and Leadership

[Current Wealth Journey] QVC and me

In 2012 I had an image makeover with new colors, hair, and clothing style. You probably noticed if you have been following me for a while.

In the process, I began replacing my wardrobe with the new colors and styles. That’s when I discovered the QVC channel on television where you can order from the comfort of your own home and return things easily and painlessly if they don’t work.

The problem is that I went overboard!

As my credit card balance increased, I began wondering if I REALLY needed new clothes or if I was self-medicating because of the stress of launching new programs and growing a six-figure coaching business.

Answer: Yes! What could I spend my money on instead of clothes?
Answer: Savings, reduce business debt, or anything else!

shoppingSo I recently developed a clothes budget for myself and will track expenditures on a daily basis. This helps me to really think twice before picking up that telephone!

Wouldn’t you rather have a coach who does her own self-improvement work and can then share compassion and personal experience in addition to her expertise? I would, and I do that…you probably already knew that! 🙂

Please check out the Weight of Money Programs, in which you will find out how to earn more, keep more of what you make, and feel empowered along the way. You might also want to get my free gift, “Clearing Your Money Clutter.”

  • Weight of Money Program:
  • Free download “Clearing Your Money Clutter”
  • To your wealth and success,

    Success Story:

    I am amazed at the unbelievable money breakthrough I experienced while working with Janis through her powerful Weight of Money Session. She was able to tap into a deeply rooted money sabotaging behavior that kept me stuck and not living life to the fullest. When Janis and I began her program, I was so proud that I had accumulated wealth but soon realized how I had squelched my dreams and desires out of fear of failure and success.
    I also squelched my ability to enjoy the wealth I had accumulated because of old and debilitating beliefs. Since working with Janis my relationship with money has shifted and opened the doors for me to attract more income and to enjoy my family with special indulgences. I will be forever grateful for the joy Janis helped me to experience in life and my business.
    Becky Benes, BBA, MPS
    Inspirational Writer & Presenter
    Business and Money Breakthrough Coach

[O.W.W.L. Success Tip] Is the Weight of Money weighing you down from higher income?

Weight of Money Breakthrough Program by Janis PullenWant to make more money and keep more of what you make? Did you know that weight is related to money and vice versa? Research shows that women with 30 or more pounds of excess weight may not be earning what they could be. (New York Post, November 7, 2011, “Thin Gals – Fat Pay.”) The reasons cited are less energy, less confidence, not being as image-conscious. The research also shows that perceptions of employees and clients contribute to the lower earnings of overweight women. My work with overweight clients concurs. As they drop weight, my clients become not only more energetic and confident, but they stop hiding out and begin embracing their magnificence, trusting themselves, being more authentic. Their fears decrease, their belief in themselves increases, and they are able to command higher fees/salaries. They start new businesses or expand and succeed in existing ones.

O.W.W.L Success Tip: Just as releasing physical weight increases income, releasing financial weight also increases income.

Just as clients who lose excess weight become more successful and earn more, clients who lift their financial worries do the same. Why? The energetic weight of too much debt, too little savings, or too many bills sucks the life out of us at a deep level. We don’t know what to do, or we struggle and suffer, doing the best we can, sometimes living in denial. We feel guilty or overwhelmed. We feel helpless and alone. This “weight of money” affects our decision-making abilities, our confidence, and our self-worth, just as too much physical weight does.

So the solution is to address the financial issues head on, get to the real causes for financial pressures, not just the superficial ones. A coaching program is ideal for this, but it has to be the right one. I suggest having a money/financial coaching program, such as our “Weight of Money Breakthrough Program,” which addresses both the step-by-step action plan (facilitative) as well as shifting the deeper unconscious sabotages (ontological) in order to transform your relationship with money, earn more, get out of debt, and keep more of what you make.

Please check any financial coaching program you’re considering to be sure it has both the facilitative and ontological components; otherwise, your financial journey will be just like going on a diet and then gaining all the weight back. You don’t want to get a little knowledge, control, and relief of the “weight of money” and then revert back to old habits. You want a permanent change! Check out the resources below for more details.

Believing in your success,

P. S. Here are resource links to help you drop your “Weight of Money”:

Success Story:

It is with honor and great pleasure that I speak to you about considering Janis Pullen as your coach. She is indeed an incredible partner and being of presence. She is compassionate, transparent, honest and authentic – in fact, she puts into practice what she inspires in her clients. I am excited about the path and journey I have chosen to take through coaching. You would be fortunate to choose Janis as your coach.
~Jeaninne Grayson, CEO Center Now and Ananda Yoga

[Current Wealth Weight Leadership Journey] My dream continues of training coaches

Last year we officially launched the Ontological Weight Loss (O.W.L.) Certification and Training Program to train coaches and health professionals how to grow profitable businesses and help their clients release their weight permanently. My dream came true with our first group; they’re doing great and will be graduating this month, moving into the advanced program with ease and grace.

So we are now filling the next Coach Certification and Training Program, which begins in about a month. This has been a dream of mine since I conceived of the O.W.L. signature system in 2009 as a divine inspiration. You may know that I have been an executive and business coach for over 20 years. The weight loss coaching specialty came about as a result of my own history of being anorexic and obese, struggling with weight, and wanting to help others.

But as a former CPA and business coach, I am also passionate about helping others with their financial and business journeys. I deeply contemplated how I could apportion my time regarding business coaching and weight loss coaching.


