Mastery Level Coaches

[Update] Did you know Team Janis has 4 team members?

Team Janis is growing! We now have four team members, and I am delighted to showcase these amazing ladies with you.

Shannon Kuykendall First, I want to give a shout out to Shannon Kuykendall, of Creative VA Services, for her 3rd anniversary with Team Janis. Shannon is our guru in creating website, blog, email, and other technological magic. How many times did she listen to me cry as she walked me through technological jungles and make them into gardens! She also brainstorms with me and gives me support in marketing strategy. Happy Anniversary, Shannon! You are my hero! To learn more about Shannon and her services, visit:

kate_livingston_150Second, Kate Livingston is a breath of fresh air for Team Janis! She is a social media goddess and has helped us create a larger following with her creativity and knowledge. It’s been such a pleasure working with her joyful spirit and loving heart. If you like the O.W.W.L. business page on my Facebook page, say a hoorah to Kate! To learn more about Kate, visit:

kyle_zimmermanThird, you may remember that Kyle Zimmerman began with Team Janis as our official photographer and videographer. I wrote about how her brilliance helped with our re-branding and marketing outreach last year, and now we are excited to announce her new position as our official Marketing Advisor! Kyle’s positive energy and expertise support Team Janis “Scale our Light” in our global mission and outreach to help people empower themselves in Wealth, Weight, and Leadership. I cry with gratitude every time I work with Kyle. To learn more about Kyle and her services, visit:

Renee MillmanFourth, Team Janis would like to welcome a new Administrative Assistant, Renee Millman! She is an avid fitness and yoga who believes that given appropriate guidance and support, everyone can learn to access internal strength, live to fullest potential, and find a silver lining in every challenge. Of course, those values meld with mine, and Renee has already lightened my marketing efforts with her bright, quick responses and proactivity to help our business grow. To learn more about Renee and her services, visit:

I feel very blessed and honored to have such quality women supporting me and our business!

With gratitude,

[O.W.W.L. Success Tip] How to get 30% more productivity and creativity every week

In a video training from one of my mentors, New York Times best-selling author and personal development trainer, Brendon Burchard, he spoke on “Stragglers vs. Strivers and the Secret to Success” from his Motivation Manifesto series. Thank you, Brendan for these brilliant insights!

O.W.W.L. Success Tip: Be the guardian of your days and your dreams.

productivityIn order to get 30% more productivity and creativity, Brendan says we have to stop being a slave to the world’s agendas. We have to be directive instead of reactive. We have to have the passion, motivation, and momentum that sustains us over time.

He gives several tips to do this, including having a manifesto for life that you share with your loved one or partner. But my favorite aha’s came from his declaration that we be the “guardian of your days and your dreams.” Brendon believes, as I do, that we must be directive instead of reactive in order to be successful.

Here are the two ways to do this:

  1. You have to OWN your mornings by being purposeful in first hour of the day. So don’t check your voice mails or inbox within that first hour. If you do, it puts you at the effect of other people’s agenda and needs. Be proactive/directive for at least seven days by NOT checking emails or voice mails in that first hour. Instead, go for a run, journal, and eat a healthy breakfast. In your journaling, ask who you need to reach out today, what are your key priorities today. Questions like these take you from reactive to directive. They set the tone for your day. Brendon claims that doing this simple daily habit will result in 30% more productivity each week. But if you do check inbox in that first hour, you’ll actually lose 30% of your productivity.
  2. To improve your success, Brendon also suggest that you make sure you have two blocks of time during each day in which you do not to respond to anyone’s stuff (like email or voice mail). You don’t look at your phone during these two slots. You just create and contribute. These two time slots are reserved solely for the purpose on creation and contribution. Brendon says that this habit will result in exponential success.
    Thank you, Brendon, for your purpose, your passion, and sharing your brilliance with us.


P. S. I am launching a new 9-week coach training program, “Become the Ultimate Weight Loss Coach – Ontological Weight Loss (O.W.L.) Certification Program.” This is specifically for health coaches and weight loss professionals who want to enhance their clients’ success rates by breaking apart the 9 ontological sabotage patterns. Please visit CLICK HERE for more information.

[Current O.W.W.L. Journey] Why does writing a book have to mean “Open Kimono”?

