weight loss retreat

My Current Weight Loss Journey:
Week 14 – If I do a marathon, will you do it with me?

Several years ago, I remember thinking, “I must really get off this couch and move! I just HAVE to get an exercise program that I can stick with!” Have you ever thought something similar?

Well, times have changed. I started with my love, love, love movements that I teach in the O.W.L. Weight Loss Programs and progressed to a daily workout that is fun and that I am committed to doing. I look forward to my fast-paced walks every morning in my neighborhood, and rarely miss one. They are a combination of exercise and quiet time, very spiritual and also when I get my best brainstorming sessions with myself.

But as many of us might understand, I get bored with the same old same old! Do you? So I have an invitation for you to join me on a marathon. How did I go from neighborhood walking to doing a marathon, especially since I’m over 60? And why do I want you to go with me?

One of my “brainstorms” this week was actually inspired by my sister when she told me she was walking a marathon. I know that when we have a goal to shoot for that we are more likely to meet that goal. While walking daily is nice, it didn’t encourage me to go any faster or to go any farther with purpose. I realized that if I did that marathon and had a training schedule like my sister does, I could do it, or at least I would have fun trying.

Where I went wrong: The other great thing is that I would have a buddy to keep me inspired – my sister. Oops! Wrong! When I asked her about it, she said her marathon was a team building activity with her work. I was not invited.

So did I immediately get my feelings hurt and abandon my great idea? No! As we teach in the O.W.L. programs, when you make a request, it can either be accepted, declined, or counter -offered, In this case, my request was declined. But I was not daunted.

This is where you come in. I figure as long as I can find a buddy who will commit to doing this with me, we will succeed! Keep in mind, it’s a walking marathon, but it’s still 26 miles. We could start with a half marathon if we wanted to.

My sister sent me her training schedule that she found on line, and I am going to begin with that. My next step is to find a marathon that allows walking and to find buddies to go with me. This will begin right after the O.W.L. Celebration and O.W.L. Weight Loss Jump Start Retreats next week.

Are you with me? As always, I love to read your comments.

P.S. Remember the special early bird discount of $500 for the O.W.L. Jump Start 2-day retreat/workshop ends September 7, and we have limited space.

OWL SUCCESS TIP: Fat Makes You Thin – Really!

When we have our 9-week O.W.L. Weight Loss Quick Start Program (beginning in October) and our 2-day O.W.L. Weight Loss Jump Start Retreat (beginning in 2 weeks), we focus first on the inner, psychological reasons you cannot drop the weight and keep it off. Food is a focus later.

But today our success tip is all about food – fat and oil!

Success Tip: When you eat the right amount of healthy fats, you drop more weight.

This might seem counter intuitive, especially if you ever followed the low-fat diet theory. However, avoiding fats in your nutrition is a big weight loss sabotage. Here’s why.

Our bodies actually need healthy fats for many reasons. Here are five of the most important, according to www.TraciDMitchell.com:

  1. Reduces Cravings: Who here has ever finished a meal, and left the kitchen only to return a half hour later opening and closing the refrigerator door? Eating healthy fats helps regulate you keep cravings in check. What’s more, a meal with fat added to it will take longer to break down than a fat-free meal.
  2. Vitamin Sponges: Without dietary fat, your body would not be able to absorb vitamins A, D, K and E! If you’re good about taking your vitamins, but not good at adding healthy fat, these nutrients might not be as effective as you think.
  3. Fat Burner: As contradictory as it may sound, adding healthy fats like extra virgin olive oil, coconut oil, omega 3s (fish and flax seed oil) and many others, actually turn your metabolism on. While some people need more fat than others, we all need healthy fats. If you’re relying on residual fats found in processed foods to fuel your body, don’t be surprised if you’re having a hard time shedding excess weight.
  4. Wrinkle Fighter: Omega 3s and extra virgin olive oil play a role in keeping our skin vibrant and supple. In fact, extra virgin olive oil is rich in oleic acid, which is great for your skin on a cellular level.
  5. Brain Power Enhancer: Omega 3s, in particular, have been shown to play a critical role in brain function. Again, omega 3 fatty acids can be found in abundance in fish oil (in supplement form), salmon, walnuts, flax seeds and flax seed oil.

A special tip that I learned recently is to take a teaspoon of extra virgin coconut oil before meals or blend it in a protein shake. Ingesting good fats signals my brain that I am not starving it when I reduce calories, so my body tends to release excess weight more easily.

I look forward to sharing more of my weight loss wisdom with you at our Jump Start Retreat. Don’t miss the early bird special price.

My Current Weight Loss Journey: Week 11 – Sharing Successes!

Doesn’t it seem that every time we turn around, another “event” is taking place that could take us off track from our weight loss commitment? Already this summer I have been on an Alaskan cruise, taken my granddaughters and daughter to San Diego, gone to Tony Robbins’ “Unleash the Power Within,” flown to Tucson for advanced coach training, had relatives in & also traveled for my stepmother’s memorial, and last weekend – friends from Colorado Springs staying with us. Oh, I forgot to mention Grand Jury duty. Now, that’s a downer when you hear about crime and violence for 8 hours straight! And yet, I have successes to report today!

Since I began this blog topic this June, “My Current Weight Loss Journey,” I have maintained my blood pressure with NO medication at or about 119/83 – pretty great considering I was hospitalized two years ago with a BP around 200/110. Also since that time I have dropped 11.5 pounds and can fit into my pre-menopause clothes again. Celebration time!

Here are some of the shifts that I am experiencing, both recently and continuing from previously:

  • I have proven to myself that menopause is NOT an excuse to keep gaining weight year after year, nor is it impossible to lose the weight.
  • I have integrated a daily movement routine of walking, weights, and flexibility that I love, love, love. Who knew, since it’s not ballroom or Latin dancing :-)?
  • I have shifted from self-hatred to self-love and realized that self-love is not a bad thing; it’s actually vital to living a happy, whole life. When I love myself, I can love others even more AND take exquisite care of myself.
  • I have found that eating without dairy, sugar, flour, alcohol, and animal flesh is easy and just as fulfilling. My body also loves me for it, and I am not experiencing ANY deprivation.
  • I have discovered people, even strangers like waiters, want to support me.
  • I have learned that my commitment and success in my weight loss project builds upon itself.
  • I learn so much from books and mentors, such as Tony Robbins and his weight loss information. (If you haven’t considered my Weight Loss Jump Start Retreat in September, you’ve must be here to experience it! Beautiful, relaxing setting…wonderful food…life-changing content! We already have several registered, so don’t be left out.
  • What are some of your shifts experienced in your weight journey? I enjoy reading what you share.

My Current Weight Loss Journey: Week 9 – Walking on Coals Changed My Weight

I am just back from a terrific 4-day experience with Tony Robbins www.tonyrobbins.com. Tony Robbins has been a virtual mentor of mine for several years, since the early 90’s when I saw him in person before he was as famous. I have read many of his books and listened to many recordings along with those of other inspirational mentors, and I synthesize insights from many sources in my weight loss coaching, including Tony’s.

So you can imagine my excitement when I received the opportunity to attend another Anthony Robbins workshop, this time with a hot coal walking experience!

I was not afraid beforehand. I figured if people have been doing this for hundreds of years and have been doing it with Tony Robbins for 35 years, no big deal, right? Wrong!

After an extensive training which included the fact that the coals would be 1,200 – 2000 degrees Fahrenheit and that some people do get injured badly, I was SCARED TO DEATH. But I had committed to many people before I left and to my buddy while there that I would indeed walk on the hot coals. So I did! Been there, done that, got the T-shirt! Yay for me!

Now what does all this have to do with weight, you might ask? Let me share what I learned from that experience relating to weight loss goals:
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OWL Succes Tip: Following Instructions

Are you stuck? Want to have your next breakthrough with a simple practice?

OWL Success Tip: The practice is to follow instructions. Humans try to make simple things hard; then we struggle. However, brilliant people make hard things simple. One way to simplify and to have a new breakthrough is this: Follow instructions. Whether we’re talking about instructions for assembling a toy, practices from your coach, sticking to your nutritional plan, insights from your wise inner self, or any other kind of instruction, practice FOLLOWING THE INSTRUCTIONS.

Do you resist following instructions because your monkey brain is thinking of all the reasons why you should not? Give it up! Einstein said…

Problems can not be solved at the same level of awareness that created them.
Albert Einstein

It is in the following of instructions that you gain new awareness.

I predict your life will get easier, simpler, and more peaceful when you let go of that resistance and just try it. Then watch to see what beautiful breakthroughs come your way.

To learn more about “Following Instructions” register for a complimentary Weight Loss Breakthrough session.

Here’s to your next breakthrough!

NEW JUMPSTART Retreat – O.W.L. Weight Loss Jump Start Two-Day Workshop/Retreat, September 14 & 15, 2012: REGISTER NOW! To get in on the early bird price.

Introducing my newest program! The Weight of Money Breakthrough Program. Breakthrough secrets that melt away debt, weight, and stress NOW!…so you can experience financial and physical health and wellness, immediately! To learn more visit: www.OWLWeightLoss.com

To schedule a complimenary “Lose Weight for Life” Coaching session please visit www.LoseWeightForLife.com

Just Released!

Lose Weight for Life:

9 Unconscious reasons you can’t keep the weight off and what to do about it

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