Sacred Money Archetypes

[Current Weight Loss Journey] I’ve been noticing your patterns

breaking-free-of-old-patternsI have been noticing patterns with people for a long time. In coaching, the patterns make a huge difference in success or failure, depending on if they are empowering patterns or disempowering ones. I have been noticing patterns about people, even you if we coach together! 🙂

For instance, one of your patterns might be to be perfect in your food program and in your exercise. That pattern would serve you in your weight loss and maintenance.

On the other hand, one of your patterns might be to go for a while really well and then give up on yourself and slip back into old habits. That is the “zoom-eek” pattern (zoom forward and eek screech to a halt). That pattern would sabotage you in your program.

Another pattern might be to be really sloppy with adhering to your food program, not measuring, having too much of the wrong stuff, not eating enough fat or vegetables, not drinking enough water, etc. This is being out of integrity, again sabotaging your program.

Changing disempowering patterns requires you to notice them, distinguish whether they serve or sabotage you, and take specific action steps to change.

What are your patterns? How do they serve you? Or how do they sabotage you? Please notice your patterns and post them here. If they are sabotaging ones, please also post how you will take action steps to change them so you will be empowered in your weight loss journey.


Success Story

The most “WOW” part of Janis for me, is the ownership that she takes in working with you! She approaches the relationship as a “Partnership”, which means that she takes a “Personal stake” in your results. This approach inspires you to follow her guidance and do the work because you know that she cares as much as you do about your progress!

~ Lisa K. Hood, Financial Representative

[Current O.W.W.L. Journey] Declaring Independence from myself

EnoughJuly4thHave you ever found yourself at war with you? I have! And being at war with something or someone means we are stuck, trapped, or shackled in some way. Independence, or freedom, includes NOT being at war.

In my blog on June 19, I shared that my context of “Old, Fat, and Ugly” wasn’t working any more. I was at war with my body. I also have been harshly judgmental with myself for making mistakes in my personal life and in my business. I was at war with myself and my choices.

Whether we are at war with a country, a group of people, or ourselves, the results include negative consequences, such as energy wasted, emotional drama, self-deprecation, etc. I can’t do a whole lot about other folks’ wars in this moment, but I can stop fighting with myself – right now!

So as I wrote to you before, I have changed my context, the way I look at things. For the body, I changed to “Fit, Healthy, and Strong.” For making mistakes in business, I changed the context to “My process is perfect.” (If you are or have been a client of mine, you know that context!) For my mistakes in my personal life, I realized that I am a much more compassionate and wise coach as a result of my rocky journey. So the context shift is to seeing the gifts.

Tomorrow marks the celebration of the United States Independence Day. How will you declare your independence from yourself? And while you’re considering this, what are you grateful for in terms of your freedom?

Freely yours,

[Current OWWL Journey] Are you harvesting before you sow?

thrive-300x284I had two breakthroughs this week: Summer Hours and Harvesting /Sowing.

Summer Hours: After a long, cold winter and a long, windy spring I especially love the beautiful weather now. I don’t want to jump out of bed and hit the ground running. I want to take a long walk, enjoy conversation on the patio with my husband, and take extra time to work out. I also want to take long weekends to enjoy hiking, camping, picnicking, and cookouts.

But with responsibility of making a living, I thought this was impossible. Then I remembered that I was my own boss, and I get to choose my own hours! I also remembered that well-being is one of the pillars of success. (Check out my blog post on Arianna Huffington’s Thrive on Tuesday, June 10.) I also remembered that a few years ago when I thought I had a heart attack, I cut back my hours with NO decrease in my business.

So I have declared Summer Hours for my business. I reduced my hours per day and reduced my work days per week. I did not change my annual goals for clients and income…

…which leads to my second insight…

Harvesting and Sowing: With the lethargy of “Spring Fever” and reduced hours comes a sense of guilt that I am not doing more or accomplishing more. I have tried to power through the activities to generate results, even though my heart was not there.

Then my breakthrough came: As in the “Parable of the Sower,” we must first sow the seeds before we can harvest. Some seeds will fall on fallow soil and not grow, some will be taken over by the weeds or scorched by the sun, and others will flourish and bear fruit. But no matter which seeds do what, we must sow first and then trust that some will flourish. That’s when we can harvest.

So when I become discouraged that a certain seed did not grow or be ready to harvest, I remember this parable. It’s time for sowing; the time for harvest will be right around the corner.

With gratitude,

P. S. FREE Training Class for a limited time: “Become the Ultimate Coach: Three secrets to extraordinary profits and results in your weight loss practice.” If you are a coach or a health practitioner who would like a booming business and would like to help people keep their weight off forever, this free audio is a MUST for your business!

