Ontological Sabotage #2

[Current O.W.W.L. Journey] Another graduation, another celebration!

Celebration Time CmonI am excited and grateful to be graduating our second consecutive year of “Ontological Weight Loss Coach Certification and Training Program” coaches! We had a wonderful group of six coaches in the 2014 – 2015 year, three new and three who graduated last year and chose to audit the course.

I loved the small size of the group because each person received a lot of personal coaching and attention in addition to learning how to be a powerful, effective weight loss coach and how to build his/her business from the ground up. Almost all of them have taken the next step and enrolled in my Business Builder Support Group, which begins next week.

I am excited that our community of O. W. L. coaches is growing across the globe, fulfilling my mission to help people worldwide who struggle and suffer with weight. We now have certified O. W. L. coaches in the U. S. A. and Canada, with Australia opening up next year. Wow! I am so grateful.

Another celebration: Everyone wants to know the #1 sabotage pattern preventing permanent weight loss (which I teach my certified weight loss coaches), and here it is! Please download and share my free report with coaches, health professionals, and prospective coaches. Together we can change lives!

“Discover the #1 Sabotage Pattern Preventing Permanent Weight
Loss And GET Proven Tips to Eliminate It.”

Access my FREE report and start using these tips today!


With gratitude and joy,

P.S. As I promised last week, here is the big news. I have created a short-term intensive program to teach ALL NINE of the sabotage patterns preventing permanent weight loss and how to eliminate them. If you would like to learn more about these, simply download my free report and then apply for a complimentary consultation offered therein…no obligation whatsoever!

Access my FREE report and start using these tips today!

Success Stories:

brianmargiebaJanis believed in us before we believed in ourselves. After we each dropped more than 40 pounds through her Ontological Weight Loss Program, Janis helped us break through our sabotages and overcome our fears in becoming weight loss coaches. We are now coaching our own clients and growing our new business! Thank you Janis!
~ Brian and Margie Campbell, Albuquerque, NM, O. W. L. Weight Loss Graduates and Certified O. W. L. Weight Loss Coaches

This has been a great year of the second time around [auditing the Ontological Weight Loss Coach Certification and Training Program]. Thank you, Janis for being awesome and bringing all that you bring to our businesses and who we are as people…I’m excited to keep moving forward and impacting lives with this knowledge.

~ Kristen Owens, Ontario, Canada, Registered Holistic Nutritionist, Certified Pilates & Yoga Fit Instructor, and Certified O. W. L. Coach

[O.W.W.L. Success Tip] You’re not finished with 2014 yet!

23096002_sHappy New Year!  But wait.  You are not finished with 2014 until you have let go of any bad vibes or energy concerning what you did or did not do.  Completion is a powerful ontological tool. The energy of being complete frees us up to step powerfully into what’s next. For this reason, we MUST be complete with 2014, what we did do or what we didn’t do, so that we don’t hold ourselves back in 2015 due to incompletion hanging over us from the prior year.

Below I have included same questions I offer my clients so that you can really acknowledge what you have done this year, create your celebrations, and design what is next for you in 2015.  Powerful stuff to spring forward into 2015!

Janis’ Year-End Completion Exercise:

  1. List all the categories for which you want to do completion.  (E.g. work, family, money, health, career, each coaching project, etc.)
  2. For each category, list all your accomplishments & progress, big and small.
  3. If you have a “yes, but…” regarding Incompleteness as you write your accomplishment list, start a separate list for those and get back to them later. (E.g. I lost 10 pounds, but I didn’t lose 20.)
  4. Read back your accomplishment list and “be with” it.  Take it in; savor it; relish!
  5. Choose some rewards and/or celebrations for all you have done and been in 2014.   Enjoy planning, scheduling, and creating the celebrations.
  6. Look at the incomplete list and make declarations about them.  (E.g. “I will put this in a new project design for 2015” or “I am satisfied with my progress on this and declare it to be complete.”
  7. Create/design new intentions and projects for 2015.

Happy Prosperous New Year!

P.S. If you are ready to begin the New Year with a new career, enhancing a current career, or getting your finances in order once and for all, you will want to check out these programs to help expand your income streams. All are open for registration now:

[Current Weight Loss Journey] Lose Weight for Life

The secret to taking it off and keeping it off forever
(that even weight loss professionals don’t know)

From the Creator of Ontological Weight Loss (O.W.L.): Your Once-in-a-Lifetime Solution

The Problem:
Statistics show that people who lose weight will gain some or all of it back; usually they regain even more! This is true even for people who have had weight loss surgery. It’s frustrating, demoralizing, and disheartening for the weight loss clients as well as for health professionals and coaches. Statistics also show that the majority of people in the United States are now either overweight or obese, attributing to a rise in related health issues.

owl_trans200We usually address nutrition and exercise. We are experts in the “how to” do it, with action steps, food programs, exercise plans, and accountability structures. We may stick to our program for a while until something happens and we’re off program and back to our old sabotaging habits. Inevitably results include guilt, shame, or resignation. Maybe we summon willpower and start over…or we give up. Regardless, the pattern repeats itself.

And since obesity is a progressive pattern, it gets worse. The problem is that nutrition and exercise are only two of the three legs of the weight loss tripod, and it falls over without the third leg: ontological sabotage patterns.

The Secret – Ontological Sabotage Patterns:
Since I train weight loss coaches to build 6-figure businesses, this information comes from our 9-Week Training Intensive, “Become the Ultimate Weight Loss Coach: Unconscious sabotages every coach needs to know so clients can drop the weight forever” and from our “Ontological Weight Loss (O.W.L.) Coach Certification & Training Program.” www.JanisPullen.com

Ontology is the study of the whole human being, including beliefs, perspectives, judgments, both unconscious and conscious mindsets, thought processes, and emotional triggers. O.W.L. Weight Loss Signature System identifies nine sabotage patterns in overweight people. Since how we do one thing is how we do everything, these sabotages also emerge in areas of money, relationships, and career. My weight loss clients improve their relationships and their financial/career simultaneously while losing weight because they apply the sabotage shifts to other areas of their lives.

Sabotage patterns usually emerge in multiples of two or three at a time. They may be conscious or subconscious. The nine sabotage patterns can be related to food or movement, or they can be unrelated.

Sabotage Pattern #2: A relatable sabotage pattern is a mindset called Sacrifice/Entitlement, also known as Deprivation/Indulgence.

  • Example 1Holidays: We feel entitled and indulge ourselves with food and inactivity, followed by sacrifice/deprivation in January with a rigid diet and exercise program.
  • Example 2Diet mentality: We stick to our diet for two weeks with the mindset of sacrifice/deprivation. Then we binge or falls off the program altogether with the mindset of entitlement/indulgence.
  • Example 3Skipping meals: We skip breakfast or lunch (sacrifice/deprivation), then eat throughout the evening (entitlement/indulgence).
  • Example 4Exercise: We over-exert ourselves one day (sacrifice) and use it as an excuse to skip the next day (entitlement).
  • Example 5Hard work day: We have worked hard and been stressed during the day (sacrifice), so we “deserve” to have a few glasses of wine or dessert to compensate (entitlement).

The context for the sacrifice/entitlement sabotage pattern is “all or nothing, either/or.” The mindset is “I deserve this because I did that.” Or the reverse – “Because I did that, I now can’t have that.” All sabotage patterns, whether conscious or subconscious, destroy any chance of long-term, sustained weight loss and maintenance.

The Transformational Shift:
In our 9-Week Training Intensive, “Become the Ultimate Weight Loss Coach” and our “O.W.L. Coach Certification & Training Program,” coaches learn all nine sabotage patterns and their corresponding shifts. Here are tips to shifting Sabotage #2:

  1. Presence and Awareness Notice what is happening, and distinguish it as a pattern, not just a random set of behaviors. Simply recognizing the pattern begins our journey to balance and health. Presence and awareness practiced daily helps my clients drop weight without changing anything else.
  2. How you do one thing is how you do everything. When someone starves/binge with food, they usually starve/binge with spending, finances, relationships, and other areas. Distinguishing our sabotage patterns in one area and learning how to transform them benefits other areas simultaneously.
  3. Summary:
    In achieving and maintaining optimum weight, we must consider this vital area – Ontological Weight Loss. In distinguishing the Nine Sabotage Patterns and transforming them, not only will our weight drop, but we enjoy benefits in all other areas.

[Current OWWL Journey] You are invited to my “Fabulous and Fat-Free Forever”


You are invited!

As an Ontological Coach I was divinely-inspired in 2008 to create the “Ontological Weight Loss (O.W.L.): Your Once in a Lifetime Solution” programs, workshops, and books which address the nine sabotage patterns I have identified and how to shift them permanently. (Ontology is the study of the being of a human being, including conscious and subconscious behavior patterns.)

I am giving a live talk entitled “Fabulous and Fat-Free Forever: 3 Secrets to not only getting fit, slim, & energetic…but also staying that way.” In this interactive, engaging presentation taken from my signature O.W.L. methodology you will learn 3 secrets you can use immediately in order to stay fit, slim, and energetic forever. Please feel free to bring a friend (when you register this week your friend is free – see below*).

Fabulous and Fat-Free Forever

3 Secrets to not only getting fit, slim, & energetic…but also staying that way.

When: Saturday, October 18, 2014 1:00 – 3:00 pm
Where: Balanced Life Yoga, 417 Tramway NE, #7, Albuquerque, NM 87123

Registration: $20 – contact Donna at 505-220-1084 or ddamazyn@earthlink.net

* 2 for 1 Special (limited time): Purchase your ticket now through Sunday, October 12, to bring a friend for free.
For more information about the workshop please email Janis@JanisPullen.com or visit these websites: www.JanisPullen.com and www.yogaabqnm.com/workshops/

Here is my “official” bio for this workshop, for your information or to share with a friend:

Janis Pullen is an award-winning Executive Mastery Coach, Certified Money Breakthrough Coach, Master of Accountancy, retired C.P.A., and retired Senior Sales Director. She has taught hundreds of people to grow their businesses, achieve excellence, and flourish in life. She empowers and leads professionals to triumph in their physical and financial fitness, including weight, wealth, and leadership. Releasing 50 pounds in the 1990’s and being self-supporting for decades, Janis is passionate about helping people uncover their magnificence. She works with people who are committed to both personal and business success, including executives and entrepreneurs who struggle with feeling stuck, stressed, overwhelmed, or overweight, so that they can clean up their money issues, leverage their time, and shed their financial or physical weight in order to have healthy, balanced, and abundant lives. Janis created and coaches the Weight of Money Breakthrough Programs, the O.W.L. Weight Loss Programs, the O.W.L. Weight Loss Coach Certification and Training Programs, the Keep It Off Club, the Advanced Wealth & Leadership Program, and various other private and group coaching programs. She is a speaker, trainer, and published author.

“I support extraordinary individuals and businesses who are dedicated to creating incredible results and who are willing to reinvent themselves in order to do so.”

– Janis Charlton Pullen

[O.W.W.L. Success Tip] Are you following Fabulous and Fat-Free Forever principles in all areas of your life, even if you’re not overweight?

yoga-phrasesAs an Ontological Coach I was divinely-inspired in 2008 to create the “Ontological Weight Loss (O.W.L.): Your Once in a Lifetime Solution” programs, workshops, and books which address the nine sabotage patterns I have identified and how to shift them permanently. (Ontology is the study of the being of a human being, including conscious and subconscious behavior patterns.)

The sabotage patterns for weight loss are also applicable for other areas of your life: money, career, relationships, hobbies, etc. You may be running some or all of the sabotage patterns and don’t even know it. Some examples of sabotages that may be affecting one or more areas of your life are “Playing Small,” “Sacrifice & Entitlement,” and “Unmet Needs/Unexpressed Emotions.” I am giving a talk next week in Albuquerque to address some of these.

Ways to shift your sabotages: You may start to immediately identify your own sabotage patterns just by being present and aware. How do you hold yourself back? Where do you get off track? What is underneath that?

Once you know what you’re doing, an easy way to shift sabotages can begin with doing just the opposite. This method is simple enough, but it is often difficult to do without guidance, unless you have someone you trust to help you through the process. We don’t always recognize our own “stuff.”

Another way to learn to shift sabotages is by attending my talk, even if you don’t have a weight problem. In the interactive, engaging presentation (see below) taken from my signature O.W.L. methodology you will learn 3 secrets you can use immediately in order to stay fit, slim, and energetic forever. These 3 tips introduce you to the sabotage patterns that affect ALL AREAS of our lives, not just weight.

Fabulous and Fat-Free Forever

3 Secrets to not only getting fit, slim, & energetic…but also staying that way.

When: Saturday, October 18, 2014 1:00 – 3:00 pm
Where: Balanced Life Yoga, 417 Tramway NE, #7, Albuquerque, NM 87123

Registration: $20 – contact Donna at 505-220-1084 or ddamazyn@earthlink.net

* 2 for 1 Special (limited time): Purchase your ticket now through Sunday, October 12, to bring a friend for free.
For more information about the workshop please email Janis@JanisPullen.com or visit these websites: www.JanisPullen.com and www.yogaabqnm.com/workshops/

Of course, all of our Ontological Wealth, Weight, and Leadership Coaching Programs teach you how to shift sabotage patterns once and for all. We even have a home study course which highlights the patterns. These programs are the best way to get out of sabotages you don’t even know you have! For more information on any of these, please contact me at www.JanisPullen.com.

Here is my “official” bio for this workshop, for your information or to share with a friend:

Janis Pullen is an award-winning Executive Mastery Coach, Certified Money Breakthrough Coach, Master of Accountancy, retired C.P.A., and retired Senior Sales Director. She has taught hundreds of people to grow their businesses, achieve excellence, and flourish in life. She empowers and leads professionals to triumph in their physical and financial fitness, including weight, wealth, and leadership. Releasing 50 pounds in the 1990’s and being self-supporting for decades, Janis is passionate about helping people uncover their magnificence. She works with people who are committed to both personal and business success, including executives and entrepreneurs who struggle with feeling stuck, stressed, overwhelmed, or overweight, so that they can clean up their money issues, leverage their time, and shed their financial or physical weight in order to have healthy, balanced, and abundant lives. Janis created and coaches the Weight of Money Breakthrough Programs, the O.W.L. Weight Loss Programs, the O.W.L. Weight Loss Coach Certification and Training Programs, the Keep It Off Club, the Advanced Wealth & Leadership Program, and various other private and group coaching programs. She is a speaker, trainer, and published author.

“I support extraordinary individuals and businesses who are dedicated to creating incredible results and who are willing to reinvent themselves in order to do so.”

– Janis Charlton Pullen

I look forward to talking with you to see how I may support you in your success.


Success Story

Janis’s coaching is like a mirror that reflects back ones own beauty and strengths so that we can see, appreciate, and utilize our own infinite resources.

— Carmen Marcolina, Registered Nurse

Just Released!

Lose Weight for Life:

9 Unconscious reasons you can’t keep the weight off and what to do about it

Join The Club!!

Have you lost weight and want to keep it off? Do you want to be a part of a community of others who shares this goal? Then The Keep It Off Club is right for you!

To learn more about
The Keep It Off Club membership, please visit:
