you. Details will be coming next week.

Success Story:

This has been a great year of the second time around [auditing the Ontological Weight Loss Coach Certification and Training Program]. Thank you, Janis for being awesome and bringing all that you bring to our businesses and who we are as people…I’m excited to keep moving forward and impacting lives with this knowledge.
~ Kristen Owens, Ontario, Canada,
Registered Holistic Nutritionist,
Certified Pilates & Yoga Fit Instructor,
and Transformation Coach

[Current O.W.W.L. Journey] My non-SAD diet!

unsaddietMy 19-year-old granddaughter, who has been living with me for the last two months, mentioned to me the other day that I’m the only person she has ever met who is not on the Standard American Diet of junk, and there is nothing in my house that is not HEALTHY. I couldn’t tell if that was a compliment or a complaint, but I said “thank you” anyway!

The beauty of this observation lies in the fact that I have been both obese and anorexic, struggling with food and body image for years until the 1990’s. And now I have a wonderful relationship with both food and my body.

In the O.W.L. Weight Loss Program, which I coach and also train other coaches to run, we learn the 4 food levels, including a Lifetime Plan. How great is it that I am living my lifetime plan and don’t feel any deprivation or sacrifice, which is the Number One Sabotage Pattern in people’s weight loss.

Stay tuned for my article on the Number One Sabotage Pattern in weight loss. It should be ready to download next week.


P.S. If you are interested in learning more about the sabotage patterns you may be running, you will want to take advantage of a private breakthrough session with me.

Success Story:

During some of the darkest days of my life, you were there to shine your light on me. I will never forget you and all you’ve done for me. Any opportunity I have to refer someone needing a life coach will always go to you.
~ SB, New Mexico

[OWWL Success Tip] Is your team better than you are? …Do you even have a team?

Announcement: Team Janis is growing, and I am excited to announce our newest member!

ColleenFiserWebColleen Fiser, Online Business Manager, has been doing a great job in supporting our Ontological Wealth, Weight, and Leadership Mastery coaching business. With sales and marketing strategy, implementation, project management, and related business expansion areas, she and our Technical Virtual Assistant, Shannon are making magic in areas outside my unique brilliance, and I feel the wind beneath my wings.

Colleen partners with entrepreneurs to provide business and marketing services, including day-to-day task management of projects, operations, team members, and metrics, to help her clients drive traffic, increase engagement with their customers, and grow their business. In her spare time, she enjoys golfing with her husband, Jeff, and spending time in her garden.

I am so pleased to be supported in this way. Welcome, Colleen!

Success Tip: If you try to do it all, you will be a jack-of-all-trades and master of none! (Click to Tweet)

Many of us, especially entrepreneurs, do everything ourselves in order to save money or to maintain control. The problem with doing everything is that we don’t have enough time or energy to excel in any area or to grow our businesses easily.

While it requires an investment, building team saves time, energy, and money in the long run. If you hire people who know more than you do in their area of expertise, they become that wind beneath your wings, as are Shannon and Colleen for me.

Give yourself permission today to delegate one task or ask help from one more person to add fuel to your success.


P. S. If you are ready for the next level of your excellence and support in the areas of Wealth, Weight, or Leadership, please apply for a private breakthrough session with me!

Success Story:

Janis is like a mystical spiritual guide, a loving mother, and a tough-as-nails track coach rolled into one. With her wisdom and intuition combined with a practical ability to get results on the ground, she is a highly effective coach. In one month, I accomplished goals that were incredibly important to me, and all the while I felt understood and supported. If ever I have things I’d like to accomplish and don’t see how, I’ll definitely call on Janis.

~ Megan Feldman, Denver, CO

Just Released!

Lose Weight for Life:

9 Unconscious reasons you can’t keep the weight off and what to do about it

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Have you lost weight and want to keep it off? Do you want to be a part of a community of others who shares this goal? Then The Keep It Off Club is right for you!

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