You may have heard that I am writing a book entitled ‘Lose Weight for Life: 9 Reasons You Can’t Keep Your Weight Off and What to do About It’. It discusses the nine Ontological Weight Loss (O.W.L.) sabotage patterns and how to shift them for permanent weight loss.

I completed my first draft before Labor Day and sent it to my Project Manager Bethany for initial review, thinking that we would just need a few tweaks and then it would be ready for the publication process. I was wrong!

Bethany gave me wise, helpful feedback, including her perspective that my book read more like a workbook. She felt the best, most compelling part of the book was my own journey from anorexia and obesity along with the stories of my clients’ breakdowns and successes…in other words, the human interest elements.

Wow! I agreed with her. The nine ontological shifts are just concepts until we put them into stories showing how they fit into our lives. But I never thought that my own “I” story was so compelling until I saw it through Bethany’s eyes. She remarked that I could have the whole book be about my journey and how each sabotage pattern fit in. Several others I have spoken with since agreed with Bethany.

The only problem is that I have to “open my kimono” and share with you more deeply, more authentically. What will you think of me? Will you judge me? Or will you relate to me? This will take a mindset of courage, vulnerability, and transparency.

I accept the challenge! So I am dedicating time in the next few weeks to revamp the book. I know you are going to love it when it’s finished. In the meantime, please send me support and encouragement!


P. S. Excellent short videos as a resource for you: Watch Brenee Brown’s two talks on YouTube:

“The Power of Vulnerability”

“Listening to Shame.”

[OWWL Success Tip] Have you taken your mental shower today?

tut_oathI subscribe to Notes from the Universe,, written by Mike Dooley. Each day there is a little note to remind me of my possibilities. What a great way to start the day, from inspiration. My colleague, also starts her day with inspirational reading. Her book of choice now is a coffee table book our mentor Kendall SummerHawk gave us called Fight On. My client Jeaninne and my buddy Becky start their day with inspired journaling.

In all of these practices and/or meditating, prayer, etc. we clean out the negative (dirt) from our minds and emotions, replacing it with a clean, enlightened space.

O.W.W.L. Success Tip: Start your day with a mental shower to clean out the dirt, just as you shower your body daily to clean off the dirt.

Here is what my note from the Universe told me last week:

  • I am an unlimited being of life
  • I am not alone
  • Seek understanding and live deliberately
  • Decide who I want to be and live as if I already am that
  • Take four minutes of silence daily and visualize happiness
  • Contemplate how else I can view something that has happened
  • Where I am is not who I am
  • Always start again on a new train and imagine the best
  • Positive thoughts are 10,000 times more powerful than negative ones

Wouldn’t those kinds of words support all of us? Please let me know here what you do to inspire and uplift yourself every day – that is, take your mental/emotional shower.


Success Story

The growth and empowerment I achieved in one year of coaching was unexpected and priceless. Janis is a blessing to all she encounters. Janis is fun and full of life. Her spirit of enthusiasm fills the room because she truly is passionate about what she does. I love working with her because of her dependability and her follow through. Please call me for references.

– Becky Benes, Empowerment Coach, Spiritual Director, and Speaker

[Current OWWL Journey] Wisdom from my granddaughter about your business

My 2 granddaughters. They both give me so much wisdom.

My 2 granddaughters. They both give me so much wisdom.

I have been attending the National Arabian Horse Youth Championship, a week-long competition for ages 18 and under. My granddaughter did not make the cut into finals in her first three class events. She has more events to go, but her attitude has impressed me, and I wanted to pass her wisdom to you.

After every failed attempt, she had a “meltdown.” Disappointment, anger, sadness – a virtual tornado of emotions. After that passed, she spoke with other people (my daughter, for instance, who trains her) to find out what she did wrong. Then she got back on the horse and practiced more, in preparation for the next time.

Later, when I asked her how she was feeling, she said, “I can’t think any more about that class; I have others to prepare for.” So wise from a 17-year-old!

The mark of a winner is the ability to bounce back quickly from setbacks. In my book, my granddaughter is a winner, regardless of what else happens this week.

Where in your business have you made mistakes, got over them, and bounced back? Where do you need to learn this lesson?

Warm regards,

Just Released!

Lose Weight for Life:

9 Unconscious reasons you can’t keep the weight off and what to do about it

Join The Club!!

Have you lost weight and want to keep it off? Do you want to be a part of a community of others who shares this goal? Then The Keep It Off Club is right for you!

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