losing weight on vacation

[O.W.W.L. Success Tip] Busting Stress — Required Reading for the Holidays

Here is the gift I told you about. “Home for the Holidays?” is an article written by my trainer and mentors. I send it to you as a gift because of the relevance for everyone this time of year. The article addresses stress, food, expectations, traveling, gifts, and much more. One client told me that this should be required reading for everyone!

I wish you peace and joy this holiday season.


Home for the Holidays?
by Hans Phillips, Ontoco

32645851_sMost people place a great deal of significance and meaning on the holidays. Others try to ignore them completely. Please take a moment to read about and then pay attention to some of the challenges of the holidays. After all, it really is an opportunity for love and possibility.

Food can be a place to hide from unspoken thoughts and feelings. There are all kinds of sweets and salty goodies lying around just waiting to be inhaled. As you are eating, notice what you are eating for; to make up for the lack of love in your life or the room you are currently in? Is it to numb out from your problems or challenges? Is it to entertain or distract yourself so you don’t scream at your family? It is because you are bored or because you are tired or to hide your loneliness? Eat when you are hungry and just simply say no and walk away when you are not.

Time is experienced as either too much (loneliness, despair, boredom, lack of love) or not enough (busy, overwhelmed, harried, nervous, stress for yourself or those around you). Taking time for your self is seen as selfish. This is a time for you to be for others all the time, right? Retreating is seen as impolite. They are enduring it, why can’t you? It is critical that you manage your time. Peoples expectations are not your concern. Make and keep time agreements with people. Don’t be afraid to call and change appointments if it does not work for you. Notice if you are over scheduling. Ask for help and support from those around you. There is no need for you to be an army of one. If you are getting tired, stop and rest. If you are feeling overwhelmed, say so, then stop and rest.

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Stevia: A Better Alternative Than Sugar – by Gale O’Brien

SteviaHave you spent a lifetime with a sweet tooth? Have you carried an extra thirty pounds around your waist, hips and thighs for most of your adult life? Trying every diet available, most people never seem to get a handle on their sugar addiction until they are diagnosed with a serious disease such as diabetes or cancer. When they begin to understand sugar’s role in regards to their health, they will see why stevia is a better alternative.


  • It depletes your immune system. Consuming sugar can decrease your white blood cells, inhibiting your body’s ability to fight infection, viruses and disease.
  • Sugar feeds candida. Candida is an overgrowth of a yeast fungus found in the intestines which can hinder the proper balance of good to bad flora and can spread throughout the body. Candida thrives on refined sugars and simple carbohydrates.
  • In addition, refined sugar upsets your blood sugar levels and puts you at risk for diabetes and heart disease.
  • Too much sugar increases your cortisol and estrogen hormones putting you at risk for developing breast cancer.
  • Sugar is empty calories. It doesn’t contain any vitamins or minerals. Sugar makes you overweight.
  • Finally, sugar can make you depressed. At first, sugar can increase serotonin, this is the neurotransmitter in your brain that makes you feel happy and elated. This initial high is followed by a low, a feeling of your energy crashing. Sugar becomes addictive as you crave sugar again wanting to recreate the high.


  • Stevia is of the composite family, related to lettuce, marigold and chicory. It was ‘officially’ discovered in the late nineteenth century by Dr. Moises Santiago. He named the plant Stevia Rebaudiani Bertoni in honor of a Paraguayan chemist name Rebaudi.
  • Originally stevia grew wild in the highland region of Northern Paraguay and Southern Brazil. It was later cultivated for use as a sweetener until the introduction of sugar cane by the Spanish and Portuguese. Today stevia is grown around the world from China, Japan and other Asian countries to South America, Europe, India, the Ukraine and even North America.


Studies have shown the following benefits from using stevia in one’s diet. These benefits have not been approved or confirmed by the FDA.

  • Stevia is alkaline.
  • Stevia is a plant based sweetener, unlike artificial sweeteners that contain harmful chemicals.
  • Stevia will not affect blood sugar levels (excellent for diabetics).
  • It’s a plaque retardant, helping to prevent dental cavities.
  • Stevia is non-fermentable and therefore will not act as a food source for yeast. (This is why stevia is great for anyone suffering from Candida.)
  • Stevia is particularly useful in the maintenance phase after weight loss.

Stevia is safe for pregnant and nursing woman as well as for people with diabetes and for children. There are no known interactions between stevia and any prescription or over the counter medications. There are no known side effects of consuming stevia and it’s not known to be contraindicated for any medical conditions. Stevia does not contain any gluten so it’s safe for someone on a gluten-free diet.


Recipes.withSteviaBelow are recipes that I’ve created using the stevia baking blend which brings out the sweetness in cookies, pies and cakes while letting go of 75% of the calories. The baking blend contains erythritol, stevia leaf extract, and a small amount of sugar which allows your baked goods to brown in the oven. Click on the recipes below to download and try for yourself.

  • Lemon Pound Cake
  • Chewy Molasses Cookies
  • Apple Pecan Pie
  • Ghirardelli Cacao Cookies
  • Banana Walnut Bread

Gale O’Brien, has been a client of mine, and is a cancer survivor, motivational speaker, and the author of the award-winning book ‘Transformation: Creating an Exceptional Life in the Face of Cancer’. To subscribe to her monthly newsletter or to order her book, please visit: .
The Truvia Company, LLC, (accessed August 24, 2014).

