lose weight and keep it off

3 Things You Need To Know To Be A Coach!

Our O.W.L. 2014 Certification and Training Program begins this week, and we still have a few slots available. If you are a coach or have considered being a coach, you will want to watch my new 2-minute video, “3 Things You Need To Know To Be A Coach!”

After watching this, please check out our 2014 O.W.L. Coach Certification and Training Program at http://www.owlweightloss.com/programs/certificationtrainingprogram/ so we can get started together in your Coach Training.

Don’t delay! We need you! Contact me and I’ll tell you why.


[Current O.W.W.L. Journey] Loving that others do what I am

O.W.L. Certification and Training ProgramIn Ontological Wealth, Weight, and Leadership (O.W.W.L.) we talk about mindset all the time. When coach people or train weight loss professionals, I include the mindset and the psychological/emotional component as the number one priority. Our O.W.L. Certification and Training Program starting soon is no exception. And I love being associated with others who address this too.

So when I met Darcy the Dietician, I immediately wanted you all to meet her too. She talked about nutrition coming from a place of mindset first. I have invited her to be a guest speaker the June “Keep It Off Club” training call. I will interview Darcy on her topic, “Master Mindsets: Never worry about falling off the wagon again”.

Darcy’s talk will deal with the nutritional component of healthy eating. Here’s what you will learn:

  • The # 1 pitfall in nutrition
  • A simple 4-step formula to use
  • Why experts keep changing their minds about what we should eat
  • How to tell if a weight loss program will not stick, no matter how hard you try
  • What makes some people thrive with healthy eating while others struggle
  • Success mindsets you can steal so you never worry about “falling off the wagon” again

Please visit Darcy the Dietician for more information and to register. This Keep It Off Club presentation is free to you and your friends, so please pass it on.


P. S. The Keep It Off Club is a wonderful group of like-minded people who want to take their weight off and keep it off permanently. We have an online forum, and two monthly calls for training, coaching, and support. If you are interested in being a member of the Keep It Off Club, please visit Keep It OFF Club for more information and to apply for membership.

Success Stories:

Janis’s coaching is like a mirror that reflects back one’s own beauty and strengths so that we can see, appreciate, and utilize our own infinite resources. What I love about her is that she finds the good everywhere. One thing I got out of O.W.L. is to move forward, look back to see what got in the way and keep going.
Carmen, New Mexico

[O.W.W.L. Success Tip] Never worry about falling off the wagon again!

Darcy the DieticianAs you may know, mindset is the most important factor in achieving any goal, whether it be creating more income, dropping pounds, or inspiring your team. In Ontological Wealth, Weight, and Leadership (O.W.W.L.) we talk about mindset all the time.

You are invited! So imagine my delight when I discovered Darcy the Dietician, whom I have invited to be our guest speaker on the June Keep It Off Club training call. I will interview Darcy on her topic, “Master Mindsets: Never worry about “falling off the wagon” again.”

O.W.W.L. Success Tip: Mindset is the most important factor in achieving any goal.

Darcy’s talk will deal with the nutritional component of healthy eating. In “Master Mindsets: Never worry about falling off the wagon again” you will learn:

  • The # 1 pitfall in nutrition
  • A simple 4-step formula to use
  • Why experts keep changing their minds about what we should eat
  • How to tell if a weight loss program will not stick, no matter how hard you try
  • What makes some people thrive with healthy eating while others struggle
  • Success mindsets you can steal so you never worry about “falling off the wagon” again

Please visit Darcy the Dietician for more information and to register. This Keep It Off Club presentation is free to you and your friends, so please pass it on.


P. S. The Keep It Off Club is a wonderful group of like-minded people who want to take their weight off and keep it off permanently. We have an online forum, and two monthly calls for training, coaching, and support. If you are interested in being a member of the Keep It Off Club, please visit Keep It OFF Club for more information and to apply for membership.

Success Stories:

When I look back on the O.W.L. program and think about what I got from it, my first response is the obvious – I lost weight. But as Janis taught us, my weight loss was the result of something much deeper. I gained a truer, more authentic sense of self. I learned to love and appreciate who I am. I have the support I need to stay this weight for the rest of my life. Thank you, Janis, for your loving coaching and undying support.
Ellen, California

[Current O.W.W.L. Journey] Changing careers in the last third of my life

career_change_insidejobs_largeI remember a few years ago when I was frustrated with my career. I had been a CPA and also a Mary Kay Senior Sales Director. Neither of them were satisfying to me. I felt called to do something more and to discover what my real purpose was. I heard about life coaching, and I investigated it. This was perfect as a new career, because I could make what I wanted, have a flexible schedule, work virtually, and help other people. I became who you know me today, Executive Mastery Coach specializing in Wealth, Weight, and Leadership. And now? I would love, love, love for you to work with me and do what I do. I would also love, love, love to teach you how to do it!

Many of us have a career we love or at least it is comfortable and familiar. But like me, some of us need more. Is this you? Maybe you think you’re too old or stuck. Maybe you’re scared to consider any other options such as part time work or changing careers altogether. Maybe you think you just don’t have the time or energy to consider something else. But if you’re like me and know there is more for you, please consider this.

If you are like me and want to bring in more money, have flexible hours, work live or virtually, have unlimited income, and help others, let’s talk! I will help you. I will train you. Please check out this link, and be sure to read the testimonials from people just like you that I have helped.

The early bird savings ends this week, so please don’t wait. Here is the link for all the details including those testimonials: www.owlweightloss.com/programs/certificationtrainingprogram/

I look forward to having a private talk with you to discover if this is for you.


Success Stories

Janis loves you into results. She believes in you and does not let you be less than magnificent. The work is deep, and yet she makes it fun. O.W.L is about weight loss and also a way of being. I have not only lost the weight I wanted to lose, I have also learned to make powerful requests, to take a stand for myself, and to celebrate my life.

Cathy, California

The O.W.L. program has changed my life forever. I have never felt such deep love from anyone including myself. Janis is the best at making you realize things about yourself that you never knew were there. She will embrace you with her words and love you for who you are and whatever you bring to share. O.W.L. is a program that will last forever. It goes past the diet to the real reason that you are overweight. If I had not started this program I would be 50lbs heavier or more and sleeping every day, eating things that I do not love. I would be on my way to death at an early age. This program teaches you the importance of taking care of all of you, not just your body, but your mind, your being, and your spirit. Janis is one of the most important persons in my life because she has helped me save my life. I am happier loved by others and I love myself and realize my purpose in life. From my every being I thank Janis for the opportunity for change.

Danielle, Nevada

[My Current O.W.W.L. Journey] Tough questions I asked myself last week

colorful_question_markI took a sabbatical last week, visiting my sister who celebrated her 60th birthday and is retiring. The visit with her and the celebration brought up some emotions: joy for her, envy, confusion on what I would do with the rest of my life, sadness and resistance in coming home and getting back to work, etc.

In light of these emotions, I realized it was time yet again to reinvent myself. Who am I, and what am I doing with my life? Is it on track or off? As I mentioned in my Tuesday O.W.W.L. Success Tip, it was time that I asked myself some tough questions.

In case you missed that post, here are the questions I asked myself:

  • If I had one year to live, what would I do every day of that year?
  • If I choose to retire in 5 years, what would I do differently in those 5 years?
  • Assuming I actually do want to retire, what would I do with my time and to feel on purpose?
  • If I believed I were enough, what would I do more of? What would I do less of?

I have some answers written down, and I will share that included in each answer are to smile every day, downsize my life, let people know I love them and care, stay fit, and publish my books.

Have you asked yourself any of these questions? Did you make some different decisions? I would love to hear some of your answers too.
And just for the record, the reason I am a coach, consultant, speaker, writer, and trainer is that I love and care about people. Just wanted to let you know; you’re one of those people!


P. S. I revised the free training class “Become the Ultimate Coach: Three secrets to extraordinary profits and results in your weight loss practice.” Wouldn’t you like to know how people could keep their weight off forever? Visit “Become the Ultimate Coach” page and download this free audio training.

Success Stories

The O.W.L. program has changed my life forever. I have never felt such deep love from anyone including myself. Janis is the best at making you realize things about yourself that you never knew were there. She will embrace you with her words and love you for who you are and whatever you bring to share. O.W.L. is a program that will last forever. It goes past the diet to the real reason that you are overweight. If I had not started this program I would be 50lbs heavier or more and sleeping every day, eating things that I do not love. I would be on my way to death at an early age. This program teaches you the importance of taking care of all of you, not just your body but your mind, your being, and your spirit. Janis to me is one of the most important persons in my life because she has helped me save my life. I am happier, loved by others, and I love myself. I also realize my purpose in life. From my every being I thank Janis for the opportunity for change. ~ Danielle Case, Las Vegas, NV

Just Released!

Lose Weight for Life:

9 Unconscious reasons you can’t keep the weight off and what to do about it

Join The Club!!

Have you lost weight and want to keep it off? Do you want to be a part of a community of others who shares this goal? Then The Keep It Off Club is right for you!

To learn more about
The Keep It Off Club membership, please visit:
