Ontological Wealth

[OWWL Success Tip] Is your team better than you are? …Do you even have a team?

Announcement: Team Janis is growing, and I am excited to announce our newest member!

ColleenFiserWebColleen Fiser, Online Business Manager, has been doing a great job in supporting our Ontological Wealth, Weight, and Leadership Mastery coaching business. With sales and marketing strategy, implementation, project management, and related business expansion areas, she and our Technical Virtual Assistant, Shannon are making magic in areas outside my unique brilliance, and I feel the wind beneath my wings.

Colleen partners with entrepreneurs to provide business and marketing services, including day-to-day task management of projects, operations, team members, and metrics, to help her clients drive traffic, increase engagement with their customers, and grow their business. In her spare time, she enjoys golfing with her husband, Jeff, and spending time in her garden.

I am so pleased to be supported in this way. Welcome, Colleen!

Success Tip: If you try to do it all, you will be a jack-of-all-trades and master of none! (Click to Tweet)

Many of us, especially entrepreneurs, do everything ourselves in order to save money or to maintain control. The problem with doing everything is that we don’t have enough time or energy to excel in any area or to grow our businesses easily.

While it requires an investment, building team saves time, energy, and money in the long run. If you hire people who know more than you do in their area of expertise, they become that wind beneath your wings, as are Shannon and Colleen for me.

Give yourself permission today to delegate one task or ask help from one more person to add fuel to your success.


P. S. If you are ready for the next level of your excellence and support in the areas of Wealth, Weight, or Leadership, please apply for a private breakthrough session with me!

Success Story:

Janis is like a mystical spiritual guide, a loving mother, and a tough-as-nails track coach rolled into one. With her wisdom and intuition combined with a practical ability to get results on the ground, she is a highly effective coach. In one month, I accomplished goals that were incredibly important to me, and all the while I felt understood and supported. If ever I have things I’d like to accomplish and don’t see how, I’ll definitely call on Janis.

~ Megan Feldman, Denver, CO

[O.W.W.L. Success Tip] How’s your “Poop Filter” working?

filter-coffeeWhen I had an argument with my daughter last week, my friend Kathy provided support and shared with me a great distinction called the “Poop Filter.” Thank you, Kath! I loved Kathy’s explanation, and I have embellished it as this week’s Ontological Wealth, Weight, and Leadership Success Tip.

O.W.W.L. Success Tip: Poop filters can help or hinder good communication. (Click to Tweet)

A poop filter results in miscommunication. Imagine a nice clean coffee filter. When you use it to make coffee, the coffee tastes like coffee. But if you were to drag the clean filter through dog poop first, the coffee would taste like dog poop. Kathy reminded me that if my daughter was wearing a poop filter, my conversation in trying to support her would sound/smell like poop to her – NOT the meaning I had intended, but how she interpreted it.

Relationships, especially mothers/daughter relationships, come equipped with poop filters. So if your words are interpreted in a negative way which you did not intend, the other person might be wearing a poop filter. If so, don’t take it personally.

I believe that we can utilize the concept of poop filters for ourselves in a productive way. If you notice you are wearing a poop filter and are reacting negatively to someone’s remarks, remove your filter and replace it with a nice clean one – one without judgment, assumption, or defensiveness.

How do we spot and remove our poop filters? Don’t make any assumptions, be your best version of yourself, and always give people the benefit of the doubt.


P.S. I have a few private coaching spots still available. Please share this opportunity with someone who is ready to be the best version of themselves in the areas of Wealth, Weight, or Leadership. They may apply here for a complimentary coaching session.

Success Story:

Thank you so much for being a part of my life. You have no idea how big of an influence you have played in my life, in turn, a part of my entire part of my family’s life. Thank you!

Maurice Derochers, Ontario, CA

[O.W.W.L. Success Tip] You’re not finished with 2014 yet!

23096002_sHappy New Year!  But wait.  You are not finished with 2014 until you have let go of any bad vibes or energy concerning what you did or did not do.  Completion is a powerful ontological tool. The energy of being complete frees us up to step powerfully into what’s next. For this reason, we MUST be complete with 2014, what we did do or what we didn’t do, so that we don’t hold ourselves back in 2015 due to incompletion hanging over us from the prior year.

Below I have included same questions I offer my clients so that you can really acknowledge what you have done this year, create your celebrations, and design what is next for you in 2015.  Powerful stuff to spring forward into 2015!

Janis’ Year-End Completion Exercise:

  1. List all the categories for which you want to do completion.  (E.g. work, family, money, health, career, each coaching project, etc.)
  2. For each category, list all your accomplishments & progress, big and small.
  3. If you have a “yes, but…” regarding Incompleteness as you write your accomplishment list, start a separate list for those and get back to them later. (E.g. I lost 10 pounds, but I didn’t lose 20.)
  4. Read back your accomplishment list and “be with” it.  Take it in; savor it; relish!
  5. Choose some rewards and/or celebrations for all you have done and been in 2014.   Enjoy planning, scheduling, and creating the celebrations.
  6. Look at the incomplete list and make declarations about them.  (E.g. “I will put this in a new project design for 2015” or “I am satisfied with my progress on this and declare it to be complete.”
  7. Create/design new intentions and projects for 2015.