My Current Weight Loss Journey:
Week 12 – Camping, People, & Food

I went for our annual four-day camping trip this past week with a group of 13 people. As you may know, one of the distinguishing parts of camping, at least for me, is having great food. I am good about the planning and preparation part so that I pack food that is on my plan and I enjoy. But when I factor in all the other people who are not eating the way I normally eat, I face a complication of others bringing and sharing temping stuff that is not on my plan.

So there are two questions to answer in this story: first, how did I do on this trip and second, how did I successfully avoid a breakdown in the future?

On this trip I did ok, not good, just ok. Yes, I packed the right kinds of food. Yes, I ate my meals the right way, EXCEPT when the group was passing around snacks such as caramel popcorn; I did have some of that. Also, we were asked to join the group for a late lunch in town after the hail and rain had stopped, but we had already eaten our lunch. Jay said, “Let’s go and just have dessert.” Whoa! That was a real trigger for me. I did want to go. I was already full from lunch. I didn’t plan ahead on what I would actually order. So I slipped back into my default mode of unconsciously ordering a dessert. And what was worse, I didn’t really enjoy that dessert because of the guilt and because after a long time of not eating sugar, my palate has changed. In short, I was sorry to have eaten that way.

Good news: Even with my slight diversion from my plan, I dropped another pound, based on my overall diligence to my food plan and also my integrity with exercise.

The future breakdown I avoided was after we were asked to join in next year with sharing all the meals and dividing up the shopping and packing efforts. The menus had been predetermined. Part of me wanted to say, “yes,” in order to be included, make things easy, and not miss out. Part of me knew that those menus would not provide me the whole grains, assortment of vegetables, vegetable proteins, and healthy snacks that I want to eat. And I also knew that the majority of those friends do not want to eat the way Jay and I do. (Starches like pancakes and flour tortillas were on the list.)

So after contemplation and discussion with Jay, we decided to not include ourselves in next year’s group camp food, but we will take our own food to the community table, eat together, and enjoy the company. The day after we returned, I communicated our decision to the food organizer, who understood completely.

Speaking of community, our O.W.L. Weight Loss Jump Start Retreat/Workshop is right around the corner. If you haven’t checked it out at www.OWLWeightloss.com/programs/jumpstart/, please do so right now. We cover the three crucial elements to taking off the weight and keeping it off forever, plus you will enjoy the peaceful, beautiful mountain retreat with delicious food and fantastic company. I promise you two days that will change your life!

OWL Success Tip: If the wrong stuff will kill me, why do I eat it anyway?

Do you know why you eat the wrong stuff – sweets, starches, fats, salt, and artificial food?  We know that food is medicine; it can either make you well or it can kill you.

There are several reasons we don’t eat right: upbringing, habit, social pressure, entitlement, comfort, loneliness, fatigue, rebellion, convenience, lack of information, self-loathing, and emotional eating are just a few.  On the other hand, people who take exquisite care of themselves honor their bodies and their emotions.  They nourish their bodies and express their emotions instead of ignoring both.

Success Tip:  The first step for someone with a weight problem is to distinguish WHY you are eating the wrong stuff and address those reasons.  Be aware; be conscious; be healthy.  This is exactly what we will be doing the second weekend in September, when we have our next O.W.L. Jump Start Retreat.

Here are some reasons you will want to register now:

We will not stop with figuring out the “Why.”  We also will get to the root causes of your excess weight, identifying core blocks and sabotage patterns and creating solid solutions and new action steps.

We will also define a comprehensive vision and create a strategic customized plan bigger than your resistances.

AND…we will have a lot of fun learning to express yourself, to play, to love your body, and to open the door to abundant and generous receptivity.

For more information and registration details, including an early bird savings, please visit www.OWLWeightloss.com/programs/jumpstart.

My Current Weight Loss Journey: Week 9 – Walking on Coals Changed My Weight

I am just back from a terrific 4-day experience with Tony Robbins www.tonyrobbins.com. Tony Robbins has been a virtual mentor of mine for several years, since the early 90’s when I saw him in person before he was as famous. I have read many of his books and listened to many recordings along with those of other inspirational mentors, and I synthesize insights from many sources in my weight loss coaching, including Tony’s.

So you can imagine my excitement when I received the opportunity to attend another Anthony Robbins workshop, this time with a hot coal walking experience!

I was not afraid beforehand. I figured if people have been doing this for hundreds of years and have been doing it with Tony Robbins for 35 years, no big deal, right? Wrong!

After an extensive training which included the fact that the coals would be 1,200 – 2000 degrees Fahrenheit and that some people do get injured badly, I was SCARED TO DEATH. But I had committed to many people before I left and to my buddy while there that I would indeed walk on the hot coals. So I did! Been there, done that, got the T-shirt! Yay for me!

Now what does all this have to do with weight, you might ask? Let me share what I learned from that experience relating to weight loss goals:
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Just Released!

Lose Weight for Life:

9 Unconscious reasons you can’t keep the weight off and what to do about it

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