P. S. S. 2014 Coach Certification & Training Program begins this week. For new coaches or experienced ones, we cover all the four essential elements of a successful coaching business in depth:

  1. Shifting the 9 unconscious sabotage patterns that keep us from success, for both you and your clients
  2. An authentic way to market and grow your business
  3. A healthy relationship with money
  4. Coaching support to help you be a courageous and powerful force in your business

P. S. S. S. NOW AVAILABLE: 9-Week Weight Loss Coach Training Intensive Home Study Course, “Become the Ultimate Weight Loss Coach: Unconscious sabotages every coach needs to know so clients can drop the weight forever.” This course solves the problem that even though weight loss coaches can help their clients with the nutrition and exercise and with short term motivation, they don’t usually know how to help their clients identify and overcome the unconscious sabotages that result in weight loss plateaus or, worse, regaining the weight their clients lost and more!

Success Stories:

norahJanis is one of the most powerful coaches I know and has had incredible success with her O.W.L. program. Women actually lose weight and keep it off, not to mention all of the myriad of other benefits and breakthroughs they have.

Norah Edelstein, Topanga, CA, Ontological Life Coach

[O.W.W.L. Success Tip and Resource] Are you thinking like a woman and negotiating like one too?

Many women think they have to be like men in asking for what they want and getting it. Or they think if they want to retain their feminine, intuitive side, they are weak or powerless.

O.W.W.L. Success Tip: You can be feminine with all your gifts and resources while still being powerful and getting what you want.

I am forwarding this resource to you from my colleague, Marsha Lichtenstein, who specializes in helping women in negotiation. She has a new workshop coming up soon called “Think Like a Woman and Negotiate Like a Man.”

Here’s a preview of what you will learn:

  • The questions to ask that take you to win/win outcomes
  • How to release unconscious beliefs that sabotage you
  • Language scripts and tips to use when the pressure is on
  • There will be a lot of hands-on exercises. Everyone will get a workbook with the exercises and handouts to take home.

Visit the link for details and registration for:
What Every Woman Ought to Know About Negotiating

I believe you can be your sacred feminine goddess self and still get what you want in life.


P. S. If you have not yet registered for my free training class, “Become the Ultimate Coach: Three secrets to extraordinary profits and results in your weight loss practice,” please register today while the link is still active. People are frustrated and disappointed when their diet or exercise regimen, and even weight loss surgery, does not provide the desired results or when the weight just comes back on afterward. Wouldn’t it be great if YOU had the answer to how they could keep it off forever? Visit to download your free audio training.

Success Story:

Janis is an amazing support person. She is heartfelt and cares about her clients. In just a few sessions with Janis I was digging deep down inside myself and pulling out my inner strength, I always knew I had, but never knew how to get to. My career and life have become more enjoyable, fun and easy to manage. I would recommend Janis to anyone who wants to elevate to the next level, but is unsure of the steps to take.
~ Diane Berry, Sales Consultant

[Current Wealth Journey] QVC and me

In 2012 I had an image makeover with new colors, hair, and clothing style. You probably noticed if you have been following me for a while.

In the process, I began replacing my wardrobe with the new colors and styles. That’s when I discovered the QVC channel on television where you can order from the comfort of your own home and return things easily and painlessly if they don’t work.

The problem is that I went overboard!

As my credit card balance increased, I began wondering if I REALLY needed new clothes or if I was self-medicating because of the stress of launching new programs and growing a six-figure coaching business.

Answer: Yes! What could I spend my money on instead of clothes?
Answer: Savings, reduce business debt, or anything else!

shoppingSo I recently developed a clothes budget for myself and will track expenditures on a daily basis. This helps me to really think twice before picking up that telephone!

Wouldn’t you rather have a coach who does her own self-improvement work and can then share compassion and personal experience in addition to her expertise? I would, and I do that…you probably already knew that! 🙂

Please check out the Weight of Money Programs, in which you will find out how to earn more, keep more of what you make, and feel empowered along the way. You might also want to get my free gift, “Clearing Your Money Clutter.”

  • Weight of Money Program:
  • Free download “Clearing Your Money Clutter”
  • To your wealth and success,

    Success Story:

    I am amazed at the unbelievable money breakthrough I experienced while working with Janis through her powerful Weight of Money Session. She was able to tap into a deeply rooted money sabotaging behavior that kept me stuck and not living life to the fullest. When Janis and I began her program, I was so proud that I had accumulated wealth but soon realized how I had squelched my dreams and desires out of fear of failure and success.
    I also squelched my ability to enjoy the wealth I had accumulated because of old and debilitating beliefs. Since working with Janis my relationship with money has shifted and opened the doors for me to attract more income and to enjoy my family with special indulgences. I will be forever grateful for the joy Janis helped me to experience in life and my business.
    Becky Benes, BBA, MPS
    Inspirational Writer & Presenter
    Business and Money Breakthrough Coach

Just Released!

Lose Weight for Life:

9 Unconscious reasons you can’t keep the weight off and what to do about it

Join The Club!!

Have you lost weight and want to keep it off? Do you want to be a part of a community of others who shares this goal? Then The Keep It Off Club is right for you!

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