Happy Prosperous New Year!

P.S. If you are ready to begin the New Year with a new career, enhancing a current career, or getting your finances in order once and for all, you will want to check out these programs to help expand your income streams. All are open for registration now:

[O.W.W.L. Success Tip] Did you stop before crossing the finish line?

never quitDecember is here (yay, my birth month!) and some of us have not reached our goals for 2014 yet. What about you? If you have not, are you tempted to throw in the towel and give up, expecting to start over again in 2015? Or are you still determined to make the most of the time remaining?

If you are tempted to cave in and let the holidays be your excuse, don’t do it! It could cost you precious time and money!

Successful people re-frame their challenges every day in order to keep forward progress. (Click to tweet)

O.W.W. L. Success Tip: Instead of worrying that you haven’t met your annual goals, complete the year powerfully by setting a short-term goal right now for this month and do what it takes to meet it by December 31. You will be proud of yourself and set yourself up to jump-start 2015 instead of having to make up for lost time and effort.

Money example: You planned to pay off your debt in 2014 but did not. You know if you spend like you do every holiday season, your credit card bill will eat you alive in January. Instead, set a December goal to pay for everything with cash, check, or debit card. You might also apply for a complimentary “Weight of Money” breakthrough session as a gift to yourself. I invite you to visit www.JanisPullen.com/wealth/ to apply for your session at no charge.

Weight example: You have not lost the weight you planned, and the holidays bring temptations you can’t resist. Instead of gaining another 10 – 20 pounds, set a December goal to taste one bite of whatever you want and to only eat one serving of those things you REALLY love. Also set a December goal to get 20 minutes or more of movement every day. You might also apply for a complimentary “Lose Weight for Life” breakthrough session as a gift to yourself. I invite you to visit www.JanisPullen.com/weight/ to apply for your session at no charge.

Leadership example: You have not built your business to the place you intended for 2014. You don’t believe you can do this in December because of a belief that no one wants to buy your products or services during the holidays. Instead of giving up before you cross the finish line, change your perspective. This is the time people ARE investing their money on gifts to themselves and others. Be a role model for yourself, your clients, and your team by connecting with people in December to discover how you can serve and support them. Set a goal for the month and create an action plan to achieve it. You might also apply for a complimentary “Leadership” breakthrough session as a gift to yourself. I invite you to visit www.JanisPullen.com/leadership/ to apply for your session at no charge.

Cheering you to a success you can celebrate on New Year’s Eve,

P. S. My Birthday Gift to YOU! To celebrate my birthday, I have a gift for you. If you are ready to cross the finish line this year, give yourself the gift of empowerment, and start the New Year with success, you will want to learn more about our year-end special, the VIP Plus Coaching Program. This is a beautiful, wildly-popular, affordable coaching program and will be customized just for you. Schedule your appointment now at https://www.timetrade.com/book/ZKTNN to learn how this will benefit you.

[My OWWL Journey] Sharing a deep sorrow

13846369_sI want to share a deep sorrow from my personal life that I don’t know how to handle. I feel that it is important for you to know that as coaches, we have “life happens” all the time. Some of it is big like a divorce or death or child custody battles, and some of it is smaller like a new home or fear of filling a program, but either way, life happens. You all know this from your personal lives.

What we must do as coaches is to get the support we need and work through our emotions and breakdowns and keep going toward our commitment to ourselves. That is what I am doing now.

I set a very big goal for this month, and something has happened to derail me from that and from my commitment. I just learned last week that my granddaughter is in crisis and has been cutting herself on purpose. She has been living in another city with her father and stepmother, so I was not aware of all this. She came to visit my daughter last week and ended up in an ambulance and in a psychiatric ward. I learned that she has other dissociative behavior patterns too. I am sick with grief, both for her and for my daughter and my other granddaughter who found her on the floor in a pool of blood. As a coach and mom and grandma, I want to help. As the daughter of a mother who committed suicide, I am triggered. I have reached out to my client, who is a therapist, to help me understand all of this. I have also reached out to my husband and two of my dear friends to get the emotional support I need. I am crying on and off and being with the emotions as they come up. And I am still committed to my business and to my goals while I learn how to deal with this crisis.

So the reason I’m sharing (or oversharing maybe) is that I want you to know we don’t always have to have our lives perfect to be coaches. We don’t always have to know what to do to help people. All we have to do is to show up and be loving and compassionate and be committed to being the best we can be. As I write this to you, I am reminding myself to do that very thing: show up, be loving, be compassionate, and be committed to being the best I can be.

Please hold me and my family in your hearts with love.


Just Released!

Lose Weight for Life:

9 Unconscious reasons you can’t keep the weight off and what to do about it

Join The Club!!

Have you lost weight and want to keep it off? Do you want to be a part of a community of others who shares this goal? Then The Keep It Off Club is right for you!

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The Keep It Off Club membership, please visit:
