weight loss jumpstart

OWL Success Tip: If You Can Do This Simple Step, You CAN Lose Weight

If you can do this one very simple step, you can lose weight. But first I’m going to tease you a little and make you wait for your tip so that I can remind you the 9-Week Weight Loss Quick Start Program begins tomorrow! Have you registered yet? This is the lowest price you’ll find, and you can listen to the calls at your leisure, since they will be recorded. Wouldn’t you like to drop some weight before the holidays and learn how to NOT put it back on? This is the foundational piece no other weight loss programs have. You owe it to yourself! Visit www.OWLWeightloss.com/programs/QuickStart/ for details and registration information.

Now for your Success Tip. Are you stuck? Want to have your next breakthrough with a simple practice?

OWL Success Tip: Follow instructions.

Humans try to make simple things hard; then we struggle. However, brilliant people make hard things simple. One way to simplify and to have a new breakthrough is this: Follow instructions. What does this have to do with your weight loss?

Whether we’re talking about instructions for assembling a toy, practices from your coach, sticking to your nutritional plan, insights from your wise inner self, or any other kind of instruction, the practice of following instructions allows you to get supported by someone who wants you to succeed. She has been there, done that. She has your best interests at heart. She wants you to win.

Do you resist following instructions because your monkey brain is thinking of all the reasons why you should not? Give it up! Einstein said, “Problems can not be solved at the same level of awareness that created them.” It is in the following of instructions that you gain new awareness.

I predict your life will get easier, simpler, and more peaceful when you let go of that resistance and just try it. Then watch to see what beautiful breakthroughs come your way.

Please visit www.OWLWeightloss.com/programs/QuickStart/ right now to see why it’s so important for you to register for our 9-week Weight Loss Quick Start Program.

Here’s to your next breakthrough!

OWL Success Tips: Easy Peasy One-Second Weight Loss Tip

Here is your weekly O.W.L. Success Tip, and it only takes one second.

But first, a newsflash: The O.W.L. 9-Week Weight Loss Quick Start Program starts next week and you need to be with us! The price is oh-so affordable and will never be this low again.

Quick Start is a telephone coaching program that sets you up to succeed no matter what other program you have been on or will be on in the future. It gives you a solid ontological foundation for not only reaching your goal, but also being able to maintain it, plus simple, practical action steps. And since the calls are recorded, you can do the program when your schedule permits.

Visit www.OWLWeightloss.com/programs/quickStart/ right now for in-depth details and registration information.

Success Tip: Stop and Breathe!

When the bills are high or you’re having an argument or you’re pressed for time or otherwise stressed out, remember to stop and breathe. Why does this help you lose weight?

Stopping to breathe does a couple of brilliant things. First you oxygenate your body so it works more efficiently, including the brain. You make better decisions and fewer mistakes. Breathing also can help you switch from the destructive “Fight or Flight” mode, to focus, choice, calmness, and proactivity. (Of course, if you’re being chased by a saber-toothed tiger, you will want fight or flight, but even then you will want oxygen.) You will go from reacting to responding. You will go from unconscious to conscious and aware. And if you practice “stop and breathe,” you will be less likely to unconsciously overeat or overeat from stress.

So stop, breathe, and don’t forget: time is running out to register for the 9-Week Weight Loss Quick Start program.
Visit www.OWLWeightloss.com/programs/QuickStart/ to reserve your spot right now!

And have an oxygen martini on me!

OWL Success Tip: If the wrong stuff will kill me, why do I eat it anyway?

Do you know why you eat the wrong stuff – sweets, starches, fats, salt, and artificial food?  We know that food is medicine; it can either make you well or it can kill you.

There are several reasons we don’t eat right: upbringing, habit, social pressure, entitlement, comfort, loneliness, fatigue, rebellion, convenience, lack of information, self-loathing, and emotional eating are just a few.  On the other hand, people who take exquisite care of themselves honor their bodies and their emotions.  They nourish their bodies and express their emotions instead of ignoring both.

Success Tip:  The first step for someone with a weight problem is to distinguish WHY you are eating the wrong stuff and address those reasons.  Be aware; be conscious; be healthy.  This is exactly what we will be doing the second weekend in September, when we have our next O.W.L. Jump Start Retreat.

Here are some reasons you will want to register now:

We will not stop with figuring out the “Why.”  We also will get to the root causes of your excess weight, identifying core blocks and sabotage patterns and creating solid solutions and new action steps.

We will also define a comprehensive vision and create a strategic customized plan bigger than your resistances.

AND…we will have a lot of fun learning to express yourself, to play, to love your body, and to open the door to abundant and generous receptivity.

For more information and registration details, including an early bird savings, please visit www.OWLWeightloss.com/programs/jumpstart.

My Current Weight Loss Journey: Why I Joined The Program I Created.

Week 1 – June 2012
I have been on every diet known to mankind, starting with two weeks straight of only Kentucky Fried Chicken and slaw! I dropped 10 pounds and then gained it back in one day when I ate the whole pan of my mother-in-law’s homemade cinnamon rolls. That was on my 20th birthday. I yo-yoed for 25 more years, losing and regaining more weight with one diet after another.

Fast forward to 1995 when I dropped 50 pounds after being humiliated in a ballroom dance exhibition. I stuffed a 200-pound body into a size 8 costume, and the zipper burst on my Latin gown in front of 300 people, exposing my whole fat torso. A personal declaration (I will NEVER be fat again) and a 12-step program (Compulsive Eaters Anonymous) helped me look more deeply into what was eating me, as well as what I was eating.

After career changes from College Professor to CPA to Mary Kay Senior Sales Director to Executive Life & Business Coach, I now teach people how to love themselves so they can drop the weight forever. I have helped many people recover their self worth, confidence, health, and lives. The O.W.L. Weight Loss Program: Your Once-in-a-Lifetime Solution really works!

So why am I back on my own program, even as I coach others to be successful with it? Three words: Menopause, stress, and neglect.

I had wished for menopause for several years, due to very heavy and painful menstrual periods. I celebrated having no more cycles. I never expected the magnitude of stress that came due to my husband’s financial disaster when he lost his construction business in 2009. I never expected that this would stimulate increased levels of cortisol, the stress hormone causing fat storage in the belly area. I never expected that menopause itself would give me symptoms like sleeplessness and a slowed metabolism, which lead to weight gain. I never expected that lifestyle and emotional changes would show up as fat I imagined I would never see again. SURPRISE!

Neglect enters the picture because, as I wrote in my June 5 blog, we commonly deny or refuse to accept responsibility for the consequences of our actions. I did this. I kept on eating and exercising the way I always had. My body responded to the new situation automatically, the way it was supposed to. My emotions and my thoughts were also on automatic, which meant all systems were “go” to pack on more pounds. Whew! It took me a while to wake up. And I have done so now.

I have started back into my O.W.L. Weight Loss Program, which works. I invite your comments and encouragement as I journal the journey with you.

Thank you for your support.


Play and fun are powerful components of weight loss, or achieving any results, for that matter. Why?

…Because humans veer toward what’s easy, safe, and comfortable; and we resist what’s hard, scary, and painful. Since most people view change as hard, scary, or uncomfortable and since weight loss involves change, it’s understandable that most people cannot successfully release weight and keep it off permanently.

On the other hand, play is fun. When we play, we don’t want to stop. We look forward to the next time. We generate energy. We raise our spirits.

So how can you include the concept of play with your weight loss goals?

OWL Success Tip: Replace the word “exercise” to “recreation,” doing movement that you love, love, love. Or create your menu as a puzzle with all the pieces to fit into one day. Or make a game out of your project with rewards at every milestone. Or invite others with similar goals to play with you as in a team sport. A playful attitude is vital. What playful ideas do you have?

Another more relevant question is “How can you include more play in your life as a whole?” How we do anything is how we do everything. “Wherever I go, there I am.” So if weight loss seems hard, probably other areas in your life are hard. And if weight loss is fun, chances are you are having fun elsewhere.

Take a look at yourself and your life. Are you having enough fun? Be more playful everywhere, and see what happens.

To learn more about “The Power of Play” register for a complimentary Weight Loss Breakthrough session.

With Love,

Just Released!

Lose Weight for Life:

9 Unconscious reasons you can’t keep the weight off and what to do about it

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Have you lost weight and want to keep it off? Do you want to be a part of a community of others who shares this goal? Then The Keep It Off Club is right for you!

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