If you would like to know more about what I am up to,
If you are a coach, a health and wellness professional, or a fitness expert,
If you are looking for another stream of income,
If you would like to help people lose weight AND keep it off forever,
Or, if you or a loved one would like to release excess weight…

…then you will want to check out Ontological Weight Loss (O.W.L.) Certification and Training Program to find out how you can improve your income, client results, and coaching techniques.

Here’s what’s on the page. In my audio interview with Dr. Deb Gilroy, you will learn…

  • Why most weight loss programs don’t work and what makes the O.W.L. Program different.
  • How this program helps your clients and/or loved ones to drop their excess weight FOREVER
  • how you can add another stream of income to your business
  • how you can receive more referrals from satisfied clients
  • how you can enhance the health and wellness programs you already offer
  • how you can open the doors for an exciting business or personal opportunity

Please be sure to tell your friends, colleagues, and loved ones about this great opportunity, and please refer them to the web page:


Success Story

kristenowens2testI enrolled in the O.W.L. Coach Certification & Training Program because, as a holistic nutritionist, I am already offering the facilitative portion of weight loss (food and movement). I know that the emotional side of weight loss is, I believe, the most important part of the process.

I found it very exciting to experience in the clients I enrolled within the program (one enrolled even before I started the program!) the transformations they saw in their weight and also in other areas of their life. How you do weight is how you do everything! These sabotage patterns really do work in every area of life: money, weight, health, relationships.

I was enrolled to learn how I can service my clients in a bigger way, but I also got value for myself. I was able to apply these tools into my own life even though weight is not a concern they shifted my thinking and how I see myself.

If you are thinking of whether you should enroll, I will make it easy for you…just do it! You will benefit more ways than just one. For you to be a fantastic coach you must transform yourself first! That will just happen and will be fun and easy at same time.

~Kristen Owens, Ontario, Canada
Holistic Nutritionist

[O.W.W.L. Success Tip] Are you guilty of Emotional Isolation? It’s a Pernicious Sabotage!

expressOne of the most pernicious and destructive ways you can sabotage your success in any area is called “Emotional Isolation” or “Emotional Detachment.” I see it so often in both my weight loss and my weight of money clients. Why is it so devastating? It actually sabotages the velocity in getting the results you want in any project!

Emotional isolation means that you turn inward with feelings which may be scary. It means you don’t share your deepest self with anyone; you don’t want to become vulnerable. You don’t want to risk looking bad or feeling rejected, so you keep inside the stuff you judge as bad.

Emotional detachment is when you don’t acknowledge or own your feelings at all. You stuff them inward where they rot, rot, rot in the dark!

Emotional isolation and detachment are forms of denial of your humanity and suppress your magnificence just as they suppress your emotions. Your progress is not just about your expertise and training. If you want to really become a powerful, effective person, you will stop emotional isolation and detachment by sharing courageously who you are and how you feel with supportive allies in a safe environment. We do this in all our group programs, such as the O.W.W.L. Coach Certification & Training Program, the Weight of Money Programs, and all of the other Wealth, Weight, and Leadership Group Programs.

As Meg Ryan said in the movie, French Kiss, “Express, don’t Repress!”


P. S. Here are the links to the programs mentioned above:

Success Story

I had the privilege of being coached by Janis when I was in the midst of turmoil in my life. Janis’ ability to ask the right questions allowed me to make decisions that brought order and peace in my work, and opened my life to greater possibilities for the future. And, I am re-inventing myself! Thank you!
~Vanaja Ghose, Artist

[Current Wealth and Weight Loss Journey] Maybe you have Candida?

candida interview with Janis PullenIn my work with overweight clients and my research I have learned about Candida and how it affects your gut and your weight loss progress. I have had it myself. What many people don’t know is that it can also affect other parts of you, including mental acuity, sharpness, or brain fuzziness and memory. Those, of course, interfere with our ability to think clearly and accomplish our goals with velocity and power.

In my interview with health expert Karen Stilson entitled, “Candida, the Sneaky Yeast that Sabotages our Health and Weight,” you will receive great information to determine if this is something you should consider as you move toward Wealth and Health in your life.

I trust you will benefit from this free resource. Here are some other resources you should consider. These programs will support you in creating a new relationship to wealth and money and an expanded stream of income. They are now open for registration:

  • Special Weight of Money Breakthrough 90-day Group Coaching Program. Contact me for specific details at
  • If you are a coach or a health practitioner who would like a booming business and would like to help people keep their weight off forever, please check out the new O.W.L. Weight Loss Certification and Training Program which begins in February. This program combines leadership skills, powerful coaching techniques, business building training, as well as teaching the 9 sabotage patterns block permanent weight loss and how to shift them. This program can be your pathway to expanding your income stream and improving your finances in the coming year.


Success Story

Thank you!!! Thank you!!! Thank you!! Your love, guidance and being a stand for me help me to dive in head first, stay afloat, swim to the finish line, climb back up the ladder to the high board and dive off again. If this was not exciting enough, thanks so much for supporting me through the program, the year and my life. I could not have done it without you. Not a line. I am so proud to be on my way. You’re a great coach and friend.
~ Steve Lorber, Attorney at Law

Just Released!

Lose Weight for Life:

9 Unconscious reasons you can’t keep the weight off and what to do about it

Join The Club!!

Have you lost weight and want to keep it off? Do you want to be a part of a community of others who shares this goal? Then The Keep It Off Club is right for you!

To learn more about
The Keep It Off Club membership, please visit: